Voghera Film Festival ()


01 gen 2020
Inizio delle iscrizioni

29 feb 2020
Scadenza iniziale

30 apr 2020
Scadenza standard

30 giu 2020
Scadenza finale

20 lug 2020
Festival chiuso

16 set 2020
Data della notifica

15 ott 2020
18 ott 2020


Via gamsci, 1,  27058, Voghera, Pavia, Italy

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio >1' 30'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica
 Data di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  >1' 30'<
Spanish English Italian
English Italian
Condividi sui social network

Photo of Voghera Film Festival
Photo of Voghera Film Festival
Photo of Voghera Film Festival
Photo of Voghera Film Festival


Inizio del Festival: 15 ottobre 2020      Festival si chiude: 18 ottobre 2020

L’associazione Iria Cultura,presenta la 8 edizione del Voghera Film Festival.

Il Voghera Film Festival ha lo scopo di favorire la conoscenza e la diffusione del cinema e si propone come importante punto d’incontro delle varie cinematografie internazionali.


Short movies maximum 30 minutes long of any genre (fiction, animation, documentary…) and language are admitted, as long as Italian or English subtitles are provided.

Short horror movies maximum 30 minutes long of any genre and language are admitted, as long as Italian or English subtitles are provided.

the screenplays can be of any film genre, and must not exceed thirty pages.
(maximum 30 pages) The screenplays must be presented in Italian or English.

3- Works of every genre and recorded on every support, both film or digital, in Italian or in a different language, will be admitted, as long as subtitled in Italian or English.
The movies that will be selected must have Italian subtitles for the screening (our staff is available to help authors with translations in Italian)
Every author can submit more than one work.

4- In order to submit their works, applicants can:

• Use FESTHOME, indicated on website www.vogherafilmfestival.com

• Subscribe the movies directly from the website www.vogherafilmfestifal.com by following the instructions.

5- For every single work submitted it is compulsory to make a donation by using PayPal (vogherafilmfestival@gmail.com) or, as indicated on the web platforms dedicated, proceed as follows:

6- Submission form must be completed in all of its parts and signed. All of the CDs/DVDs must be labelled with title, name of the director, year and contacts. in case of official selection it will be necessary to send:

• A brief plot
• Technical information about the movie
• Director’s biography/filmography
• Pictures/posters of the movie
• Press kit (if available)
• release form completed and signed

7- The jury will select the works admitted amongst the ones received within the previously indicated dates. Their names will be published on the website www.vogherafilmfestival.com. Authors and/ or producers will receive an email if their works are selected. Judges’ decision is unquestionable.

8- The association, even undertaking the care and the preservation of the received works, is not responsible of potential thefts, damages or losses of the same, from the time of arrival to the days of the Festival.

9- By submitting, senders declare to own the rights of the works, that the contents don’t violate the in force laws and that the same contents are not libelous. In every case, authors relieve the organization from every possible loss, damage, responsibility, costs and obligations of any kind that can follow the projection of their movies. SIAE matters and the payment for the related rights, in case of music executed by a third party, are competence of the authors.

10- Works sent won’t be returned to the authors, and they will be preserved as part of the archive of Voghera Film Festival.

11- Authors and/or producers admitted to the final selection, previously informed by the members of VFF staff, will have to send a copy of their works to be projected during the event (the adequate format will be communicated by VFF staff also).

12- Authors hereby authorize the projections of the submitted movies for educational aims in schools, for cultural events and to promote the Festival. Different uses will be made respecting the in force laws concerning copyright, after the authorization of the owners of the same rights.

13- Direction can take decisions about issues not mentioned in this set of rules.

14- The admission to the Festival implies the unconditional acceptance of this regulation. If problems related to the treatment of the works received occur, the competent authority is the Foro of the city of Pavia. In case of objections on the meaning of the points in this list, the Italian version of the same prevails.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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