MegaCities ShortDocs (0)


13 mar 2018
Inizio delle iscrizioni

31 lug 2018
Festival chiuso

15 set 2018
Data della notifica

15 ott 2018
31 mar 2019



Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio 4'<

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Non ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica
 Data di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  4'<
 Qualsiasi lingua
 Qualsiasi lingua
Condividi sui social network

Photo of MegaCities ShortDocs
Photo of MegaCities ShortDocs
Photo of MegaCities ShortDocs
Photo of MegaCities ShortDocs


Inizio del Festival: 15 ottobre 2018      Festival si chiude: 31 marzo 2019

MegaCities-ShortDocs is an association of public interest founded in Paris, whose objective is to inspire through short documentary films, other people, associations, businesses and governments to set in motion new initiatives that contribute to a society more respectful of the environment and offering greater solidarity among citizens.

The association is organizing the 4th edition of the International Festival of Citizen "short documentary films" on the theme of megacities. This annual festival is open to anyone and must highlight solutions, or potential initiatives, that meet urban challenges and improve our lives.

Short videos must be submitted no later than July 31, 2018, and the winners will be presented at the Awards Ceremony, mid-October, in Paris.

A propos de MegaCities-ShortDocs

MegaCities-ShortDocs est une association d’intérêt général fondée à Paris, dont l’objectif est d’inspirer via des documentaires courts, des habitants, des associations, des entreprises, des élus, à mettre en mouvement de nouvelles initiatives, au coeur des plus grandes villes du monde, concourant à une société plus respectueuse de l'environnement et plus solidaire.

L’association organise la 4ème édition du Festival International de “courts-métrages documentaires” Citoyen sur la thématique des mégapoles. Ce festival annuel est ouvert à tous et doit mettre en avant des solutions, ou pistes de solutions, qui répondent aux défis urbains et améliorent la vie des habitants.
Les documentaires courts doivent être remis au plus tard au 31 Juillet 2018, et les lauréats seront présentés lors de la Cérémonie des Récompenses à la mi-Octobre.

Premi in contanti: 1,000€

1000 euros per award for each category. All films must be less than 4 minutes long including closing credits:
1) Best Documentary,
2) Best Reporting,
3) Best Student,
4) Public Choice, all “4 minutes” max).
1 trip to Paris for the 4 awards to assist the Paris Citizen Film Festival (a trip to the New York screening if you are Parisian) and three nights at a Parisian Hotel (New York Hotel if you are Parisian),
▪ 1000 euros for the two best initiatives (the initiative filmed by the film-maker may also win a prize according to its level of impact and/or innovative approach).
▪ 1000 euros for the best social and/or environmental Start Up:
“Start Up Tech for Good” (for this specific prize, the best start up will be awarded, not the film maker)

▪ 1000 euros par award : (1) meilleur documentaire, (2) meilleur reportage, (3) meilleur étudiant, (4) choix du public, tous « 4 minutes » maximum,). 1 voyage à Paris pour les 4 awards, pour assister à la remise des prix à Paris (un voyage à la projection de New York si vous êtes Parisien) et trois nuits dans un hôtel parisien (hôtel, new-yorkais si le gagnant est parisien).
▪ 1000 euros pour les deux meilleures initiatives.
▪ 1000 euros pour la meilleure Start Up sociale et/ou environmentale:
“Start Up Tech for Good” (pour ce prix spécifique, c'est la "meilleure" start-up qui sera récompensée, pas le réalisateur)

Video contest terms and conditions



Entry in this Contest constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

is a French non-governmental organization headquartered in Paris, with representatives in some of the megacities covered by the contest.
MC-SD Contest
Téléphone: +33 (0)1 85 15 14 35

To enter the contest, access the “” website and fill in the registration form online before July 15th, midnight French time. You will then receive the process to upload your short documentary film and other components to be proceeded before the 31st of July, midnight French time.

Applications are open from December 1st, 2018 to August 6th 2018 before midnight that day, Paris time (UTC+2). The deadline to submit your short documentary film on the platform: is the 6th of August 2018. Please, register on our website: , before the 31st of July 2018.

Jury selection will occur between August 7th to August 31st, 2018.

There will be an online public vote between August 5th, 2018 (midnight Paris time) and August 31st, 2018 (midnight Paris time).

The Paris Award Ceremony will occur mid-October

Festival and screenings will occur in a chosen number of megacities between November 2018 and the end of March 2019. The Award Ceremony in Paris mid October 2018, will conclude the 4th Edition.

There are two categories of ShortDocs:
The Best Documentary – no longer than 4 minutes (including the closing credits).

