Filmmakers Global Trailer Festival: presented by FilmmakersMagazine (0)


13 gen 2017
Inizio delle iscrizioni

28 feb 2017
Scadenza iniziale

30 apr 2017
Scadenza standard

31 mag 2017
Scadenza finale

30 giu 2017
Festival chiuso

24 lug 2017
Data della notifica

01 mag 2017
03 mag 2017


PO 9996,  90046, West Hollywood, CA, United States

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio >1' 5'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Festival Online
 gennaio 2014
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  >1' 5'<
Condividi sui social network


Inizio del Festival: 01 maggio 2017      Festival si chiude: 03 maggio 2017

Two trailer categories

1: Short Trailer: must be no longer than 90 seconds

2. Long trailer must be 91 seconds and no more than 4.5 minutes.

We will accept the following methods for all trailer submissions. ONLINE ONLY. You may upload your trailer here (if available), or or and provide us the link. If you have a user name and or password
please provide that too.

The trailer can be based on any creative project including but not limited to film, video, tv sitcom or episodic drama, documentary, etc.

Submit your Movie Trailer, Book Trailer, TV Trailer, or Concept Trailer to

Generate Exposure

Build and Grow a Loyal Fan Base

Pitch, market and secure financial support

The movie trailer, movie teaser, or movie preview may be for any project and used to promote said project at any stage including, but not limited to, conceptual, developmental, pre-production, production, post-production or completed work. It may represent a fictional feature film or video movie, TV Movie or television show, TV series, short film or documentary, book (complete, incomplete, published, or un-published) e-book, multimedia project, educational video, music video, or a web series

Filmmakers, moviemakers, artists, use the movie trailer to generate exposure! Build and grow a loyal fan base! Secure financial support from potential investors or sponsors. Use it as a pitch. Whatever your creative reason is, FilmMakers Global Movie Trailer Festival can be your ally in getting you closer to the dream.

Premi in contanti: 250$


The best overall trailer (promoting a movie, book, new media project, etc) will be awarded

The Emerging Artist Award Trophy for Best Trailer of the Year.

$250 cash prize

Promoted to distribution companies worldwide.

Posted on the homepage of for a period of 3 months and then moved to the home page of the festival, where it will be promoted for an additional 9 months.

Top 5 winning trailers promoted worldwide

Top Ten trailers will receive

An Emerging Artist Certificate of Achievement Award (digital format).

Promoted and posted on the the website's Festival home page


The best overall trailer (promoting a movie, book, new media project, etc) will be awarded

The Emerging Artist Award Trophy for Best Trailer of the Year.

$250 cash prize

Promoted to distribution companies worldwide.

Posted on the homepage of for a period of 3 months and then moved to the home page of the festival, where it will be promoted for an additional 9 months.

Top 5 winning trailers promoted worldwide

Top Ten trailers will receive

An Emerging Artist Certificate of Achievement Award (digital format).

Promoted and posted on the the website's Festival home page


FilmMakers Global Movie Trailer, Book Trailer, Digital Media Trailer, Book Trailer Conceptual Trailer, TV Show Trailer or Television Trailer, Video Trailer, in the Filmmakers Global Movie Trailer Festival is open to anyone (world wide) except all employees, directors, associates, festival judges, and, the immediate families of, the affiliates and sponsors and their immediate families.


The movie trailer, book trailer, media trailer, etc. must run no less than 10 seconds and no more than 4 1/2 minutes.

The trailer must either be the original work of submitter or the submitter has secured all the rights and has all the paperwork available upon demand to FGTF).

All submissions must be uploaded online ( or

Any copyrighted material used in the trailer. like music, images, talent, dialogue, content, etc must have the permission of owner (s). In the event the trailer is a finalist in the Filmmakers Global Trailer Festival, the producer of trailer or submitter will have all documentation available upon request.

If dialogue and/or title cards in the trailer are in a language other than English, you must provide English subtitles or title cards that will accurately represent the dialogue.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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