Hacer Encima ()


30 set 2021
Inizio delle iscrizioni

10 dic 2021
Festival chiuso

10 dic 2021
Data della notifica

17 dic 2021
19 dic 2021


Gualeguaychu 18,  3100, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio >5' 30'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica e online
 Data di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  >5' 30'<
 Qualsiasi lingua
Condividi sui social network

Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima
Photo of Hacer Encima


Inizio del Festival: 17 dicembre 2021      Festival si chiude: 19 dicembre 2021

Saturnalia Fest., The last international film festival of the year, will take place from December 17 to 21, and will feature Uruguayan, Paraguayan, Venezuelan, Colombian, Chilean and Argentine productions. You can also see one or two local productions (short films, feature films) daily; directed and starring paranaenses.
All screenings will begin at 9 pm, in an air-conditioned room. There will also be a canteen service and a specialized fair for collectors accompanies every day where the public can get records, comics, and toys from the companies Marvel, DC and Star Wars.

Gold Saturnalia for the best audiovisual work

Festival start: December 9, 2021
Festival end: December 12, 2021

Saturnalia opens its registrations for the official competition 2021, in its first edition it presents its categories:

- Free Category + 13 to 90 min.

- Free Category + 18 to 120 min

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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