Capital City Film Festival ()
2500 S. Washington,
48915, Lansing, Michigan, United States
영화제 개요
단편 영화제 20'<
장편 영화제 >50' 140'<
영화제 참가요건
Music Video
모든 장르
모든 테마
출품비 있음
국제 영화제
실제 위치
1월 2016
제작 국가: 기타
촬영 국가: 기타
감독 국적: 기타
데뷔 영화
학교 프로젝트
단편영화 20'<
장편영화 >50' 140'<
Feature Film
Fantastic long form storytelling is actively encouraged in the Palm-Star of Michigan, great narratives of all genre are welcome!
Documentary Feature
Documentary Feature submissions should be between 60 and 120 minutes in length and must be non-fiction. Please Note: DO NOT submit your film in this category if it is a student-produced work. Please see the Student submission category for full guidelines.
Student submissions may be of any length or genre. Films must be student work. Along with your submission, INCLUDE PROOF OF STUDENT STATUS. An unofficial transcript proving enrollment in at least one semester since January 2013, meaning that you've been in school no longer ago than spring semester 2013, is REQUIRED. Please Note: DO NOT submit your film in this category unless it is a student production.
Non-student Short
Non-student Short submissions should be under 40 minutes in length. Films over 40 minutes in length will not be considered. There are no genre restrictions in this category. Please Note: DO NOT submit your film in this category if it is a student-produced work. Please see the Student submission category for full guidelines.
Interactive Media
If your submission does not comfortably fit into one of the other categories, this Interactive Media should be for your games, non-traditional digital storytelling and interactive experiences. If you have any questions, feel free to ask before submitting in this category. Student projects are encouraged to use the discounted student rate (and provide proof of eligibility).
Music Video
TV Program
For those with a TV pilot or a one-off program that is aspiring for a half hour or an hour long time slot. Content needs to be between 25 minutes and a hour in length.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.