Festival MiTS (Moviment i Transformació Social) (0)



12 Mai 2017

15 Set 2017
Festival fechado

01 Out 2017
Data de Notificação

03 Nov 2017
03 Nov 2017


Camí Fonts dels Pins 44,  08017, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Descrição do festival
VideoDance Films
Festival de curtas-metragens 8'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2015
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  8'<
Catalan Spanish
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais


Início do Festival: 03 Novembro 2017      Fim do Festival: 03 Novembro 2017

MiTS is a festival that uses the videodance as a tool of mobilization and transformation social.

Both the dance and the video are aesthetic means very powerful expression, which can ask ourselves as a society and help us to mobilize and integrate groups who are at risk of social exclusion.

MiTS proposes a space of diffusion, of debate, of interrelation. Without neglecting an artistic aesthetic enjoyment, also opens us doors to ask ourselves as a society of active and participative way.

Prêmios em dinheiro: 300€

First prize - € 200
Prize support for creation - €100 + residence

Support for the creation - € 100 award
Prize of Audience - mention

Call and bases: the call is directed to parts of videodance, which through the body in motion and the video we cross-examine as individuals and as a society.

Plus the artistic, aesthetic and technical content, the theme and the social commitment of the works. Fall outside this call parts that simply record a dance performance.

The competition is open to all persons, regardless of gender, age or nationality.

In the edition of the MiTS'17 try to support local and emerging artists mainly for awarding the prize to the creation. If it is necessary for the understanding of the piece it is advisable to be subtitled in catalan or Castilian. Parts can be sent until September 15.

The process of selection of the works will be carried out by members of the MiTS festival.

The results will be published on the web and via e-mail on day 1 of Octubre.Las parts that have been selected should be sent in HD format for screening in competition. Members of the Organization of the MiTS will contact with the contestants to do so.

A jury, made up of people from the social dance and the audiovisual sector, will decide the first prize and the award of support for the establishment. First Prize: consists of 200 euros in cash.

Support for creating award: consists of 100 euros in cash and a residency at the Centre Civic Barceloneta as support for the implementation of a new project of videodance. Also there will be a prize for the public (mention), which will decide the day of the screening.

The works submitted to the festival will form part of the library of the Festival and may be submitted with cultural and/or educational purposes (in any business case). Accepted productions during the years 2015, 2016 and 2017.

The parts can not exceed 8 minutes. They may not participate in the contest parts of videodance involving members of the team that organises and coordinates the Festival.envio of the works.

The works should send via mail to the mail festival@mits.esAsunto: "contest MiTS 2017" stating the following information of the work or project. | Brief synopsis of the work or the project. | Duration. | Nationality. | Name Director and/or choreographer. | Year of preparation. | Web link of the work (vimeo/youtube). | Contact



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