Animated Short Film
International animation short-films from any country except Mexico (Ver: Cortometraje Mexicano) free style or technique from any year are allowed as long as they are less than 30 minutes long. Only 2 short-films per author. Please include subtitles both un english and spanish in case of speaking any other language.
Full-Length & Medium-Length Animated Film
International animation full-lenght & medium-length films from any country, any style or technique from any year are allowed as long as they are more than 30 minutes long. Please include subtitles both in english and spanish in case of speaking any other language.
Experimental Animation Video
International experimental animation videos from any country free style or technique from any year and any length are allowed. Only 2 short-films per author. Please include subtitles both un english and spanish in case of speaking any other language.
Mexican Short Films
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.