Scopifest ()


25 3月 2019

01 7月 2019

13 9月 2019

13 9月 2019

29 9月 2019

21 10月 2019
25 10月 2019


C/ San Juan de Dios, 7,  31016, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain

短編映画祭 10'<

 Music Video
 1月 2016
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 任意の
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 短編映画  10'<

Photo of Scopifest
Photo of Scopifest

Photo of Scopifest
Photo of Scopifest


映画祭の開始: 21 10月 2019      映画祭の終了: 25 10月 2019

La sexta edición de Scopifest, un festival de videoclips con formato de concurso, se celebrará a finales del próximo mes de octubre. El concurso está abierto a todos aquellos grupos musicales, compañías discográficas y particulares que deseen presentar sus trabajos, con el único requisito de que tengan los derechos de autor de los mismos.

Un jurado compuesto por profesionales será el encargado de seleccionar a los merecedores de los premios basándose en su calidad narrativa y técnica. Además, se entregará un ‘premio del público’ al videoclip más votado por los espectadores.

Scopifest quiere promover la cultura dando a los profesionales de la música y la producción audiovisual la oportunidad de promocionar su trabajo y acercando este género audiovisual a un público amplio.

現金賞: 250€

The prizes are economic and are established as follows depending on each category:

Best videoclip: € 100
Best Navarro video clip: € 50
Best director: € 50
Best new director: € 50

1. Scopifest is a festival whose main activity is a video clip contest in which all individuals and / or legal entities that wish to participate can participate, always complying with what is specified below in these legal bases.

2. The objective is to promote culture, give the opportunity to music lovers and audiovisual production to show their work, and in turn, that the general public enjoys it.

3. To participate, it is necessary to only register a video clip in the contest with the intention of promoting the work of the person presenting it or the musical group. The person presenting the videoclip assumes all responsibility for it, so it must have the ownership of the intellectual property and the authorship of the work.

4. A single piece may compete in more than one category as long as it conforms to the conditions of the same. The limitations defined in the registration process will apply.

5. The submitted works must have been produced between the years 2016 and 2019, both included. Video clips prior to these dates will not be admitted to the contest.

6. The organization will select the participants in the festival according to pre-established criteria that are indicated below. Once the registration period has ended, all participants will be notified by mail of the admission or inadmission of their piece and indicating the next step in the participation process.

7. In case of unforeseen circumstances outside the organization, it reserves the right, with the consequent notification to the participants, to modify any point of these bases with the intention of making a better execution of the process.

8. The organization reserves the right to exclude any work, whose content may be offensive according to criteria common to the celebration of festivals of this nature or that does not comply with the legal bases and requirements cited here.

9. The registration of the contestants ends on September 13, 2019 in Spanish time (GMT +01.00). Participation is free and implies full acceptance of these rules.

10. The registration and sending of audiovisual material will be made through the form that is hosted on the web, and following the instructions specified. It must be correctly filled out; Your delivery is mandatory and essential to participate. The organization may reject candidacies that do not comply with it.
11. All those registered at the Scopifest festival will send the material in digital format to the email address containing:

to. The registration form duly completed and signed.
b. The legal bases signed by the owner of the rights of the work or sealed in case of the companies.
c. The video file with the work / s to be presented, in the format indicated below.
d. Photocopy of the passport or DNI of the participant (s); and stamp and CIF in the case of companies, in addition to the signature of the person responsible for the shipment.

12. After closing the registration period, the documentation described above must have been received by the organization within a maximum period of 5 days from the closing date. In case of not being received within this period, the work will be out of competition.

13. After closing the registration period the organization will notify the contestants, whose works have been selected to participate, the instructions to follow for the contest. Once the deadline has expired, no application will be accepted.

14. All the pieces submitted to the contest must be original. The participants confirm through the signature of these legal bases that they possess the authorship and therefore the rights of intellectual property (or of the authorized license of the use of the piece by their owners), besides the cession of the right of the image of the people that appear. In the event that the participants are not their owners and require an authorization from those who are, a user license is added for the case in the ANNEX I together with these bases.

15. In case of non-compliance with the authorship, the responsible person will be solely and exclusively the one who has presented said videoclip, assuming, therefore, the consequences derived from any type of claim or legal action. Consequently, the organization is exempt from any conflict arising from the non-authorship of the submitted works.
16. The contestants give the festival the rights of total or partial reproduction of the works presented, both in the contest and through any of the means used by this festival to make themselves known and promoted: spots, web page, networks social, media, etc. This does not imply the loss of copyright on the part of their owners but the cession of the same for non-commercial purposes and linked to the festival. The transfer is made in a non-exclusive way, for a global territorial scope and for a period of five years.

