Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú (0)

Cine Sinú Audiovisual Festival


18 7월 2018
출품 요청

18 9월 2018
영화제 마감

24 10월 2018

25 10월 2018
27 10월 2018


Carrera 14 No. 53-17,  230003, Montería, Córdoba, Colombia

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 20'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 출품비 있음
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 10월 2016
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  20'<
 모든 언어
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú
Photo of Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú
Photo of Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú
Photo of Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú


영화제 시작: 25 10월 2018      영화제 끝: 27 10월 2018

Cine Sinú Audiovisual Festival is an event developed to promote and disseminate the National Audiovisual Production and Local . Emerges as a collective concern of search spaces for the dissemination of works and generate the interaction between artists and the community at large , in order to strengthen the audiovisual culture in the Department of Cordoba, Colombia .

Audiovisual work accepted in the category Official Short Film Festival and Regional Audiovisual Productions will participate in the call for Victor Nieto Price from ANAFE; this award its part of the official recognition made at “Festival Internacional De Cine De Cartagena De Indias” FICCI.

The Audiovisual Display “Cine Sinú” is not a competitive event; however it is possible that the event sponsors conduct surveys and giving out prizes for Best Short Film and Best Director in the category Official Short Film Festival and Regional Audiovisual Productions.

Muestra Audiovisual CINESINÚ - 2018
1. The Muestra Audiovisual CINESINÚ - 2018 is a cultural event that provides cinematic academic enrichment spaces to the audiovisual producers of the Department of Córdoba making visible audiovisual works of little diffusion in an alternative circuit to commercial spaces. It also offers the general public recreation and training through the exhibition of film and video produced in the Caribbean Region and the country, as well as diverse audiovisual material.

2. The Muestra Audiovisual CINESINÚ - 2018 is another medium, a space for exhibition and reflection, which seeks to bring the inhabitants of the city to an aesthetic experience about the local and national audiovisual work.

3. The The Muestra Audiovisual CINESINÚ - 2018 is held in Montería, Colombia from October 25 to 27, 2018.

4. This call is made for the following categories:
Official Show of Short Films and Regional Audiovisual Productions (Short Marathon): Works will be accepted in the departments of Córdoba, Sucre, Bolívar, Atlántico, Cesar, Magdalena and Guajira (COLOMBIA), whose directors, writers, producers or other main talents reside or have provenance in any of these. The works may not exceed 20 minutes in length.

Official Show of National and International Short Films: Short films or other works made in any region of Colombia and the world whose duration does not exceed 20 minutes and which are related to the culture of the Caribbean or discourses related to peace, environment, gender and minorities, human rights, childhood, youth, city and citizenship. All works whose original language is not Spanish must have subtitles in this language.
5. Up to two works per author will be accepted, produced during the last 24 months prior to the Exhibition. The acceptance of the works is not commitment of exhibition. All material received has a curating process and products that meet the stipulated criteria will be selected.

6. Audiovisual works of any kind are accepted: fiction and documentary, animation, video clips, experimental, etc.

7. The participant authorizes the CINESINÚ Foundation so that without any type of compensation, payment and / or compensation, he / she may carry out public dissemination of his / her name and / or voice and / or image in any medium, including: television media, graphics, Internet and / or any other means of dissemination or communication created or to be created, at its discretion, without limitation of time or territory. Likewise, when completing and submitting the form, the participant authorizes the CINESINÚ Foundation to use the work or fragments (stills, photos, video) for its dissemination both in the ninth version of the exhibition, as well as in other itinerant events that Fundación CINESINÚ in Colombia and in other countries.

8. The registration form is published from July 18, 2018 on the facebook page The reception of the audiovisual material will be until September 18, 2018. The results of the material chosen for exhibition will be announced on September 30, 2018 through the social networks of Fundación CINESINÚ.

9. Audiovisual works may be sent via email or through data transfer platforms such as Wetransfer, and may be sent through, on the established dates. In any case, the participant must complete the Online Form.
Likewise, they can be delivered in DVD format, avi, mpg or any other video file, contained in any magnetic medium to the address Carrera 14 No.53 - 17 Office LINK Communications, La Castellana neighborhood in Montería, Córdoba, Colombia.

10. The Muestra Audiovisual CINESINÚ - 2018 is not a competitive event.

Registration Short films

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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