International Documentary Film Festival OFF CINEMA ()

International Documentary Film Festival Off Cinema


08 Jan 2019

15 Jun 2019
Festival fechado

15 Set 2019
Data de Notificação

15 Out 2019
20 Out 2019


Ul. Św. Marcin 80/82,  61-809, Poznań, -, Poland

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens 30'<
Festival de longas metragens

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2018
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  30'<
 Todos os idiomas
English Polish
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Photo of International Documentary Film Festival OFF CINEMA
Photo of International Documentary Film Festival OFF CINEMA

Photo of International Documentary Film Festival OFF CINEMA
Photo of International Documentary Film Festival OFF CINEMA


Início do Festival: 15 Outubro 2019      Fim do Festival: 20 Outubro 2019

The 23nd International Documentary Film Festival OFF CINEMA (23nd IDFF OFF CINEMA) will be held from 15th to 20st October 2019 in Poznań, Poland. It is the Festival’s foremost aim to present a comprehensive review of achievements in the field of documentary film. IDFF OFF CINEMA presents documentaries in the international competition section.

Prêmios em dinheiro: 7,000€

1st prize: The Golden Castle and a financial prize.

2nd The Silver Castle and a financial prize.

3rd prize: The Bronze Castle and a financial prize.


1. The Festival is organised by ZAMEK Culture Centre, located at ul. Św. Marcin 80/82, 61-809 Poznań, Poland.

2. 23nd IDFF OFF CINEMA accepts international submissions, without constraints regarding the theme or running time limitations.

3. Only films made after January 1st, 2018, will be eligible for the festival competition.


1. The Festival does not charge any fees for the submission of a film.

2. Submissions for the competition selection may be made only in the following formats: DVD Video, Blu-ray, MP4 or download link to file in a resolution no less than HD (1920X1080p). The Organiser does return preview copies submitted for selection.

3. Deadline for submitting entries for selection: June 15th, 2019.

4. The following must be sent in order for the film to be accepted for selection:

a) preview copy

b) completed and signed Submission Form (available from our website:

c) at least four (4) stills from the film (horizontal, .jpg file format, 300 dpi min. resolution)

d) photograph of the director (.jpg file format, 300 dpi min. resolution)

e) director’s biographical note (.doc or .docx file, not exceeding 300 characters)

f) description of submitted film (.doc or .docx file, not exceeding 500 characters)

g) trailer of submitted film (min. 30 sec, max. 90 sec., no less than HD resolution (1920X1080p))

5. The above have to be sent in by June 15th, 2019, via e-mail to or by post (postmarked no later than deadline) to the following address:

Centrum Kultury ZAMEK
ul. Święty Marcin 80/82
61 – 809 Poznań

6. The Selection Committee, appointed by the Festival Organiser, will shortlist pictures taking part in the 23st IDFF OFF CINEMA competition.

7. The official selection will be announced by August 9th, 2019, at the latest. Authors will be notified individually about their films having qualified for the competition at the e-mail address provided in the Submission Form.

8. Decisions of the Selection Committee are final. The Committee is under no obligation to justify their decisions.

9. Once the Selection Committee have reached their verdict, the Festival Director is additionally entitled to qualify films which have not been evaluated by the Committee.

10. The Organiser reserves the right to withdraw a film which has been qualified for the competition if its maker fails to comply with the obligations stated herein.


1. The submitting party shall not withdraw their film from festival screenings once it has been qualified.

2. Films qualified for the competition are provided to the organiser of the Festival free of charge.

3. Upon being notified that film has been qualified, the submitting party shall send the dialogue scripts to the organiser (in electronic format):

- films in Polish - the following are required: timecoded subtitles in English (SRT format)

- foreign language films - the following are required: copy with embedded English subtitles; timecoded English subtitles in SRT format; if possible, please provide timecoded subtitles in Polish (SRT format)

4. For the purpose of festival screenings, the following carriers and file types are considered acceptable:

- uncoded DCP, 2K, 4K, 3D package (dialogue scripts are to be included in the packages; see section 4)

- MPEG-4 file (H.264 codec)

- Blu Ray (code-free, region B/2),

5. Organiser should receive competition copies by September 3rd, 2019, at the following address:

Centrum Kultury ZAMEK
ul. Święty Marcin 80/82
61 – 809 Poznań

6. The costs of delivery of the copies sent for selection and any of the competition copies as well as any shipping charges are covered by the submitting party. The Festival does not cover customs duties outside the territory of Poland. The submitting party is under obligation to comply with customs regulations which apply when shipping films. Overseas dispatches from outside the European Union should be shipped with appended document
stating its value as not exceeding 15 € (fifteen Euros) and with an annotation: "No commercial value. For cultural purposes only".

7. The Organiser reserves the right to reimburse travel costs to competition participants taking part in the Festival.


1. The Jury of the Festival will assess films participating in the competition and award the following main prizes:

2. Should the Jury award any of the statutory prizes to more than one film on an ex aequo basis, the financial prize attached will be divided equally between the awarded parties.

3. The Jury has the right to award honorary mentions.

4. The Jury has the right not to award statutory prizes.

5. The decision of the Jury is final, while the participants are not entitled to appeal from said decision.

6. Upon arrangement with the Organiser, non-statutory prizes may be awarded, funded by private persons, institutions and organisations.

7. Director of the Festival may, at his discretion, decide to confer his award.

8. Decision of the Director of the Festival is final, while the participants are not entitled to appeal from such decision.

9. The list of winning pictures will be announced on October 20th, 2019, at the Festival’s final awards gala.


1. During the Festival, the organiser reserves the right to hold a maximum of 5 screenings of a film.

2. Participants of the competition consent to the publication of trailer, information concerning the film and its author at the Festival’s website, in official printed material and related press releases.

3. For publicity purposes, the Organiser has the right to make trailers of competition films or their fragments available to TV broadcasters and websites.

4. Owners of copyrights to films submitted for competition consent to 5 free-of-charge screenings as part of the showings promoting the Festival, organised in Poland and abroad after the end of the competition.


1. By submitting a film to IDFF OFF CINEMA, the submitting party accepts the provisions of the Competition Rules.

2. The Organiser shall have the deciding word in all matters not otherwise specified in these Rules.

3. In the event of any doubts arising, Polish language version of the Rules will be considered binding.

4. Additional information may be obtained from:

Centrum Kultury ZAMEK
Film Department
tel. +48 61 64 65 204



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