17. The contestants authorize the festival to use, reproduce and distribute their name, as well as the works that participate, the images and frames contained in said pieces, guaranteeing their use for the above-mentioned purposes. In case of being winners, the works may be exhibited at other festivals or exhibitions with which Scopifest collaborates upon notification to the winners and with their consent.

18. The copies sent to compete will be kept by the festival organization indefinitely, forming part of the archive material, and can be used again in the same legal conditions specified and with the same objectives. If you want to use the works for other purposes, the authors of the pieces will be consulted beforehand.

19. Participants accept that the personal data provided under this contest will be processed in a personal data file owned by Scopifest, called "BB.DD. Contestants Scopifest ". Those data, as the name of the group or producer, may be disclosed on the web and in festival documentation, protecting those of a personal nature.

20. The owners of the data will have at all times the right to know what these are, and may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in the terms set out in the data protection legislation. In case any participant wants to make any changes to their data, they must send an email to attaching a copy of their ID.

21. As much the assembly, as the thematic one, the quality, the style of music, the used means, etc ... is totally free and election of the participants.

22. The first registration will be made through the website only indicating a URL. Once registered through the web, the .AVI file and in HD (1920 × 1080) will be sent in digital format, as indicated above.

23. The Scopifest festival awards 4 categories to which participants can present their work:

Best video clip. Recorded works can be presented in any territory and language.
Best Navarro video clip. They can compete videoclips that have been recorded in Navarra or Navarre groups or directors.
Better director Recorded works can be presented in any territory and language.
Best new director. To be novel, the participant can not have directed more than 3 audiovisual works, counting the one that is presented, so you must attach the CV.

As explained in article 4, the same piece can be included in different categories as long as it complies with the requirements and limitations established in the registration form.

24. Each category will have a single winning video clip. The person responsible for receiving the prize will be the participant or group registered in the festival. The organization is totally exempt from the distribution among the formantes of the group and / or involved.

25. The prizes are economic and are established as follows depending on each category:

Best videoclip: € 100
Best Navarro video clip: € 50
Best director: € 50
Best new director: € 50

The prize will be paid by bank transfer or PAY PAL in the account indicated by the winners, within a maximum period of three months from the date of the festival.
The amount of the prizes will be subject to the withholding and taxes that correspond according to what is established in the current legislation.
The payment of all taxes, fees and / or surcharges, if any, arising from the awarding of the prizes, will be the exclusive responsibility of the winner.

26. The members of the jury will be selected by the organization according to their own criteria, due to their experience and professional trajectory in relation to the audiovisual and musical world. Their names will be made public through the festival's official website.

27. The criteria to be taken into account by the jury for the evaluation of the works are: the audiovisual narrative coherence, the originality and creativity of the piece, and the technical and production team quality (realization, assembly, resources ...), in function of their own criteria.

28. The jury will receive all the material and will vote to choose the winner of each category, except in the case of the Public Prize and the Special Mention (if any). The organization and the jury reserve the right to declare a desert prize.

29. Voting and jury resolution are secret, personal and irrevocable. Voting will be by simple majority and will not be public until the time of the awards ceremony. Subsequently, it will be published through the different channels belonging to the festival and other media.

30. In the event that any of the winners can not appear at the awards ceremony, they must name another person to pick them up or send a thank-you video to project them, in addition to notifying the organization of their absence.

31. The winners must present the necessary documentation to make the corresponding payment within a maximum period of 10 days from the date of the awards ceremony. Failure to comply with this deadline implies renouncing the economic prize (although not to the condition of winner).

32. In addition to the prizes for the categories there is the Public Prize that will be for the work that has been most voted through the website and / or in person in the actions designed for that purpose.

33. The organization reserves the right to make and deliver special mentions.

34. The members of the jury will be selected by the organization according to their own criteria, due to their experience and professional trajectory in relation to the audiovisual and musical world. Their names will be made public through the festival's official website.

35. The criteria to be taken into account by the jury for the evaluation of the works are: the audiovisual narrative coherence, the originality and creativity of the piece, and the technical and production team quality (realization, assembly, resources ...), in function of their own criteria.

36. The jury will receive all the material and will vote to choose the winner of each category, except in the case of the Public Prize and the Special Mention (if any). The organization and the jury reserve the right to declare a desert prize.

37. Voting and jury resolution are secret, personal and irrevocable. Voting will be by simple majority and will not be public until the time of the awards ceremony. Subsequently, it will be published through the different channels belonging to the festival and other media.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



