Film Noir Festival (0)


04 1월 2016
출품 요청

14 5월 2016
조기 마감일

19 9월 2016
표준 마감일

13 10월 2016
늦은 마감일

13 10월 2016
영화제 마감

21 10월 2016

09 12월 2016
10 12월 2016


276 rue de l'Eglise,  59500, Dorignies Douai, Nord, France

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 15'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 출품비 있음
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 1월 2015
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  15'<
소셜 네트워크에서 공유


영화제 시작: 09 12월 2016      영화제 끝: 10 12월 2016

Since 2013, the association 'The Alibis' organizes every year in November, the FILM NOIR FESTIVAL. The festival takes place in Vincennes (near Paris) in France.

The Film Noir Festival is the 1st French film fest dedicated to the Film Noir with a retrospective of feature films, premieres and an international short films contest.

Competing films are submitted to the judgment of professionals, a jury of students and the audience.

More information on our website:


Depuis 2013, l’association « Les Alibis » organise le Film Noir Festival, un festival de films ayant pour thème le Film Noir. Il s’agit du premier et du seul festival en France ayant pour thème ce genre cinématographique.

Lors des premières éditions, le Film Noir Festival s’était donné comme objectif d’éclairer le public sur le courant cinématographique qu’est le Film Noir.
Durant 4 jours, ce sont plus de 30 films de jeunes réalisateurs, au travers de la compétition internationale de courts métrages soumise au regard du jury des professionnels, mais aussi de cinéastes plus confirmés par le biais de la rétrospective généraliste de longs métrages et des avant-premières nationales, qui ont été présentés à un large public éclectique et de tout âge.

En octobre 2013, le Film Noir Festival s’est associé à la Film Noir Foundation de San Francisco créée et présidée par Eddie Muller, spécialiste mondial du Film Noir et fondateur du festival Noir City à San Francisco, à qui elle a décerné son premier Prix d'honneur en décembre 2013.

Pour sa quatrième édition, qui se tiendra du 24 au 27 novembre 2016 au cinéma "Le Vincennes" (94), le Film Noir Festival poursuivra son éclairage sur le Film Noir en proposant de nouveau une programmation de films inédits ou rares au travers de la rétrospective de 10 longs métrages, des avant-premières en ouverture et en clôture du Festival, des hommages à des réalisateurs, des acteurs ou des compositeurs emblématiques du Film Noir mais également au travers de la compétition internationale de courts métrages.

- Grand Prix Film Noir Festival - 13th Street, awarded by the Jury of Professionals in association with the 13th Street chain.

> Price: distribution of award-winning short film for 1 year on French "13th Street" channel
- The Best Screenplay Award, awarded by the Jury of Professionals

- Interpretation Award, awarded by the Jury of Professionals
- Original Soundtrack Award, awarded by the Jury of Professionals

- The Young Jury Prize, awarded by a jury of five students.
- Audience Award, awarded by the audience

Entry procedure and selection

Registration fees:
Earlybird: 2€
Regular deadline: 3€
Late deadline: 5€

1) Films completed after: January 1st, 2015
2) Maximum running time: 15 MINUTES (credits included)
3) Origin: France and Worldwide
4) Festival screening format: DCP and DVD – Blu-Ray
5) Films MUST BE subtitled in French
6) Films must have for main theme FILM NOIR

Article 1
The 4th edition of the Film Noir Festival will take place from November 24th – 27th, 2016 at the Vincennes Theater.

Article 2 - Requirements
Films must have for main theme FILM NOIR.
The Festival welcomes fictions, experimental films and animation in 35 mm film or digital. Are excluded from the Competition: commercials, institutional movies and clips. The selection is opened to all films completed after January 1st, 2015 from Worldwide and France.

Article 3 – Duration
Duration must not exceed 15 minutes (credits included).

Article 4 - Subtitles
Non-French-speaking films will be accepted ONLY if they are subtitled into French.

Article 5 – Festival screening format
Festival screening format are: DVD, Blu-ray or DCP.
Beware that in France we use NTFS 24 Frames per second.

Article 6 - Submission
The early deadline for entries is May, 14th.
The regular deadline for entries is September, 5th
The late deadline for entries is September, 30th

Article 7 - Material
The following material must be attached to submission:
- 1 still from the film or more (either color or black and white depending on the film – no poster, no pictures of film set or crew), which can be used in any publication;
- 1 picture of the director(s).

Article 8 – Departure and return
Departure and return (from December 1st, 2016) of prints will be from the Film Noir Festival offices or as agreed with the official carrier of the Festival. Only films in perfect screening condition will be accepted. During the entire length of the Festival, no film can be removed from the selection.

Article 9 – Selected short films
Each director or producer having proposed a film for selection will be informed by mail about decisions of the selection committee from October 5th, 2016.
In case, there are not enough films selected to make a screening. The contest will be online first and screened during the event.
Filmmakers will be informed of the decision of the committee.

Article 10 - Jury and awards
A jury consisting of actors and directors will reward the most “Film Noir” short film of the year.
A prize will be awarded: The Grand Prix for the most “Film Noir” short film of the year. Thereafter, and for each screening, the film should bear on its credits the special mention "Grand Prix Film Noir Festival".

Article 11 - Extracts
Participation in the Film Noir Festival implies the presentation of films extracts on regional or foreign televisions channels.

Article 12 - Insurance
The Film Noir Festival takes care of insurance expenses between the receipt and the return of films. In case of loss or deterioration of a print during this period, the responsibility of the organisers is engaged only for its replacement value.

Article 13 – Assignment of broadcasting rights
By entering the film to the Official Competition of the Film Noir Festival and if it’d be awarded by the Grand Prix, the producer and/or director agree to assign gratis film rights for a period of 12 months free non-exclusive for unlimited broadcasts. The start date of the delivery period will be set by mutual agreement with the producer of the film and the broadcast, but will start between 01/01/2017 and 12/31/2017. No imperative to update or release time.

Article 14 – Other
Participation in the Film Noir Festival implies agreement to the present regulations. These apply to the next edition of the Film Noir Festival, which will take place November 24th – 27th, 2016.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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