The Best Reportage – no longer than 4 minutes
(including the closing credits).

The DocMaker should include in his/her short documentary film at least one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) categorized in one of the three sustainable development pillars to be chosen when filling the registration form. Be aware that the three pillars are interdependent and should be driven for the sake of sustainable development:

Economic Initiative
Within this theme, the applicant will be able to highlight an initiative or a solution which include one of the following topics (UN SDGs) related to the economic pillar of sustainable development. By economy, we mean a solution that includes a viable initiative in terms of durability, inclusivity and equity:
[Decent work and economic growth] – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all (SDG 8),
[Industry, innovation and infrastructure] – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation (SDG 9),
[Reduced inequalities] – Reduce inequality within and among countries (SDG 10),
[Responsible consumption and production] – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12).
Social Impact Initiative
A social impact initiative is the development of solutions that answer individual basic needs and cohesion amongst communities or groups. The initiative should showcase one of the following SDGs topics:
[Zero poverty] – End poverty in all its form everywhere (SDG 1),
[Good Health and Well Being] – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages (SDG 3),
[Quality Education] – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (SDG 4),
[Gender Equality] – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (SDG 5),
[Sustainable Cities and Community] – Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (SDG 11),
[Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions] – Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels -Â (SDG 16),
Environment Initiative
The ShortDoc will be in the environment initiative if it showcases a solution directly linked with the preservation of our planet and its resources. It should present one of the following SDGs topics:
[Zero hunger] – End Hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture (SDG 2)
[Clean water and sanitation] – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all (SDG 6),
[Affordable and Clean Energy] – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all (SDG 7),
[Climate Action] Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts -Â (SDG 13),
[Life below water] – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (SDG 14),
[Life on land] – Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss (SDG 15).

For more information on each sustainable development goals (SDGs): United Nations SDGs and Agenda For Sustainable Development Goals.

Applications can be made individually or with a group. If you are applying as a group, you must identify the team leader in the “Registration Form”.
Every submitted short documentary film must be self-produced by the DocMaker or his/her group. It can’t be produced by a production company.

-1- Contest Framework
Purpose of the Short Documentary Film
The spirit of MC-SD’s contest is to outline a specific urban challenge AND existing solutions or possible answers or new ideas of perspective of solutions in megacities which could inspire the MegaCitizens community to kick off new projects, by duplicating or adapting the solutions they have seen, to the local needs of the megacity they are living in.

Short documentary films can’t only broadcast megacities’ challenges.

Filming scenery
Filming must take place inside the urban area of one of the existing 38 MegaCities (metropolitan areas of more than 10 M. inhabitants). MegaCities: Tokyo, Jakarta, Delhi, Seoul-Incheon, Manila, Mumbai, Karachi, Shanghai, New York, Sao Paulo, Beijing, Mexico City, Guangzhou-Foshan, Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto, Moscow, Dhaka, Cairo, Bangkok, Los Angeles, Kolkata, Buenos Aires, Tehran, Istanbul, Lagos, Shenzhen, Rio de Janeiro, Kinshasa, Tianjin, Lima, Paris, Chengdu, Lahore, London, Bangalore, Ho Chih Minh City, Nagoya, Chennai, Rhine-Ruhr.
Classification inspired by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
The MCSD team will classify each short documentary film with one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed and adopted by the United Nations in 2015, as part of their new sustainable agenda. We intend to contribute in achieving, at our level, their goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all.
Source: United Nations SDGs
-2- Mandatory Components
Here is the list of elements that the DocMaker need to upload on the festhome web platform (
the short documentary film must be less than 4mn and for a better quality on big screen, we recommend you Full HD format (1920×1080) encoded in h264 (.mov , .mp4).
the short documentary film must include a title (30 characters maximum) and a description/summary (less than 300 characters) in the appropriate field. This summary will be considered in the final evaluation.
the short documentary film must be uploaded with a high-quality thumbnail (JPG picture format 1600×1200) that best represent your subject. This picture might be used and published for general public release.

the short documentary must have integrated subtitles in English. The font used must be: Gill Sans Bold and the size: 60 (ideally in white with black contours).

the short documentary must include closing credits with the following information: DocMakers’ name, year of production, participants, stakeholders and location. Also mention the “initiative holder” presented in your short documentary, if any. When formal information is provided (statistics, data, quotes…), make sure to check the source and to mention it in the closing credits.

you short documentary film should not be older than this date: 1st of January 2015.
the DocMaker must send his student card or certificate (when applicable).
-3- Where and how to upload your ShortDoc?
Once your ShortDoc is ready, you will have to upload it on the festhome platform: Be aware that uploading your ShortDoc will cost you one stamp (festhome’s means of payment) of 2€ excluding tax, depending on how many stamps you buy (x1, x5, x20, x50)).
On special circumstances, you may apply for reimbursement. Your inquiry must explain the reason of your claiming, attached the festhome invoice and must be sent before August 15th, 2018. The MCSD Team will do its best effort to send you the money back through western union money transfer.

