SFO Short Film Festival ()


01 1月 2024

01 2月 2023

17 3月 2023

19 5月 2023

14 7月 2024

11 8月 2024

10 8月 2024
10 8月 2024


P.O Box 462,  94513, Brentwood, CA, United States

短編映画祭 >2' 30'<

 Music Video
 1月 2018
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 必須
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 短編映画  >2' 30'<

Photo of SFO Short Film Festival
Photo of SFO Short Film Festival
Photo of SFO Short Film Festival
Photo of SFO Short Film Festival


映画祭の開始: 10 8月 2024      映画祭の終了: 10 8月 2024

Our up coming LIVE event will take place at Maya Cinemas on August 10, 2024.

SFO Short Film Festival is dedicated to promoting short films created by College Film Students, High School Students, and Independent Filmmakers. Awards are given to symbolize a record of accomplishment and Distribution is offered for marketing.

SHORT FILM CATEGORY SUBMISSION: (Minimum length 2 minutes; No longer than 30 minutes, including credits.)

1) Independent Filmmaker Short
2) Film Student Short
3) High School Short
4) Animation Short


Short Film: Drama/Action/Crime/Suspense/Thriller
Short Film: Comedy/Romance
Short Film: Horror/ Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Short Film: Animation

現金賞: 800$


Trophy Award/Online-Distribution/Cash Award

Trophy Award/Online-Distribution/Cash Award

Trophy Award/Online-Distribution/Cash Award

Trophy Award/Online-Distribution/Cash Award

(Certificate of Award)

Best Actress
Best Actor
Supporting Actor
Supporting Actress


Best Director
Best Cinematography
Best Film Editing
Best Script
Best Production Design
Best Silent Film
Best VFX
Best Stunt

* NOTE: StudentFilmsOnline SFO Short Film Festival does not waive entry fees. SFOSFF believes waiving entry fees hurts the integrity of the competition. The same rules and entry fees should apply to all applicants so no one film is favored over another. Only films that are submitted will be considered for competition. FILM SUBMISSION does not guarantee acceptance into the screening.

A) SFO Short Film Festival is only accepting submission in the United States, United Kingdom, EU and Canada. All films submitted in any and all categories must have been completed after January 1, 2018. All films must be in English or have English subtitles at the time submitted and have a minimum length of 2 minutes and no longer than 30 minutes, including credits.

B) HIGH SCHOOL SHORT: Films must not have retain any sort of premiere status in U.S. and weren't previously released theatrically or via any home video platform, made available for digital download, broadcast or streamed on television. Films screened at any number of festivals anywhere in the world after January 1, 2018 do not forfeit their eligibility for submission to the Festival. (If you are a High school student UNDER 18 years of age you must get the signature from your parent or guardian before participating). All films must have a minimum length of 2 minutes and No longer than 30 minutes, including credits.

C) FILM STUDENT SHORT: Filmmaker must be presently attending an accredited college film/digital/media/cinema program and complete required forms to participate. Films screened at any number of festivals anywhere in the world after January 1, 2018 do not forfeit their eligibility for submission to the Festival. All films must have a minimum length of 2 minutes and no longer than 30 minutes, including credits.

D) INDEPENDENT FILMMAKER SHORT: Films screened at any number of festivals anywhere in the world after January 1, 2018 do not forfeit their eligibility for submission to the Festival. All films must have a minimum length of 2 minutes and no longer than 30 minutes, including credits.

E) ANIMATION SHORT: Films screened at any number of festivals anywhere in the world after January 1, 2018 do not forfeit their eligibility for submission to the Festival. All films must have a minimum length of 2 minutes and no longer than 30 minutes, including credits.

F) SUBMISSIONS must be accompanied by the applicable submission fee PER ENTRY and a completed online entry form (If you are under 18 years of age you must get the signature from your parent or guardian before participating). All films must be in English or have English subtitles at the time submitted. By submitting your film for consideration for the SFO Short Film Festival, you agree for Studentfilmsonline Short Film Festival to screen your short film if it is an official selection for this year's festival and are obligated to your commitment.

G) Films must be submitted as an online streaming video via a participating submission platform on FilmFreeway, a password-protected streaming URL, or on a CD (.mov or .mp4 file format) (please test before sending).

H) In the event of a password change or link change after submitting, you must email the Festival immediately with that change so we may update your record. If the Festival is not notified of the change and the link is found to be inactive or the password to be incorrect, the submission may be deemed ineligible.

I) SFOSFF screens films as digital files during the online Festival, (.mov or .mp4 file format) . Selected films will be notified 20 days prior SFO Short Film Festival which format to submit.

J) Films must have been completed after January 1, 2018. Selection for screening will be determined no later than one month prior to the festival. Films must be available for screening during the Studentfilmsonline Short Film Festival, August 10, 2024.

K) Films that have been submitted to SFOSFF in previous years are eligible to be resubmitted, provided they are eligible according to all of SFOSFF’s current rules.

L) SFOSFF reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject or disqualify any ineligible entries, without a refund.

M) Films that are officially selected to screen at the LIVE event screening may not necessarily be selected for trophy awards and distribution. Officially selected films to screen at the LIVE event will receive one complementary ticket to attend the LIVE venue. Notifications regarding potential selection for competition status possibly may occur subsequent to notifications of acceptance for exhibition.

• Films must be the original work of the applicants. If a film is based upon another person’s life or upon a book or other underlying work, applicant(s) must secure any necessary rights to make such adaptations. However, it is not necessary to submit the adaptation rights agreements to the Festival. Neither the Festival nor its jurists investigates or attests to the authenticity of an applicant’s statement of authorship or rights secured. By entering the competition, you represent that you have secured all necessary rights (including child actors’ parental permission).
• Applicants are solely responsible for obtaining all necessary rights and permissions for third-party materials included in their films, including but not limited to music, trademarks, logos, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights. SFOSFF expressly disclaims all liability or responsibility for any violations of the foregoing.

• Films that have not received a full color edit, or sound edit are eligible for submission. SFOSFF prefers picture-locked submissions for the consideration process. SFOSFF’s focus is on story, full color edit, full sound edit and performance which affects the final decision of any film. Should the film be accepted to play during the Festival, the filmmaker will have the opportunity to supply the Festival with their most recent version with completed full color edit, and full sound edit.
• Once an entry payment has been received we cannot provide a refund. If a payment is disputed by an entrant for any reason, the entrant may be subject to any transaction fees or similar amounts incurred by SFOSFF in connection with the dispute.
• You MUST include your physical address either in your entry or in your cover letter. Please do not submit a film without giving us your address, which we need for our records.
• Payments are made through PayPal or a credit card.

• SFOSFF has no obligation (other than as stated in these rules or on our website) to disclose any of the following information: a) identities of screeners or judges; b) notes, feedback, or information relating to the submitted project; and/or c) details regarding the submission review or selection process.
• SFOSFF explicitly disclaims any liability or responsibility for any comments, notes, or opinions expressed about a submission, whether by SFOSFF or by its volunteers.
•. Official Selections will be announced after July 14, 2024.
• Winners will be announced and Awards will be presented on August 10, 2024 during the LIVE EVENT. The judges’ decision is final.

• CDs (.mov or .mp4 file format) and press materials will not be returned under any circumstances. Include a self-addressed, stamped postcard for each submission if you wish acknowledgment of the receipt of your entry.


  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



