Courts des îles, Festival international du court-métrage de fiction des îles du Monde (0)

International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World: Courts des îles


20 3월 2015
출품 요청

30 9월 2016
영화제 마감

31 1월 2017

06 3월 2017
12 3월 2017


BP 381356 Punaauia,  98718, Punaauia, Tahiti, French Polynesia

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 20'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  20'<
French English
French English
소셜 네트워크에서 공유


영화제 시작: 06 3월 2017      영화제 끝: 12 3월 2017

The APICA, an association for the promotion of images, creation, and the arts, based in French Polynesia organizes from March 6h to 12th, 2017 the third edition of the International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World: Courts des îles, in Papeete, Tahiti (French Polynesia).

The perspective of island directors at the heart of the “Courts des îles” Festival

The APICA wishes to highlight island sensitivities from all over the world through their audiovisual and cinematic creations, by gathering them around a unique event: The International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World, Courts des îles.

From Java to Madagascar, from Iceland to New Zealand, from the Bahamas to Guadeloupe, from Hawaii to Tasmania… Courts des îles hopes to be an open window on island cultures, singular of pluralistic, a link between these young creators, directors from the islands of the world who tell us their stories.

Celebrating the islands of the world through a specific form of expression: short fiction films

A veritable journey around the world of island creativity: from Europe to Asia, from America to Oceania, and through Africa, Courts des îles is also a place of exchange and sharing for festival attendees, who will be able to contrast their experiences, their points of mutual interest, and their differences during workshops, round tables, and conferences organized around the themes of screenwriting, directing, and producing short fiction films.

Beyond the screening of short fiction films from the islands of the world, the Courts des îles Festival will give pride of place to a different island every year through the best short films that are produced there.

현금 수상: 4,900€

The “Courts des îles” Grand Prix . The laureate will win a fortnight’s stay in French Polynesia for two people, worth 13,000 Euros (international transportation for stranger competitors included), and a cash prize of 1,400 Euros,

the “Courts des îles” Best Screenplay Prize. The laureate will win a package of Polynesian products worth 500 Euros and a cash prize of 1,200 Euros,

the “Courts des îles” Coup de coeur Prize. The laureate will win a package of Polynesian products worth 500 Euros and a cash prize of 1,000 Euros,

the “Courts des îles” animated film Prize.The laureate will win a package of Polynesian products worth 500 Euros and a cash prize of 800 Euros,

the “Courts des îles” First film Prize.The laureate will win a package of Polynesian products worth 500 Euros and a cash prize of 500 Euros,

the “Courts des îles” Audience Award. The laureate will win a package of Polynesian products worth 500 Euros.

Films may only be entered if they comply with the following criteria:

made by a director born on an island*1,
not exceeding 20 minutes, credits included,
displaying the characteristics of a fiction or animation short film,
shot in HD (1,920 x 1,080, minimum),
respecting applicable legislation concerning authorship rights and intellectual property rights,
the version delivered must be in French or in English*2, or in either one with subtitles in the other.

*1 By “island”, the APICA, organizers of the event, understand a territory:

of at least 1 km²,
inhabited by at least 50 permanent residents,
not linked to a continent by a permanent natural structure,
separated from a continent by a stretch of water at least 1 km in length.

*2 French subtitles for original versions other than French is highly recommended but not mandatory.

For movies wishing to compete for the ” First movies ” Courts des îles prize, the director of the work must have realized no more than two movies submitted to an international festival of short films of fiction. The works produced within the framework of a school or of a formation can compete to the ” First movies ” Courts des îles prize.



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