Muestra no competitva de cortometrajes Ibiza Audiovisual (0)

Ibiza Audiovisual


12 6월 2017
출품 요청

31 12월 2017
영화제 마감

25 1월 2018

24 1월 2018
28 4월 2018


Av. Ignacio Wallis 26,  07800, Ibiza, Islas Baleares, Spain 스페인

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 20'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  20'<
Catalan Spanish
Catalan Spanish
소셜 네트워크에서 공유


영화제 시작: 24 1월 2018      영화제 끝: 28 4월 2018

I Muestra no competitiva de cortometrajes IBIZA AUDIOVISUAL


The production company Filmótica convenes the "I Non-competitive exhibition of short films Ibiza Audiovisual", which will make its first edition as a parallel section of the Ibizacinefest, in January 2018.

In order to be selected, the submitted works must have, at least, one of the following conditions:

"A plane shot on the island of Ibiza.

-A scene set on the island of Ibiza.

-Mencionar to the island of Ibiza in some of its dialogues.

The submitted works can not exceed 20 minutes, including their titles of credits. And all those works whose dialogues are in a language other than Spanish or Catalan, must be subtitled in one of these two languages. The cortomatrajes may be fictional, experimental or documentary.

In this edition only one short film per director is admitted.

With the selected works a tab will be made on the Internet to configure a database of the ibicenco audiovisual.

The short film, in mov or mpeg4 format, must be sent via wetransfer to the email before November 30, 2017, along with a technical and artistic file with the argument in pdf format, three photographs or frames of The production and the poster of the short film.

The management of Ibiza Audiovisual may refuse to those works that do not meet the conditions of admission or that present a low level of quality.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
