출품 마감일
28 5월 18
17 4월 2018
출품 요청
28 5월 2018
영화제 마감
20 8월 2018
20 9월 2018
22 9월 2018
영화제 시작: 20 9월 2018 영화제 끝: 22 9월 2018
The V edition of CORTOSPLASH will take place from September 20 to 22 2017. During the period of the festival will be organized events and collateral activities such as retrospectives, monographs, sections out of competition, photo exhibitions, meetings with actors, writers, artists, musicians, filmmakers and journalists.
- Award for the best short
- Audience Award
- Splash Award offered by the organizational staff and the host structure
- Mention for the best short fiction / documentary
- Mention for best animated short
- Mention for best experimental video
- Mention for best videoclip
- Special mention for best work themed "sea that divides, sea that joins"
Important: the files must be downloadable, the selectors can decide not to view the non-downloadable works.
The competition sections are: Fiction/Documentary Animation
Experimental Videoclip
They are eligible for the competition works from January 2016.
The deadline for submission of works is May 28, 2018.
The duration of the work must not exceed 20 minutes, including titles and credits. Foreign works, although in English, must be subtitled (preferably in Italian or, alternatively, in English).
The material sent for pre-‐selection will not be returned but will become part of the festival, and could be used (in full or in part) for promotional purposes, in other events
The submission is free.
The works will be inspected by a commission that will select the finalists for each section. The jury's decision is final.
The authors, whose works will be admitted to the final stage of the festival, will be contacted by mail.
The works must be accompanied by the application form properly filled in and signed by the author, who will be responsible for the accuracy of the informations.
Each author can participate with a maximum of two works. It is mandatory to submit an application form for each work.
(The registration form can be downloaded from the website: https://cortosplash.com)
Submission methods
The works may be sent as follows:
Files .mov .avi or .mpg using DROPBOX or WETRANSFER (https://www.wetransfer.com/) at the following address: cortosplash@gmail.com or using services like Vimeo in high quality (the files must be dowloadable). Cortosplash also complies with international distribution channels (Clickforfestivals, Festhome, Filmfreeway) through which you can participate at the following link: http://www.clickforfestivals.com, https://festhome.com, https://filmfreeway.com.
Participation through the mentioned platforms also implies full acceptance of this regulation.
Whatever the chosen mode, the files must be downloadable, the selectors can decide not to view the non-downloadable works.
Postal mail
(shall prevail the postmark -‐ not recommended)
The works must be sent in DVD PAL to the following address:
Via Don Luigi Sturzo, 81
75020 Nova Siri Marina (MT)
On DVD surface must include:
-‐ Title of the work
-‐ Duration
-‐ Author's name
On the envelope should be marked "no commercial value for cultural purposes only" Shipping costs are paid by the applicant.
The Organization of the Festival accepts no responsibility for any postal delays, loss, damage or subtractions.
The author can send, if he wants, the following optional material by email at cortosplash@gmail.com
Photos of the film (max 3)
Photo of the author
The author assumes any liability to third parties for content, images and music.
Cortosplash disclaims any liability due to the screening of shorts containing material covered by copyright, for which it has not been regularized the situation with the authority for the copyright.
Participation in Cortosplash constitutes acceptance of these rules in all its parts.
The Organization may, for unforeseen events or occurring, postpone the deadline for entering the competition, introducing changes in the dates for the event or for reasons of force majeure, cancel the event.
The winners, in case of inability to collect the prize personally or by delegate, must send a video message to be shown during the ceremony.
The personal data, transmitted in any capacity, in accordance with Law 675/96, will be treated for the purposes of the Festival
출품 마감일
28 5월 18
출품 마감일
28 5월 18
출품 마감일
28 5월 18
출품 마감일
28 5월 18
출품 마감일
28 5월 18