Início do Festival: 01 Agosto 2024
Fim do Festival: 07 Agosto 2024
Seoul International ALT Cinema & media arts Festival (NeMaf) is the annual festival that shows media-based art with innovative spirit in its themes and forms.
The types of works we show include single-channel video arts, media arts, documentaries, found-footage films, essay films, experimental films, and so on. It takes place at multiple cinemas around Seoul.
It has been founded and showcased more than 2,000 media-based works and discovered 1,000 artists since it was founded in 2000.
NeMaf now opens for submissions and seeks innovative films and media art works.
- Submission Deadline
MAY 17, 2024 11:59 PM (Korea Standard Time)
> If your work is selected for NeMaf2024, it can be shown at ‘Glocal Propose’or other non-competition sections of festival. NeMaf Program Committee will decide which section it will be shown in, and inform you.
>If your work is selected for 'Glocal Propose’or‘NewMedia Theater’ section, it is eligible to win the following prizes, which are worth approximately 5.0 million KRW in total.
- Screening: Best Korean Propose, Best Glocal Propose
- Exhibition: Best NewMedia Theater
- Audience Jury Award
The 24th Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival Regulations for Submission
2024.08.01 ~ 08.07
1. Organization
Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival is hosted and organized by iGong, Visual Culture Factory.
2. Purpose
Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival with the mission including human rights, gender, and art sensitivities enthusiastically introduces to the public diversities of arts in which articulate flavors, creativities and experimental spirits of the individuals. Furthermore, we expect the convergence of video & media culture and the expansion of its limits through new mediums of films, video arts and exhibit works.
3. Festival Period
The 24th Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival will be held from 1st August to 7th August, 2024.
4. Programs
The programs of Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival are mainly divided into screening section and exhibition section. The specific classifications are as below. But it may change according to the festival condition.
■ Screening Section
1) Competition: Korea Propose / Glocal Propose
2) NewMedia Alternative Cinema (Non-competition)
3) Alternative Genre
4) Special Screenings (Retrospective, etc.)
5) Theme Screening
■ Exhibition Section
1) Competition: New Media Theater
2) Alternative Genre: Virtual Reality Art X
3) Theme Exhibition
5. Qualifications for Entry
■ Common Qualifications
1) Submissions of the works for competition section of Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival must be completed after January 2022
2) Duplicate Submission is available for screening and exhibition of the same works. However, if the selection is made in both categories, the submitters must choose between screening and exhibition.
3) The submitters must prepare the preview as an online screener, specify the password in the entry form and submit the completed entry form before the deadline (17th, May 2024).
4) The preview screener must be identical or the same version with the final screening version.
5) In case of submissions of several works, submitters must fill out the form for each one.
6) The work must be subtitled in English or
Korean unless the dialogue is in Korean or English.
■ Screening
1) Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival accepts feature or short films regardless of genres such as alternative, experimental, animations, documentary, dance film. Found footage film, etc.
2) It is based on the screening time of features and shorts: the length of a feature film is 45 minutes, or more, and the length of a short film is 45 minutes or less.
■ Exhibition
1) The Festival provides an exhibition venue of 10㎡ for each work.
2) All the facilities and equipment should be prepared by the artists. And the artist is responsible for the installation and de-installation for the works for exhibition.
6. Selection
1) All entries for Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival will be examined by judges who will be selected by the festival. And only the selected films will be notified individually to the submitters after judges make their final decision.
2) Selections of Korean Propose and Glocal Propose will be announced at festival website on June 2024.
3) Competition winners will be determined by the judges of each section during the festival, and the audience awards will be determined by audience jury committee.
7. Award
1) Awards of Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival are as below:
- Best Korean Propose
- Best NewMedia Theater
- Best Glocal Propose
- Audience Jury Award
2) All the award details, award titles and prize size may be changed according to the circumstances of the festival.
3) If there are co-winners in on division, the prize money will be divided into halves and paid for each.
8. Submission of Documentation/Promotional Materials
■ Common Materials
1) Required Basic Materials
a. All the entrants of the selected screening/exhibition are required to submit additional materials. These materials must be submitted before the date indicated by the festival. (※ A complete list of required materials will be individually provided later via e-mail.)
b. The submitted materials are used as catalog and promotion materials of the Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival.
2) Subtitles
a. Once a work is selected, the works in any language other than Korean or English must be provided with Korean or English subtitles.
b. The work should be subtitled as below:
- Korean language: English subtitle
- Korean language + English language: English subtitle + Korean subtitle
- Korean language + other non-English language: English subtitle + Korean/English subtitle
■ Screening
1) Submissions of Print
a. The submitter of the selected films must submit both low-sized screener file and the final print in the requested format by the indicated date to Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival.
b. The final print could be submitted online. The instruction will be notified individually to the selected submitters via e-mail.
c. In case of a submitter agrees with festival promotion regulation, Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival uses an excerpt from the applicable work not exceeding 3 minutes (10% of the running time) for promotional purposes. If the submitter has a promotional video of the selected work for Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival, it had better submit it with the final print.
■ Exhibition
1) Submissions of the Work
a. The submitters of the selected films must submit both low-sized screener file and the final print in the requested format by the indicated date to Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival.
b. The final work can be submitted submitted online. The instruction will be notified individually to the selected submitters via e-mail.
c. In case of a submitter agrees with festival promotion regulation, Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival uses an excerpt from the applicable work not exceeding 3 minutes (10% of the running time) for promotional purposes. If the submitter has a promotional video of the selected work for Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival, it had better submit it with the final print.
9. Presentation of the Film & Media after the Festival
1) All selected works of Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival will be kept at the archives which is run by Seoul International NewMedia Festival only for research and educational purposes. In case of refusal to adhere to festival regulations, the work will be excluded from the list of archives.
2) After the festival, the screening/ exhibition works of Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival can be shown again for only educational and non-profit purposes at “NeMaf Glocal Tour” run by the Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival. In case of refusal from the exhibitor, the work will be excluded from the list of “NeMaf Glocal Tour” and in case of approval from the exhibitor, the festival should obtain screening permission by copyright holder.
3) Only the works agreed with NeMaf Archive are going to have the preferential right to be recommended and introduced to invitation screenings from other international or domestic festivals.
10. Agreement
1) The regulations above take effect with the submission of a completed entry form signed by the director, producer, agent or domestic distributor of the work.
2) Seoul International Alt Cinema & Media arts Festival reserves the right to decide upon matters not discussed in the above regulations.
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