Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca (0)

Talca International Film Festival


18 9月 2017

31 10月 2017

31 12月 2017

01 2月 2018

11 2月 2018

16 3月 2018

10 4月 2018
14 4月 2018


2 Norte 685,  3460000, Talca, Región del Maule, Chile

短編映画祭 25'<
長編映画祭 >40' 120'<

 Music Video
 1月 2017
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 任意の
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 短編映画  25'<
 長編映画  >40' 120'<
Spanish English

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Talca


映画祭の開始: 10 4月 2018      映画祭の終了: 14 4月 2018

With an 13 years history, the Talca International Film Festival, stands as one of the major short film and debut film festivals in Chile. Our festival aims to offer a selection of the best independent, innovative and experimental short films and first feature films from around the world. On the other hand, to contribute in the exchange of local and international stories in this globalised world where ideas and culture break the borders in the benefit of all of us.

現金賞: 1,500$

There will be the following awards:

a) International Debut Feature Film Competition

- Best feature
- Special Jury Prize
- Best screenplay

b) International Narrative Fiction Short Film Competition

- Best Short
- Special Jury Prize
- Best screenplay

c) International Documentary Short Film Competition

- Best Short
- Special Jury Prize
- Best screenplay

d) International Horror & Sci Fi Film Competition

- Best Short
- Best Feature

e) Maule Regional Competition

- Best film
- Special Jury Prize
- Best Maule film

Each prize will have a trophy. There will also be prizes from sponsors and in cash.

The 14th TALCA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (FICTalca) will be held in the city of Talca in Chile, from April 10 to April 14, 2018. May participate in competition, fiction and documentary short films, produced in Chile and abroad, and Debut feature films (documentary and narrative fiction), produced after January 1st, 2017. In the Regional competition may participate films of any kind.

The festival will feature the following sections:

- International Debut Feature Film Competition
- International Narrative Fiction Short Film Competition
- International Documentary Short Film Competition
- International Horror & Sci Fi Film Competition
- South Central Regional Competition

1. General Requirements

a) The films must not have been released prior to January 1, 2017.
b) Short films must have a maximum duration of 25 minutes, including credits.
c) Feature films must have a minimum duration of 40 minutes and a maximum duration of 120 minutes, credits included.
d) Entries must not have been submitted to previous versions of the festival.
e) Chilean Premiere is not required, but it will be appreciated.
f) Films with dialogues in other language than Spanish, MUST APPLY with SPANISH OR ENGLISH SUBTITLES. Works in other language than Spanish, submitted without English or Spanish subtitles WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

2. Category requirements and description.

a) International Debut Feature Film Competition: first feature film (documentary or narrative fiction). Priority will be given to films with outstanding dramatic value or innovation in audio-visual language and reality representation.

b) International Narrative Fiction Short Film Competition: fiction shorts, made by filmmakers of any nationality. Priority will be given to films that present a remarkable dramatic quality, accompanied by expressive originality and creative treatment.

c) International Documentary Short Film Competition: documentary shorts made by filmmakers of any nationality. Priority will be given to films that emphasize on the exploration of new languages and forms of recording of reality.

d) International Horror & Sci Fi Film Competition: short films and feature films that may lead to our audience to the limit, both visually, emotionally and intellectually.

e) South Central Regional competition: works of fiction, video art, documentary and animation, of any length, made by resident filmmakers in the VI, VII and VIII Regions, Chile.

3. Awards

There will be the following awards:

a) International Debut Feature Film Competition

- Best feature
- Special Jury Prize
- Best screenplay

b) International Narrative Fiction Short Film Competition

- Best Short
- Special Jury Prize
- Best screenplay

c) International Documentary Short Film Competition

- Best Short
- Special Jury Prize
- Best screenplay

d) International Horror & Sci Fi Film Competition

- Best Short
- Best Feature

e) Maule Regional Competition

- Best film
- Special Jury Prize
- Best Maule film

Each prize will have a trophy. There will also be prizes from sponsors and in cash.

4. Submissions

The participation in the call for entries of the festival will cost USD$ 10, 15, 20 and 25 for foreign short films and USD$ 15, 20, 25 and 30 for foreign feature films. Free for Chileans.

a) Deadlines and fees: submissions may be made from September 10, 2017 until February 11, 2018, date in which evaluation materials must be in possession of the festival’s organization. Works received after that date will not be considered.

- Early Bird Submission deadline: October 31, 2017. USD$ 10 shorts / 15 features
- Regular Submission deadline: December 31, 2017. USD$ 15 shorts / 20 features
- Late Submission deadline: February 1st, 2018. USD$ 20 shorts / 25 features
- Extended Submission deadline: February 11, 2018. USD$ 25 shorts / 30 features

b) Submission method:

Festhome platform:

Film, form, and materials required by the platform in the following link: https://festhome.com/festival/270

Email or Regular Mail submissions won’t be accepted.

5. Selected Films

The festival jury will be composed of personalities from the audiovisual, artistic and cultural fields of the national medium and its decisions regarding the awards will not be challenged.
The producers of the selected works will be contacted by email no later than March 10, 2018 and they will be indicated with the next steps to follow.

a) Exhibition copy: exhibition copy must be sent in MOV HD video container with Prores codec or H.264 codec in high quality and low compression or DCI complaint DCP.

b) Language: exhibition copies of NON-SPANISH SPOKEN FILMS MUST HAVE SPANISH SUBTITLES. The producer must provide a copy with burned Spanish subtitles or deliver a .srt subtitle in case of sending a MOV file. Failure to comply with this requirement implies the automatic elimination of the film from competition.

c) Deadline: exhibition copy must be in possession of the festival no later than April 1st, 2018.

6. Final considerations

Once submitted, the film not may be withdrawn by participants in case of being selected.
The Organizing Committee is not responsible for loss or damage to materials during shipment or return.
Winning entries must include in their credits and promotional materials, the prize awarded in this competition.
The Organization reserves the power to disqualify a work that once selected, does not comply with the rules and regulations of the contest.
Any situation not indicated in these rules will be resolved by the Organizing Committee of the festival.
The festival will not pay screening fees.
The works participating in the 14th Talca International Film Festival, must agree to the conditions of these rules and regulations.

More information:

Web: http://www.fictalca.cl/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/FICTalca
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FICTalca

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



