IV Festival De Cine De Novelda ’Premios Acan’ ()

Premios Acan


01 2월 2024
출품 요청

30 4월 2024
영화제 마감

03 6월 2024

22 6월 2024
28 6월 2024


Carrer Dr. Fleming, 40,  03660, NOVELDA, ALICANTE, Spain 스페인

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 >1' 15'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국가 영화제
 실제 위치
 1월 2023
 제작 국가: 필수
 촬영 국가: 필수
 감독 국적: 필수
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  >1' 15'<
Catalan Spanish Basque Galician
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of IV Festival De Cine De Novelda ’Premios Acan’
Photo of IV Festival De Cine De Novelda ’Premios Acan’

Photo of IV Festival De Cine De Novelda ’Premios Acan’
Photo of IV Festival De Cine De Novelda ’Premios Acan’


영화제 시작: 22 6월 2024      영화제 끝: 28 6월 2024

The Novelda Film Festival Acan Awards
The Novelda Film Festival Acan Awards, organized by the Novelda film and art association, announces the bases to qualify for the awards of its 4ª edition to be held on June 22 and 28, 2024.

The aim of the contest is to promote film culture. Culture is considered a source of wealth and, in this sense, the local promotion of the cultural offer also serves to promote the economic and local development of our municipality. The city of Novelda deserved a Film Festival that would put the municipality on the map of the main festivals in the province of Alicante.

In this third edition, it is also sought to promote the making of short films that show the culture of the municipality of Novelda and Alicante

현금 수상: 1,600€

- Jury Award for Best Short Film 400€ + Trofeo

- Audience Award for Best Alicante Short Film 300€ + Trofeo

- Jury Award for the Best Lgtbiq+ Short Film 300€ + Trofeo

- Jury Prize for Best Short Film in the Short Films for Equality Section: €300 + Trophy

- Local Jury Award for Best Documentary Short Film 300€ + Trofeo

1.The Festival will take place in Novelda from June 22 to 28, 2024. The Festival reserves the right to modify the dates for security reasons and prior notice.

2. Free-themed short film productions may participate. The production of the short films must be after 2023

3. Registration will be made through the platforms hosted on the web www.festivaldecinedenovelda.com. There is no limitation on the number of short films presented by the same participant.

4. The section for Gender Equality seeks to reward and promote short films that deal with Equality. In this section, only works that talk about this topic will be admitted, the rest will be disqualified.

4.1 The short films selected within the Alicante short section will be eligible for the audience award. Short films shot by Acan partners will only compete for the Audience Award.

5. All people or private spaces that appear in the short films must do so with their consent. In no case will those short films that threaten a group, contain discriminatory material and/or violate the dignity of people, be accepted. The contestants are responsible for the fact that there are no third-party rights on the works presented, being the participating person who responds to possible claims.

6. The short films must be owned by the author or authors who present them and previously unpublished in this festival.

7. The duration of the short films must not exceed 15 minutes. Short films on the genres of fiction, documentary and animation are admitted.

8. The works must be presented in any of the following video formats: Mov. or in mp4.

. There is no age limit to participate, but for participants under 18 years of age it is mandatory to send an authorization signed by their parents or legal guardians to our email asociaciondecinenovelda@gmail.com

10. All those short films whose original dialogues are not in Spanish must be subtitled in Spanish. If not, they will be rejected.

11. The presentation period for short films is from February 1 to April 30 at 11:59 p.m., 2024. Short films presented after this date will not enter the current edition of the festival. The festival reserves the right to extend this period, with prior notice, if the quality of the works presented lacks the desired quality or to leave any prize void for this same reason.

12. A selection committee will be in charge of viewing the short films and selecting the finalists that will be incorporated into the festival's programming. The resolution of the committee will be notified to all the participants through the registration platforms, prior to the publication of the list of selected titles.
The selected works will be required a projection copy in a .mov or .mp4 container that they can send using any digital means of sending files.

13. The following awards and categories are established:

- Jury Prize for Best Short Film €400 + Trophy

- Audience Award for Best Alicante Short Film €300 +

- Jury Award for Best Lgtbiq+ Short Film €300 +

- Jury Prize for Best Short Film Short Films for Equality Section €300 + Trophy

- Jury Prize for Best Documentary Short Film €300 +

14. The decisions of the Official Jury will be final.

14.1 The decision of the different prizes will be made official during the closing ceremony, on June 28, 2024. The festival organization will contact the winners, prior to said date, in order to facilitate their attendance. to collect the award. Non-attendance at the awards ceremony will not imply any loss on the rights to collect the prize, but a thank you video will be requested.

14.2 The payment of the prize will be made to the directors of the short films.

15. The selected short films will transfer the exhibition rights only within the festival programming. In no case will the ACAN Premiso Short Film Festival transfer the work to third parties, nor will it disseminate it in whole or in part through the Internet or other digital media.

16. Registration implies acceptance of all bases. Taking part in the festival presupposes the acceptance of these bases.



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