Tv en Cortos (Programa de Tv) (0)

Short in Tv


12 1월 2016
출품 요청

31 12월 2016
영화제 마감

31 12월 2016

01 1월 2016
31 12월 2016


Passo 173,  1648, Tigre, Buenos Aires , Argentina

영화제 개요
단편 영화제 >1' 25'<
장편 영화제 >45'

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 장르
 모든 테마
 출품비 있음
 국제 영화제
 실제 위치
 제작일: 기타
 제작 국가: 기타
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 기타
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  >1' 25'<
 장편영화  >45'
Spanish English
소셜 네트워크에서 공유


영화제 시작: 01 1월 2016      영화제 끝: 31 12월 2016

The PROGRAM "TV EN CORTOS" develops in order to promote the film industry by providing a space where everyone with films and / or audiovisual arts concerns can deploy their talent and promotion.

Is a television program for filmmakers, students, film schools, producers, distributors and anyone with a short film or a film to promote, encourage and enjoy the film as a means of communication and expression of artistic ideas and techniques .

The aim is on the one hand, to provide an overview of contemporary elements resources in film, television, video and multimedia, thus promoting the possibility of extending a hand the local media culture to reach every household. On the other, the development of the film industry in the area generating the exchange of know the hidden talents city.

Participants wishing to enroll in the program shall do so only on the site

The data obtained from participants will be used only for the purposes of program development derived. In any case they will be treated according to the rules of current data protection.

Each of the selected films will be shown during the program, totally and / or partially and remain registered under the program may be reproduced in any field within the framework of relevant programming.

If there is any limitation on any of these points, it should be expressed for signature of the present TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND PRODUCTION decide on possible admission or rejection.

The authors whose films are presented, forward a copy of the following display formats without rental costs, which will become part of the LIBRARY PROGRAM.

MOV file (1920x1080 HD H.264 Real or higher) digital format meeting the following items:

Participants should send to the production the following publicity material:

• High-resolution frames of the film in digital format (300 dpi or more)
• High resolution photography director / as (or directors / as) in digital format (300 dpi or more).
• Trailer. Should not have it, you can send a selection of images taken from the film (minimum 30 seconds)
• production is allowed to use frames, photographs and excerpts from films for broadcast in any medium of communication and promotion, in order to promote and disseminate this.

Musical comedy, comedy, fiction, science fiction, history, biography, War, Epic, Drama, Thriller, Horror, Horror, Animation, Documentary, Feature, Music Video, Short Film, Television, Miniseries, Other.

Selected films will be screened in their original version.

Foreign films
If there screening copy subtitled in Spanish, it will be preferred for the program. If there is no copy with subtitles in Spanish, a copy will be required with English subtitles (unless the film is spoken in that language).

In addition, a dialogue list in original language and English (with time codes) and digital file with the final cut of the film as it will be projected to prepare the closed captioning is required.

To Argentine films
If there screening copy subtitled in English, it will be preferred for the Festival. If the English subtitled copy is not available, the program may request a list of subtitles in English (with time codes) and a digital archive to prepare electronic subtitles.

In the case of Argentine films in competition you will be asked that all copies are subtitled, except where the original language is always more than one and express authorization of the program output.

Movies that do not meet this requirement, need to deliver subtitles festival if this were to be selected, otherwise be disqualified without exception

The maximum duration of the short film will be twenty minutes 20 minutes, including titles and other claims.

The FEATURE ripped in 45 minutes, not having any restrictions.

The MINI-SERIES and SERIES should contain a maximum of 50 minutes.

Documentaries have a maximum duration of 1 hour.

The works that do not have the same duration may be disqualified without any complaint.

The Program Participation implies acceptance of these rules.

Once registered and selected, the film can not be withdrawn from the program setting.
People linked to the selected films undertake not to disclose their participation until the program setting is announced.

The production of the program will solve your understand any eventuality not specified in these rules and any changes therein.

The selection of works chosen by programmers are final, they will also inform by mail, as well as the platforms chosen for registration.

Participants authorize the program to use your personal, addresses, images data and / or voice for advertising purposes, in the ways and means they see fit without compensation whatsoever for such dissemination.

Selected participants automatically give permission issued by various media: television, audiovisual spaces, festivals, internet, etc. Always within the framework of the promotion, in the context of touring nationally or internationally, and a program of samples without any compensation in return.

Participation in the program involves the provision of a guarantee in favor of it, with respect to all works, music, lyrics, images, pictures, publications, broadcasts, etc.

By any means do the program, hereunder, will not violate the intellectual property rights of privacy or publicity, or any rights of another person or entity. In this sense the participant shall hold harmless and indemnify against any claims PROGRAM caused by any violation of the provisions hereof.

PRODUCTION may modify all or part of these terms and conditions, without generating any right to compensation in favor of the participants as long as the essence of the program is not disturbed.

Production will be the one who will have the power of decision on any situation not covered by the terms and conditions, and the resolutions adopted in this regard are final.

The simple act of participating in this program implies knowledge and acceptance of all conditions contained in these terms and conditions, as well as acceptance of the changes that could make production on any matters not covered by them, cases in which Participants have no right to any claim.

When circumstances beyond the organizer or provided in these rules and conditions that constitute unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure - as provided by Articles 513, 514 and related provisions of the civil code - justified, production may suspend, cancel and / or modify the PROGRAM cases in which registered participants are not entitled to any claim.

This program is governed by the laws of Argentina. Any dispute that might be generated under the same and / or planning and / or its result will be submitted to the Ordinary Courts of the Judicial Department of San Isidro, administrative litigation jurisdiction.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



단 한번의 클릭으로, 멋진 영화와 영화제를 발굴해보세요
