Rome Independent Film Festival - RIFF Awards (24)


15 gen 2025
Inizio delle iscrizioni

15 mag 2025
Scadenza iniziale

15 giu 2025
Scadenza standard

31 lug 2025
Scadenza finale

31 lug 2025
Scadenza estesa


15 ott 2025
Data della notifica

21 nov 2025
28 nov 2025


Via Filippo Casini 5,  00153, Roma, RM, Italy

Descrizione del Festival
Festival del cortometraggio 52'<
Festival del lungometraggio >52'

Requisiti del Festival
 Festival del cinema
 Music Video
 Qualsiasi genere
 Qualsiasi tema
 Ha tasse d'iscrizione
 Festival Internazionale
 Posizione fisica
 gennaio 2024
 Paesi di produzione: Qualsiasi
 Paesi dove sono state fatte le riprese: Qualsiasi
 Nazionalità del direttore: Qualsiasi
 Film debuttanti 
 Progetti di scuola 
 Cortometraggi  52'<
 Lungometraggi  >52'
English French Italian
English French Italian
Condividi sui social network

Photo of Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards
Photo of Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards

Photo of Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards
Photo of Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards


Inizio del Festival: 21 novembre 2025      Festival si chiude: 28 novembre 2025

The Rome Independent Film Festival (RIFF) is Italy 's first independent and international film festival. Its aim is to unite enthusiasm for films and filmmaking among young filmmakers with the realities of film production and distribution.Since its first edition in 2001, RIFF has become an event that is followed with more and more interest by the public in Rome and a reference for worldwide filmmakers. In these years, the Riff has received works coming from the 5 continents, ending up being an attentive witness representative of the directions and passions of the independent film industry.

Premi in contanti: 3,000€
Screening Fee Shorts: 10€
Screening Fee Features: 35€


Distribution Award: to promote the distribution of independent international works, the winner will be programmed at the Nuovo Cinema Aquila..

> Premio Filmaker For You: Ass. Nazionale Filmaker e Videomaker italiani

> IRP Award: post production audio / video to the value of 4,000 euro.

Award for Best Italian Short film.
> The Rai Cinema Channel award is handed over to the best web short for a value of € 3,000.00, this prize is intended to reward the effectiveness of a story on web channels. The award consists of a distribution contract of the rights of the web and free tv of the short, by Rai Cinema and will be aired on, on its partner sites and at the discretion of network managers on the RAI channels.
> Panalight Award: rental of technical materials to the value of 1,500 euro.

RIFF Award for Best International Short Film.

RIFF Award for best short film made by students of cinematic arts schools.

RIFF Award for Best Short Animation film.

Winners of the Roma Independent Film Festival will receive an TIXTER Listing to promote themselves and their scripts to TIXTER.


1. Films must have been completed after January 2024.

2. Running time for all feature length films must be no less than 52 minutes. Running time for all short films must be no more then 52 minutes.

3. Films/videos must not have received worldwide network television distribution or WEB (including cable and PAY-TV). Competitive entries must not have commercial distribution in Italy to be eligible.

4. Foreign feature or short films submitted to the Festival must be subtitled in Italian OR English if not already an English language film.

5. Entries with Digital Video, Blu-Ray and DCP must be made available for presentation at least two (2) weeks before the festival date.

6. Submissions are only accepted on digital file. Entries, as well as accompanying materials, will NOT be returned and will become property of the organization and its archive.

7. Those selected for screening during the RIFF Awards will be notified at least one(1) month before the event starts by telephone or e-mail.

8. Those selected for the monthly screenings will be notified at least thirty (30) days before the event date by telephone or e-mail.

9. For all the competitions, the project must be an Italian Premiere.

10. Film producers must also agree to include in
future promotion material the mention of the participation at the Roma Independent Film Festival, the relevant section and any award received, along with the official RIFF logo, available on the Internet website.

The Jury

* RIFF AWARD recepients are determined by a jury of professional filmmakers, actors, distributors, agents and journalists.

RIFF AUDIENCE AWARD is determined by audience votes.

* All awards will be split equally between the director and the production company of the film as shown in the credits.

* DCP or file HD (and/or Blu-Ray or DV Master) to be received within 2 weeks of the event. Additional press kits, including B & W or color photos of cast and crew (on cd) 2 or more posters

Invitation and Attendance
Directors whose feature films have been selected for competition are invited as participants for 3 days. Room and board in a hotel for only one representative per film will be provided by the festival. Exceptionally, travel costs can be covered.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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