CineGlobe is the International Film Festival at CERN, the world's largest physics laboratory. Every year, CineGlobe showcases films and VR projects of all genres, inspired by science and technology. In 2018, CineGlobe concentrates on the theme "Intelligent Futures" and accepts films in four categories:
- Fiction, less than 15 minutes
- Documentary, less than 30 minutes
- Youth Films, less than 10 minutes
- VR projects of any length and style
Intelligent Futures:
In our race to handle the information overload of our times, we have created machines that can learn. For now, they can only learn what we teach them - but could the dream of unsupervised learning and real Artificial Intelligence become a reality? And apart from machines, how can we use this mountain of knowledge to learn and be more intelligent ourselves? In 2018, CineGlobe seeks films of all perspectives on our shared and hopefully Intelligent Futures.
CineGlobe awards two "Golden CineGlobes" for every competition, one awarded by the international jury and one chosen by the public.
Rules of the CineGlobe International Film Festival 2018
Article 1 : The 2018 CineGlobe International Film Festival at CERN will take place from June 29 – July 8, 2018, at the Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN and other venues in the area.
The event address is CineGlobe, CERN, Route de Meyrin, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland.
Article 2 : The festival consists of four competitions. Each film can be submitted to only one competition. All competitions are open to both amateurs and professionals for films that were not submitted to previous editions of the festival. Associates of the festival and members of the juries may not participate in the competitions.
Article 3 : The Fiction competition is open to fiction films up to fifteen (15) minutes in length, credits excluded, completed since January 1st 2015.
Article 4 : The Documentary competition is open to documentary films up to thirty (30) minutes in length, credits excluded, completed since January 1st 2015.
Article 5 : The Youth Film competition is open to films up to ten (10) minutes in length, credits excluded, of any genre, completed since January 1st 2015. Films must be suitable for all ages.
Article 6 : The VR (Virtual Reality) 360° video competition is open to narrative (non-interactive) works of any length, of any genre, completed since January 1st 2015.
Article 7 : The theme of the festival is “Intelligent Futures”. Submitted films must adhere to the theme and mission of the festival (given below), whether they be fiction or documentary.
Intelligent Futures:
We live in an age where we can talk to computers and they can provide us with answers almost instantaneously. Those answers draw from a web of knowledge, taken from the internet and other sources, often the result of centuries of research and the shared property of the whole human race. The quantity of information available to us is increasing exponentially, while obstacles to accessing it are being reduced. Open access to this information enables research, experimentation, and the creation of new knowledge. New services and products based on the instantaneous availability of information promise to make our lives easier and healthier, if all of the information is truly and fully understood.
And yet, we do not have to look far for evidence of abuse - information manipulated, images doctored, quotes taken out of context. And much of this - through the likes of chat bots - is possible without human intervention, through the use of Artificial Intelligence. In our race to handle the information deluge, we have created machines that can learn. For now, they can only learn what we teach them - but could the dream of unsupervised learning and real Artificial Intelligence become a reality? And apart from machines, how can we use this mountain of knowledge to learn and be more intelligent ourselves? In 2018, CineGlobe seeks films of all perspectives on our shared and hopefully Intelligent Futures.
Article 8 : All films submitted to the festival must be registered and subscribed to the appropriate competition using the “Festhome” website ( Entrants will be able to monitor the status of their submissions through the web site. By submitting a film the entrant agrees to all rules governing the festival.
Article 9 : The languages of the festival are English and French. All films containing dialogue must be in either English or French, or be subtitled in either English or French. Entrants give implicit consent for their films to be subtitled in English and French without requiring prior approval.
Article 10 : The deadline for submissions to all competitions other than the VR competition is March 31, 2018. The deadline for submissions to the VR competition is April 18, 2018. Films sent after the deadline or which are longer than the maximum length for the competition will not be considered.
Article 11 : After registering a film with Festhome ( and subscribing it to a festival competition, a preview copy must be uploaded at the website in accordance with Short Film Depot’s technical specifications, with any subtitles burned into the film. Please note that DVDs are no longer accepted.
Article 12 : The festival program will be selected by a committee to be determined by the festival, which reserves the right to make changes to the selection committee at any time without notice.
Article 13 : Entrants whose films are selected will be contacted by email and will be able to see the selected status of their films on the Festhome website. The entrants of selected films will be asked to supply a high quality file copy of their film to the specifications requested. Analogue formats and cassettes will not be accepted. If the high quality file copy is not supplied within four weeks and or does not meet the technical specifications, the organisers reserve the right to either project the copy of the film already provided for selection or to remove the film from the festival
Article 14 : The organisers will not provide feedback on submitted films.
Article 15 : There will be two awards per competition. The “Golden CineGlobe” for Best Film will be attributed by a jury of professionals designated by the festival direction and the CineGlobe Audience Favorite award will be attributed according to public balloting during the festival screenings. The deliberations of the jury for each competition will be presided over by a President of the Jury, and are not open to the public. Jury decisions are final and without appeal.
Article 16 : All the awards will be announced during a ceremony at the end of the festival. The festival reserves the right to modify any of the awards and/or prizes at any time and without prior notice.
Article 17 : All entrants give to the festival the right, in perpetuity, to use extracts from all selected films, in advertising, promotion and screenings for the festival on international television, radio, the web and in cinemas. Extracts will be limited to 10% of the total duration of the film. No film will be used for commercial purposes.
Article 18 : All entrants give to the festival the right, in perpetuity, to use all submitted films partially or in their entirety in future public and private screenings by the festival and its associated partners.
Article 19 : All entrants assume for the organisers and the jury all responsibility against third party claims concerning the originality of works submitted. The organisers of CineGlobe accept no liability for copyright infringement associated with works submitted to the festival. In addition, the festival reserves the right to seek damages from entrants who submit work for which they do not have exhibition rights.
Article 20 : The presence of entrants during the festival, and in particular during the award ceremony on Friday, July 6, 2018, is greatly desired. However, it is not required for participation in the competitions.
Article 21 : The festival organisers reserve the right to change these rules at any time. In addition, the organisers reserve the right to cancel the festival without notice in the event of conditions beyond their control. All changes will be communicated via the website
단편영화 15'<
출품 마감일
30 4월 18
Open to fiction films, hybrid fiction films, and fiction animation films, as well as experimental works.
단편영화 30'<
출품 마감일
30 4월 18
Open to documentary films, hybrid documentary films, and documentary animation films, as well as experimental documentary works.
Youth Films
출품 마감일
30 4월 18
Youth films must be accessible to a young audience, but the best youth films are just as interesting for the parents as they are for the kids! The Youth Films will be shown exclusively during family sessions that are open to all ages, from 0 to 120!
VR Films and Projects
출품 마감일
30 4월 18
We are looking for narrative (non-interactive) VR pieces in 360° video that are inspired in some way by science and technology and their role in modern life.