Festival Regionale Del Teatro E Cortometraggio ’L’arte Di Essere...’ ()


07 3월 2024
출품 요청

12 4월 2024
영화제 마감

30 5월 2024

29 5월 2024
30 5월 2024


Lungomare Peppino Impastato,  90049, Terrasini, palermo, Italy

영화제 개요
Schools and Students
단편 영화제 10'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 대륙 영화제
 실제 위치
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  10'<
 모든 언어
 모든 언어
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of Festival Regionale Del Teatro E Cortometraggio ’L’arte Di Essere...’
Photo of Festival Regionale Del Teatro E Cortometraggio ’L’arte Di Essere...’
Photo of Festival Regionale Del Teatro E Cortometraggio ’L’arte Di Essere...’


영화제 시작: 29 5월 2024      영화제 끝: 30 5월 2024

The “The Art of Being…” Festival is a festival of school theater and cinema dedicated to
development and growth of young people through expressive art, understood as a tool
analysis of contemporary history to discover its beauty.

Thematic focus of the Festival: the beauty of human life in its many aspects (the respect for everyone, non-violence, the ability to choose and self-awareness, etc.)

The event is organized by the Social Promotion Association “SolidAnime ETS” in collaboration with the "Fenice" Association and the Municipality of Terrasini, with the support of the Department of Family, Social Policies and Labor of the Sicily Region.

The Festival will take place on 29 and 30 May 2024 in the Municipality of Terrasini, the event
final will be held at the Regional Museum of "Palazzo D'Aumale".

The programming, in addition to the shows, will also include moments of in-depth analysis, discussion and workshops dedicated to students and teachers conducted by sector experts and moderated by educational psychologists.

Registration for the Festival is free.

The following can participate in the event:

● Public or private educational institutions;
o fourth and fifth primary and lower secondary classes;
or upper secondary school classes.

● Theater schools, courses for children aged 9 to 17.

Theatrical works, shows and short films of any kind may also be presented already presented in other exhibitions or in other rooms, provided they were made in a school context and adhering to the thematic focus of the Festival.

Certificate of participation for each group

● Leading actor
● Lead actress
● Supporting Actor
● Supporting Actress
● Best Director
● Better Text
● City of Terrasini 2024 (special prize)
● Best show (special award voted by the public)

They will be requested at a later time and in any case by 30 April 2024:

● Photograph of the entire theater group
● Group composition sheet: director, music writer, costume designer,
any other artistic figures involved, characters and related interpreters
● Script of the opera in the version that will be performed
● Video of the show (also amateur format)

Applications for participation, duly completed in all parts, must be sent by 10/04/2024 to the email address: festivallartediessere@gmail.com.

The groups that submit their application to the Festival will receive an admission response
by 04/17/2024.

FOR THE THEATER SECTION: Each school can participate with multiple works (provided they are from different classes/courses) based on a text, either published or freely adapted, lasting no more than 10 minutes (strict limit).

FOR THE SHORT FILM SECTION: Each school can participate with multiple works (provided
of different classes/courses) based on a text, either published or freely adapted, by one
duration not exceeding 8 minutes (mandatory limit).
A commission made up of industry experts will evaluate all requests for participation
who may be admitted to the final phase of the festival, on the basis of:

- a valid educational project;
- of the script/screenplay;
- any video (even amateur) of the show;
- video of the short film.

The decisions of the commission are unquestionable and unappealable. The material sent may
be used by the organization solely for enhancement and promotion purposes
of the festival.

Representation mode:

o It will not be possible to rehearse the show on stage.

o All groups will be provided with basic technical equipment (audio-lighting system, video projector) which will be defined by the technical manager of the Theater after the selection of the shows. Each group will have a limited time available for assembly (10 minutes) and disassembly (5 minutes), as multiple shows will be scheduled during the same day.

o The organization will make available the technical staff to whom it is possible
support experts from the School for audio-light direction, etc. who must first agree on any needs with the Festival staff and deliver (USB device) technical material useful for the performance (audio file
mp3 format; video file mp4 format).

Supporting technical equipment:

o 6 m x 4 m stage with rear staircase
o Video projector and projection surface at the back of the stage (4x3 m)
o N°2 panoramic microphones
o N°2 Radio microphones (ice cream)
o Audio / lighting system
o On-stage audio monitoring
o Groups can benefit from the hospitality of hotel accommodation facilities
affiliated with the Festival; (if interested ask for info);
o On the evening of May 30th an aperitif will be offered to the groups registered for the festival;
o Event badges and gadgets will be provided to participants.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
