UNEXPOSED Film Festival (0)


15 1月 2016

01 11月 2016

01 11月 2016

06 5月 2016
30 12月 2016


105 Hood St Suite #5,  27701, Durham, North Carolina, United States

Experimental films.
短編映画祭 >1' 20'<

 Music Video
 制作日: 任意の
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 任意の
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 短編映画  >1' 20'<


映画祭の開始: 06 5月 2016      映画祭の終了: 30 12月 2016

UNEXPOSED Film Festival hopes to revamp the traditional concept of a film festival by exposing the selected works to a wider audience by collaborating with professors, microcinemas, and university libraries around the United States and abroad. It is a tri-annual event. Three times per year, we will screen two hours worth of films and videos in Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill, NC. At the end of the year, we will create a three-disc DVD set representing UNEXPOSED 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. This set will be distributed to university libraries, screened by designated microcinemas, and installed into the curriculums of professors.

1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize

Submissions for the UNEXPOSED Film Festival 2016 will be rolling throughout the year. Since the festival is tri-annual, there are cut-offs to be eligible for each installment of the festival's first year. If you submit to UNX FEST 1.1, your film will be eligible for all three installments. Similarly, if you submit to UNX FEST 1.2, you will be eligible for the second installment and third installment. Finally, if you submit to UNX FEST 1.3, you'll only be eligible for the last edition of UNX FEST 2016. This guarantees your film to have a better chance throughout the year to screen at the UNEXPOSED Film Festival if you submit early on!

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



