International Bavarian Short Film Festival - HOTEL STORIES (0)

International Bavarian Short Film Festival -HOTEL STORIES


20 feb 2016
Inizio delle iscrizioni

31 mag 2016
Festival chiuso

15 lug 2016
Data della notifica

14 lug 2016
15 lug 2016


Hugo-Junkers-Straße 15-17,  90411, Nürnberg, Bavaria, Germany

Descrizione del Festival
Theme: Hotel Stories.
Festival del cortometraggio 20'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Non ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica
 Data di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  20'<
 Qualsiasi lingua
 Qualsiasi lingua
Condividi sui social network


Inizio del Festival: 14 luglio 2016      Festival si chiude: 15 luglio 2016

Theme 2016 – Hotel Stories:
This year's International Bavarian Short Film Festival revolves around the topic "Hotel Stories". We are looking for a very special, extraordinary, creative, funny, touching encounter in a hotel. The hotel could be your filming location or the golden thread in the story. We are looking forward to receiving short films from all over the world.

Save these dates:
You can submit your film anytime before 31st May 2016, 23:59 hrs CET. The servers will close down automatically after that date. And on 15th July 2016 (expected date) the International Bavarian Short Film Festival will open its doors. The short films will be shown to an international audience and will be awarded with prizes of up to 4,000 € by a renowned jury.

Films and formats:
You can submit short films with the topic "Hotel Stories" that are a maximum of 20 minutes long and come in one of the following formats: 35mm, 16mm, Blu-ray, DVD (NO HD files). We will only need your film in one of the above formats for presentation once it has been selected for the festival. We can only accept films if they have been submitted to shortfilmdepot or via our portal before the above-mentioned date.

Premi in contanti: 4,000€

The festival competitions

Best Short Film – 5 minutes
Available for all genres and countries. Maximum film length: 5 minutes.
Awards: Jury Award, Newcomer Award, Publikum Award (chosen by the audience).
Total prize money: 1,500 €

Best Short Film – 20 minutes
Available for all genres and countries. Maximum film length: 20 minutes.
Awards: Jury Award, Newcomer Award, Publikum Award (chosen by the audience).
Total prize money: 1,500 €

Best Short Film – Travel Insider
Available for submissions by members of the travel industry. Maximum film length: 2 minutes.
Awards: Jury Award.
Prize money: 500 €

Best Short Film – 48h Challenge
Available for all members of the workshop "48h Challenge".
Maximum film length: 5 minutes.
Awards: Jury-Award.
Prize money: 500 €

Terms and conditions

The International Bavarian Short Film Festival ["festival"] will take place in a public cinema in Nuremberg, on 15th July 2016 (expected date).

Short films from anywhere in the world con be submitted, as long as they do not exceed 20 minutes in length ["films"). The theme of the festival is called "Hotel Stories" The films are to revolve around the topic "hotel" - this
can be the location of the film or a story element .

Submitting the film results in the terms and conditions being accepted. Legal action is excluded.

Organiser and promoter of the fesfival is the HOTEL DE GmbH, Hugo-'Junkers-Str. 15-17, 90411 Nuremberg {"organiser").


• Deadline for submitting films is 3181 Hoy 2016, 23;59 hrs CET. The servers will close down automatically.

• Submitting is done by registering and uploading the film to one of the following platform: ("platform"); please refer to the individual terms and conditions and terms of service on these platforms. Every film to participate in the competition must be registered on this platform. Any submissions through other channels than these cannot be accepted.

• Copies for preview or presentation that are not in German or English language must hove hard subtitles added to them.

• The right to present the film of cinemas, within the scope of the festival, will be transferred to the organiser of no charge.

• Contact details and o short summary of the film will be displayed in the program and on the festival website
[ as submitted by the participant . The editorial staff of the festival has the right to make amendments.

• All rights for film, music and images are solely the responsibility of the participant and must be verified by them.
The festival and organiser are not liable. Any claims by third parties will be passed on to the participant; the participant shall indemnify the festival and organiser from any of these claims.

• The films may be used by the festival and organiser for promotion purposes in print, rodio, TV and internet medic.
The excerpts of the selected film are about 10% of the tote| duration of the films [and not exceeding 3 minutes].The participant shall grant the festival and organiser o free right of use.

• Unless the participants explicitly prohibits if, o copy of the presented film will remain in the festival archive.

Selection, acceptance, nonacceptance

• The festival will award a total of eight prizes in four competitions: 1st competition Best Short Film - 5 minutes:
Jury Award, Newcomer Award, Publikum Award [chosen by the audience). 2nd competition Best Short Film - 20
minutes: Jury Award, Newcomer Award, Publikum Award [chosen by the audience). 3rd competition Best Short Film
Travel Insider: Jury Award. 4th competition Best Short Film - 4Bh Challenge: Jury Award.

• The films chosen for presentation of the fesfival will be preselected by the jury with regards to the following criterio: compliance with the formal guidelines [e.g. film length, topic), technical criterio {e.g. picture and sound quality), execution of the festival topic, comparison to other submissions.

• The final selection is expected to be published on l5th June 2016 on the homepage of the festival ( and, simultaneously, on the social networks of the organiser and their platforms. Further-
more, the participants whose films hove been selected will be contacted by e-moil, and will be asked to supply a still from the film as well as o portrait for the festival catalogue.

• Receiving official information about the film being accepted means that the film will be shown of and competing in the festival. The participant con withdraw their submission within three {3] days offer receiving the information about the film being accepted by sending on e-mail to (

• If a movie has not been accepted for the festival, the festival team will inform the participant by e-mail ( presumably by 20th June 2016.

• The winners of the competitions will be chosen by o professional jury or, in case of the Publikum Awards, by the audience. The prize money per award is 500€, which makes up o total of 4.000€. Every winner has the right to
promote their film with the festival logo; detailed information on the conditions will be agreed upon between winner
and organiser offer the festival.

Copy for presentation

• A copy of high quality is needed for the presentation at cinemas. This copy for presentation needs to be submitted
by 7th July 2016 at the latest. If this is not possible, the organiser must be informed as soon as possible.

• The format for presentation is o DCI-conforming 2K-DCP {24 or 25 fps, InterOp or SMPTE}. Submissions need to include o high-quality bock-up file.

• Copies of the film ore insured with copy value; any claims for damage must be submitted to the organiser within
fourteen [14] days offer their return.

• When submitting films from non-EU countries, the customs declaration must be marked "For cultural purposes only, no commercial value". The pro- form invoice must not exceed EUR/US$ 20.00. Any extra costs to the festival that result from incorrect declarations on the participant's behalf will be passed on to them.

• The participant is responsible and liable for submitting all material in time. The festival will bear the costs for the timely sending and return of said material.


International Bavarian Short Film Festival
Festival team: Anna Niedermeier, Katharina Kollup HOTEL DE GmbH
Hugo -'Junkers-Str. 15-17 | 90411 Nuremberg | Germany
Phone: + 49 { 0}911-59832-2337



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