Be aware that a short documentary films sent after August 6th, 2018 (before midnight that day Paris UTC+2) won’t be accepted.

The selection process will take place from August 7th to August 31st, 2018. The objective is to identify the best short documentary films selected by a professional jury and by MegaCitizens through an online vote. The 15 (*) selected short documentary films would then be broadcasted during the Paris Award Ceremony and the local events in other megacities. During local events, the 3 best local short documentary film could also be broadcasted.

Public online vote will occur from August 10th until August 31st.

The voting will take place on the MC-SD Youtube channel. MegaCitizens can vote for each short documentary film by attributing them a “thumb up”.
A voter can only vote once for a given short documentary film and the “dislike” button won’t be taken into account for the votes. The short documentary with the maximum number of “likes” will be awarded as the Public Prize (with the agreement of MC-SD 2017 jury who is given the right of approval). To avoid any fraud, if the Jury don’t validate the 1st Public Prize, the second short documentary film with the highest amount of likes will be Awarded (previous years, the Jury always validated the Public Choice).

Please note that Youtube is MC-SD main video hoster in 2018 and previous edition and only host the short documentary film and contest. Information about YouTube Community Guidelines.

-1- Quality (esthetics) of the production and clarity of the message
The image, the sound, and the subtitles will be evaluated as well as the artistic and creative angle.
-2- The power of the proposals and solutions and its replicability
The realism of the shown proposals and/or existing solutions and its impact on the megacity and how it helps improving life of the urban dwellers will also serve as main criteria.
-3- Thumbnail, title and description
The title and description given will also be considered. The title must not exceed 30 characters and the description 300 characters, space included.

15 to 20 short documentary films are selected by a Jury of experienced film-makers and documentary professionals, representatives of NGO, urban planning specialists and experts in the technology field (as well as others local stakeholders). These 15 to 20 short documentary films should be screened at the Paris Award Ceremony and could also be screened at local events. The selected DocMakers must send a second version of their short documentary film without subtitles to adapt it for each screening (indicators will be sent using a file transfer application). Subtitles in other languages might be added by the MC-SD team.

Moreover, the selected “ShortDocMakers” will receive these awards:
The “MC-SD Best Documentary Maker Award” – 4 mn long maximum and 1000€.
The “MC-SD Best Reporting Maker Award” – 4 mn long maximum and 1000€.
The “Best Student Film Director Award” – 4 mn long maximum and 1000€. The winner will be within the top 15 ranking and selected by the Jury.
The “MC-SD Public Award” and 1000€. The winner is chosen mainly through Internet voters on the platform depending on how many people voted for their short documentary film and the given notes (decision to be agreed with the jury). This award represents 1000€.

The Jury will select the 4 best short documentary films from the TOP20 selection. If two ShortDocs won the same award or prize aexequo, the money amount will be divided equally in two.

*For the prize, the 1000 euros will only be given to
non profit initiatives. If it is a single person, he will have to send us a proof that the money is used for his initiative or project.

The Jury will select the 4 best short documentary films from the TOP20 selection. These selected film makers will be invited to the Paris Award Ceremony (§): prize consist of one plane ticket per DocMaker from megacity of origin, where the film was filmed to Paris to assist the Festival ending mid-October and 3 nights in a Parisian Hotel. For a Parisian DocMaker, the reward would be a trip to New York with accommodation for 3 nights to join the local screening.

(§) Added Clarifying note : The film makers receive an email invite prior to the Paris Award Ceremony and need to proceed the needed administrative tasks to get their visa on time. No claim will be addressed to MC-SD in case the winner of the invite can’t get his/her visa, and the flight and hotel nights will not be compensated.

To get their Prize, the invited DocMakers are asked to shoot a part of their trip to Paris MCSD film festival. The film will be broadcasted on our social network (we don’t request a full film). The film must be more than 1 min long and no longer than 4 min long and must be sent before the end of the year 2018.

There will be one specific prize for the best “Start Up Tech For Good Initiative”. This time, this is not the film-maker who is awarded but the initiative shown. The Start Up owner will win 1000 euros for the Start Up development.

