Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest ()

Colombian Film Festival In The Countryside - SiembraFest


11 6月 2024

11 9月 2024

19 10月 2024

23 11月 2024
07 12月 2024


Cra 84 77A 40,  111051, Bogotá D.C, Cundinamarca, Colombia

短編映画祭 >7' 69'<
長編映画祭 >70' 120'<

 Music Video
 制作日: 任意の
 制作国: 必須
 撮影国: 必須
 監督の国籍: 必須
 短編映画  >7' 69'<
 長編映画  >70' 120'<

Photo of Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest
Photo of Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest

Photo of Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest
Photo of Festival De Cine Colombiano Al Campo - SiembraFest


映画祭の開始: 23 11月 2024      映画祭の終了: 07 12月 2024

SiembraFest is a biennial and itinerant Colombian film festival that tours different municipalities in the department of Cundinamarca, facilitating the circulation and appropriation of national film productions, while providing tools for rural communities to actively participate in the construction of their own image.

Through its actions it generates emotional experiences that transform the public. The Festival de Cine Colombiano al Campo is a high-impact initiative that contributes to the generation of alternative exhibition scenarios and the development of new audiences in rural areas of the country, intervening in community spaces that promote the encounter of cinema with art and popular culture.

As part of our effort to contribute to the growth and consolidation of the creative industries, training activities will be held on topics of interest, promoting the meeting of the audiovisual and film sector in the regions.

The Festival de Cine Colombiano al Campo is a space for the promotion, diffusion and support of cinematographic works of national production. Any audiovisual work that represents the natural, social and cultural values of rural communities in Colombia is a film with the particular seal of SiembraFest. Works that address the traditions, practices, popular knowledge, manifestations of daily life or problems that affect rural communities in Colombia, through fiction, documentary and animation, may be submitted.

We value the creative freedom of national filmmakers and filmmakers, which is why our selection will include films of any format, length, genre or technique, as long as they are productions of quality, relevance and cinematographic pertinence. The viewing and deliberation of the films will be in charge of the Programming Committee, constituted by a group of cinephiles, experts in cinematography and subjects related to rurality who share criteria with the artistic direction of SiembraFest.


Selected film pieces will be entitled to:

⎯ One (1) SiembraFest accreditation.
⎯ One (1) bag with promotional items and the official SiembraFest poster.
⎯ One (1) certificate of participation as part of the Official Selection.



⎯ Short and feature films can participate, regardless of the year of production, with a minimum duration of seven minutes, in the categories of Fiction, Documentary and Animation.

⎯ The cinematographic pieces must be national productions, Colombian co-productions or directed by Colombians.

⎯ Films must be spoken in Spanish or will have to be subtitled or dubbed in this language.

⎯ A Colombian short film is one whose duration is not less than 7 minutes nor more than 69 minutes, according to international standards, regardless of the medium by which it is exhibited (Art 3 Law 814/03).

⎯ Colombian feature film is a film whose duration is not less than 70 minutes and 52 minutes for television (Art 43 Law 397/97).

⎯ Decisions to include, exclude, reclassify, program or not in any screening or section made by the Programming Committee will be final.

⎯ The sections will not be competitive; being part of the Official Selection will give the films the opportunity to come into contact with the rural audience, to know how each production is received, as well as to generate contacts with agents of the audiovisual industry, academia, film buffs and filmmakers in general.

⎯ If, once the call for entries is closed, the Programming Committee considers that the titles registered do not meet its expectations, it may freely invite films or audiovisual pieces to be part of its screenings and sections, even if they have not been part of the call for entries.

⎯ The productions must not have been exhibited, in public events, in the municipalities hosting SiembraFest.

⎯ The same director, producer or proposing company may submit more than one proposal.

⎯ Productions that are available to the public on the Internet will not be accepted. Verification will be made during the selection process.

⎯ Selected films must submit their final exhibition copies with the following technical specifications: Apple ProRes 444 or H264 codec - .MOV or .MP4 container formats - Full HD resolution (1920x1080) or higher - PCM or AC3 / Monophonic, Stereo or 5.1 audio (48000 Mhz 16 or 24 bit).

⎯ Fill out a form for each of the works you wish to register.

⎯ The selected films commit to mention SiembraFest in all publicity and press material.



