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G Awards International Film Festival (0)


29 1월 2017
출품 요청

03 7월 2017
영화제 마감

01 11월 2017

17 11월 2017
19 11월 2017


Napoli,  80100, Napoli, NA, Italy

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 >1' 35'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  >1' 35'<
소셜 네트워크에서 공유


영화제 시작: 17 11월 2017      영화제 끝: 19 11월 2017

The G Awards are a non-profit festival, promoted by the Department for Culture and Tourism of the City of Naples, for short movies, music videos, documentaries and cartoons organised by a very young passionate about cinema and video-maker. The purpose of the festival is to spread the cinematographic culture to people of all the ages and to make known works both by professional and young people, since it is also open to underage video-makers.

Short movies/cartoons: authors aged 14 and over can participate; short movies/cartoons must be between 1’ and 35’ long; we accept Italian works and foreign language works subtitled in Italian.

-Best short films
-Best documentary
-Best music video
-Best Director
-Best screenplay
-Best actor
-Best actress
-Best supporting actor
-Best supporting actress
-Best editing (editing and photography)

The organizers of the festival may change this competition announcement and/or add something.

The enrollment will open on 26 January 2017 and will close on 3 July 2016.

The participation is free.

The topic is independent.

Each contestant can subscribe maximum two works.

To participate you must send and email to gawardspremi@gmail.com or a private message to our official Facebook page G Awards with the link of your work (preferably a YouTube, Vimeo or DropBox link), the enrollment form (downloadable through our Facebook page) and at least one picture from your work. For underage video-makers, the enrollment form must be signed by both his/her parents (or his/her legal guardians). Furthermore, contestants can also participate through FestHome, obviously for those who have an account of the portal.

This year we accept : short movies, music videos, documentaries and cartoons in Italian or foreign language (with Italian subtitles).

The awards ceremony will follow or precede the screenings of the selected works, unless these are cancelled by the organizers.

The authors of the works authorize the organizers to publish in any way, with promulgating and non-commercial purposes. the selected works.

Short movies/cartoons: authors aged 14 and over can participate; short movies/cartoons must be between 1’ and 35’ long; we accept Italian works and foreign language works subtitled in Italian.

Documentaries : authors aged 14 and over can participate; documentaries must be between 5’ and 45’ long; we accept Italian works and also foreign language works subtitled in Italian.

Music videos : authors aged 14 and over can partecipate; videos must be between 1’ and 6’ long; the songs must be original. We also accept music videos in a foreign language, preferably subtitled in Italian.

The results, both positive and negative, concerning the selection, will be communicated to the contestants few days after the enrollment will be closed.

The winners of the festival will be known only during the awards ceremony. Thus, the contestants will will not know before the results of the competition.

The festival will consign the following awards (during the months of the enrollment these categories may be changed):

Best short movie
Best documentary
Best music vedo
Best director
Best screenplay
Best actor in a leading role
Best actress in a leading role
Best actor in a supporting role
Best actress in a supporting role
Best editing (editing/cinematography)

In the context of the festival, the Association TempoLibero supports the Special Award for Environment.

The selection of the works will be at first done by the organizers of the festival, who will choose the first ones. Then, after the announcement of the selected works at the end of the enrollment, the jury will decide the winners per each category.

The possible awards, which will consist of a trophy or medal, should be preferably collected by the author of the work or a representative of his or by a member of the promoter association, if no one will be able to attend the festival. To reach the awards ceremony or the screenings, we remember that the travel and subsistence costs are at the expense of the contestants.

The organizers, if necessary, have the right to postpone or cancel the festival.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