The two best initiatives in all solutions shown by the short documentary films applying to the contest will be awarded 1000 euros.

The Best Short Documentary Film made by a young film-maker of less than 21 years old, will be attributed a Special Mention of the Jury.

Video contest Terms and Conditions of March 31st 2017
MC-SD Administration has a right to modify the mentioned information anytime. In case of changes, the new information will be posted on our website. It is the responsibility of the participants to stay informed about possible changes (would be highlighted in blue). MC-SD Team will inform you of any change by mail.

Any information collected by registering to enter the contest shall be used by MC-SD only in a manner consistent with these Official Contest Rules.
By accepting the prize, the winner acknowledges that MC-SD neither made, nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied in fact or in law relative to the prize or to any portion thereof.

If for any reason, the promotion is not capable of running as planned, including without limitation, any suspected evidence of tampering or technological corruption or if any portion of the contest is compromised by a virus, bugs, worms, fraud, strikes, terrorists acts, criminal acts of third parties, an insufficient number of qualified entries, or any other causes beyond MC-SD control which in MC-SD  sole opinion, corrupts, threatens or impairs the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the promotion, MC-SD reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the contest at their sole discretion.

Any information collected by registering to enter the contest shall be used by MC-SD only in a manner consistent with these Official Contest Rules.
The data subject has a right to access its data collected. In addition, he also has a right of rectification, deletion and opposition to the processing of data about him if based on legitimate grounds, pursuant to the conditions stipulated by law no. 78-17 of the 6th of January 1978 modified in 2004 on computer information, files and civil liberties. To exercise this right, contact the MC-SD staff by e-mail to:

Participant declare that his/her short documentary doesn’t violate the rights of any third parties or doesn’t promote content that are of a violent, pornographic or libelous nature, more specifically, racist, xenophobic, pedophile, unhealthy or communitarian. Essentially, nothing detrimental to human dignity. No encouragement of criminal offence, war, crimes or crimes against humanity will be tolerated.

Each submitted short documentary should not encourage the consumption of cigarettes, alcohol drinks, drugs or any other prohibited products.
Participant declare that his/her short documentary film does not counterfeit from an industrial or intellectual property right or copyright, as an original work, a brand or a logo, neither mentioned any content subject to copyright and intellectual property right such as trademarks, photos, logos and banners without the prior approval of the owner. Participant certify that he/she has obtained all the publicity right to any persons who could be identified in the video.

Participants declare that they hold all the copyrights, intellectual property rights and all other types of rights, or the authorizations required, for the film to participate in the MC-SD competition and for all other rights granted to MC-SD under the terms of the present regulations. Consequently, participants guarantee MC-SD against any claims, demands, suits, and actions taken against it by third parties on any grounds whatsoever, including, but not limited to, libel and defamation or invasion of privacy. Participants undertake to guarantee, compensate and hold harmless MC-SD against any expenses, in particular, expenses and fees related to court proceedings, and direct or indirect damage, as well as any sentences imposed on MC-SD or payment resulting from a settlement signed with the plaintiff. In addition, participants are reminded that failure to hold the rights and authorizations required for the film to participate in the MC-SD competition and for all other rights granted to MC-SD as referred to in the present article, may result in the application of criminal and civil penalties as provided by the law.

Participant declare that his/her short documentary film comply with any current legislation and regulations in effect.

If MC-SD team identifies a non-compliance with these conditions, the short documentary film concerned will be disqualified from the contest. This decision belongs to the MC-SD judgment and if unfortunately, the short documentary film is disqualified, MC-SD’s team is committed to explain the non-compliancy reason to the DocMaker.

Participants give MC-SD free permission to reproduce and broadcast clips of the selected films presented in the Festival on terrestrial, digital, cable, satellite and ADSL television channels, on Internet sites, mobile telephony or by any other communication network. Any film could be displayed in the same format or only part of it (a% of the total duration) with or without subtitles, dubbed or with audio description. They can only be used as part of stories covering the Festival, TV or Web programs and interviews and/or promotional trailers or advertising for the Festival current or future editions. Permission for using these clips is granted for a 4-year period, starting on the date of submission of the film and is renewable by tacit agreement, unless terminated by recorded delivery mail at least 6 months before its term.

Failure to comply with these Terms & Conditions may result in disqualification from the Contest. MC-SD Contest Administration reserve the right to permanently disqualify any person it believes has intentionally violated these Terms & Conditions. Contest is subject to all country and local-city laws and regulations.

These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France. The French courts shall have jurisdiction.



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