Retama, Festival de Cine Latinoamericano ()

Retama, Latin American Film Festival


23 8月 2024

23 9月 2024

19 10月 2024

09 11月 2024
15 11月 2024


Portal Municipal Nº 44 Parque Sucre, Ayacucho Ayacucho - Perú,  005100, Ayacucho, Huamanga, Peru

短編映画祭 20'<
長編映画祭 >60'

 Music Video
 1月 2022
 制作国: 必須
 撮影国: 必須
 監督の国籍: 必須
 短編映画  20'<
 長編映画  >60'

Photo of Retama, Festival de Cine Latinoamericano
Photo of Retama, Festival de Cine Latinoamericano
Photo of Retama, Festival de Cine Latinoamericano
Photo of Retama, Festival de Cine Latinoamericano


映画祭の開始: 09 11月 2024      映画祭の終了: 15 11月 2024

Retama, Latin American Film Festival, was born in search of an intermediate and nodal space that reflects on the forms of representation of territories, social and ethnic groups from the cinematographic perspective, as well as as a place of vanguard of the most daring contemporary Latin American cinema. daring and innovative.

Being an exhibition showcase, as well as a training point from observation for local filmmakers in search of their own perspective.

Latin American Feature Film Competition:
Best Latin American Film Trophy

Latin American Short Film Competition:
Best Latin American Short Film Trophy

Peruvian Music Video Competition:
Best Peruvian Music Video Trophy

Audience Award
Special Unsch Community Award

In addition, the jury (if it so decides) may award special mentions in: direction, cinematography, sound, editing, etc.

*Additional awards may be added, which will be announced through our social networks.


1. The 2nd Retama Latin American Film Festival will take place from November 9 to 15, 2024.

2. Each participant may submit one or more works.

3. The works can be registered in the following categories:

Latin American Feature Film Competition

Latin American Short Film Competition

Peruvian Music Video Competition


4. The registration involves the following cost through Festhome (Peruvian works do not pay):

Latin American Feature Film Competition: $1.5 usd

Latin American Short Film Competition: $1.0 usd

Latin American Music Video Competition: $1.0 usd

4.1 Some platforms may charge an additional amount, however, we will maintain the same base

4.2 Peruvian works are exempt from payment, so they can be sent through the platforms or via google forms.

4.3 Films and music videos from Venezuela, Cuba and Haiti can request a waiver code to be exempt from payment, to do so they must send an email to:

5. Films and/or music videos must be sent (with the exception of Peruvian works) through the Festhome platform. Films will not be received by any other means.

Latin American Feature Film Competition:

6. Films directed or originating from any Latin American country, with a duration of more than 60 minutes, produced from 2022 onwards, which have not been previously screened within the festival. Without genre restrictions.

Latin American Short Film Competition:

7. Films directed or originating from any Latin American country, with a duration of less than 20 minutes, produced from 2022 onwards, which have not been previously screened within the festival. Without genre restrictions.

Peruvian Music Video Competition:

8. Music videos directed or filmed in Peruvian territory. Made from 2022 onwards. No restrictions on genre or duration.

9. Under no circumstances will registrations be accepted after 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 22 of the current year.


10. If the work is selected, the person who made the registration will be notified and will be informed of the instructions for sending the screening copy, as well as the required editorial information.

11. The Selection Committee will be made up of members of Retama, as well as guest curators and programmers who will carry out their work according to the quality and creativity parameters previously established by the Artistic Direction of the festival. The programming and curatorial team by category will be announced through our website and social networks.

12. The Selection Committee reserves the right to change the category of a submitted work if it deems it appropriate, previously notifying the person responsible.

13. The festival does not cover travel expenses or any other expenses, but may support the search for funding with national institutions to cover such expenses. However, applications to these institutions must be made directly by the filmmakers.


14. The jury will be composed of recognized national and international personalities from the audiovisual media and culture. The members will be announced in due time before the festival is held.

15. The members of the jury may not participate in any way in the cases contemplated by this call.

16. No member of the Retama Organizing Committee may be part of the jury.

17. The jury's decision is final.


18. The registration of the works implies the total acceptance of these rules. The interpretation and application of the same corresponds solely and exclusively to the Organizing Committee of Retama, Latin American Film Festival.


August 23 | Call for entries opens.

September 22 | Call for entries closes.

October 15 | Official Selection Announcement

November 9-15 | 2nd Retama, Latin American Film Festival.

For any clarification, doubt or additional information please write to

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



