Festival International du film environnemental de Conakry (0)

Conakry International Film Festival on Environment


21 dic 2015
Inizio delle iscrizioni

22 feb 2016
Festival chiuso

03 mar 2016
Data della notifica

22 mar 2016
24 mar 2016


S/C Cinéma Mobile Productions ,  BP 406, Conakry, Conakry, Guinea

Descrizione del Festival
Environmental FIlms
Festival del cortometraggio 52'<
Festival del lungometraggio >53' 90'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Non ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica
 Data di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  52'<
 Lungometraggi  >53' 90'<
Condividi sui social network


Inizio del Festival: 22 marzo 2016      Festival si chiude: 24 marzo 2016

Le festival du film sur l’environnement de Conakry (Guinee Conakry), première initiative du genre dans notre pays, se veut une rencontre de cinéastes guinéens, africains et internationaux pour constituer un front protecteur de l’environnement. Ce champ de rencontre permettra de confronter tous les deux ans les différentes approches des techniques cinématographiques appliquées à l’environnement. Il contribuera aussi et surtout à réaliser une analyse plus conséquente du phénomène de destruction de l’environnement reposant sur des approches aussi variées que celles des différents continents.

Champ fécond du donner et du recevoir, il aidera les cinéastes à découvrir et à collaborer plus étroitement sur un sujet aussi sensible que l’avenir de la planète.

Premi in contanti: 5,400€

1 prize: 2000 euros including trophy
2nd prize: 1500 euros including trophy
3rd prize: 1000 euros including trophy
4th prize: 500 euros including trophy
5th prize 400 euros including trophy

The International Festival of Environmental Film Conakry accept films that have environment theme.

1- The genre: movies of all genres (documentary, fiction, animation, education,
search, etc ...) may be candidates for selection;

2 Films are classified into three categories: short film (up to 20 minutes)
medium-length (21 to 52 minutes maximum) and feature (there is no time
maximum requested);

3- each director may submit several films;

4- Quality: To ensure the quality of their presentation, seulsles completed films
will be accepted for presentation in the contest to be held in open session;

5- format movies: If selected, films must be available for public screening in one or other of the following formats and supports:

Formats: mp4, mov, mpeg, wmv
Supports: digital version (link sent via internet), DVD, BLURAY, USB key,
HDD (Hard Drive).

NB: films sent via the Internet, if they are selected and are of good quality,
can validly be screened for the competition.

After the festival, the original copies of the films will be returned to the address on the form registration or internet if the author request by mail or email (after 3 months
the event).



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