The ZOOM Student Film Festival is a prestigious student event that is internationally renowned for showcasing undiscovered aspiring filmmakers. Awards are presented by the ZOOM Board of Directors to recognize exemplary achievement in promising filmmakers and encourage them to pursue their dreams within the film industry. Most recently, the local Toronto festival has broadened it's scope - accepting submissions from international students. The ZOOM Student Film Festival has lead many filmmakers to great success and connects thousands of filmmakers from around the world every year.
i. By submitting your video, you are promising that you own all rights to all material in your video, including the music, images, script, and rights to include all persons, places or organizations included or depicted. You agree to indemnify the ZOOM Film Festival, including for legal costs, against any challenges to the ownership, use of, or rights to material in your video.
a. There is a significant amount of video and audio available online that falls under Creative Commons licensing. It is permissible to use Creative Commons video and/or audio in your entry as long as you meet the requirements of the particular license. For more details, visit
I acknowledge that I have read and accept the rules, regulations and guidelines for participation in the ZOOM Film Festival. I expect no compensation of any kind, including financial, from the ZOOM Film Festival or its coordinators for the usage or showcase of my short film. I agree that I have secured all necessary rights for this short film. I hereby indemnify, defend and hold harmless the coordinators of ZOOM Film Festival, individually and collectively, from all claims and complaints, causes of action, liabilities, judgments, losses, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees arising out of or in connection with any and all claims and third party claims based on the materials I am submitting to ZOOM Film Festival.