The International Art, Ecology, and Tourism Film IFFEST DOCUMENT.ART ()


02 Mar 2015

07 Jun 2015
Festival fechado

10 Ago 2015
Data de Notificação

24 Set 2015
27 Set 2015


Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 123, Bl. 129, Ap.8, Sector 5,  050717, Bucarest, Bucarest, Romania

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens
Festival de longas metragens

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2013
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
English Romanian
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais


Bronze Eagle trophy to the best film; The prize to the best art film; The prize to the best ecology movie; The prize to the best tourism movie; Mentions and special mentions; MDV Film prize, worth 5.000 Euros consisting of services for image post-processing, sound, for the best Romanian film.


Art. 1. The International Art, Ecology, and Tourism Film IFFEST DOCUMENT.ART. is organized by the Romanian Film Association “Document.Art,” with the support of the other partners.

Art. 2. The Festival aims to stimulate and promote art, ecology, and tourism film, as well as make a significant contribution to its audience’s cinema culture..

Art. 3. A series of complementary activities are organized under the umbrella of the Festival, with a view to making it more diverse and attractive. These activities include book launchings, art exhibitions, workshops, etc.

Art. 4. The general organization of the Festival is the responsibility of its Organizing Committee, which is in charge with selecting, planning and organizing all relevant activities. Technical details are entrusted to specialized personnel. The Organizing Committee is made up of a general manager, an executive director, an finance & control manager, an marketing & communications coordinator.

Art. 5. The Festival is open to films produced by graduates of film schools and film professionals, with no discrimination whatsoever.

Art. 6. . IFFEST DOCUMENT.ART. has three thematic film sections :

• Art
• Ecology
• Tourism


Plastic art: documentary, essay, portrait, cinematographic poem, TVcoverage, experimental film (preferably no artistic feature film) on: graphic, painting; sculpture (glass, metal, stone etc.); photography; video art; Art History, esthetics, restoration etc.

Architecture, design and naïve art: documentary, essay, portrait, cinematographic poem, TV coverage, experimental film on: religious, landscape, traditional, industrial, contemporary architecture, theatre and film scenography, naïve art, clothing design, popular art costumes, painting, naïve sculpture etc.
Music, theatre, film and literature : musical spot, documentary, essay, portrait, poem, TV coverage, experimental film which is concerned with instrumental, vocal, ballet, dance, opera, operetta, jazz etc. music; documentary, essay, portrait, cinematographic poem, TV coverage, experimental film about the history of theatre, theater opera, mime show in public places, puppet theater, circus etc.; documentary, essay, portrait, cinematographic poem, TV coverage, experimental film about the art, history of film etc.; documentary, essay, portrait, cinematographic poem, TV coverage, experimental film about writers and literary work, history of literature etc. There will not be acceped recordings of concerts and shows, artistic feature films.

The new generation: works of students and graduates of film faculties.


• Documentary, essay, reportage tv, tv show, experimental film about
• Nature and animal protection;
• Fight against pollution;
• Sustainable resource management;
• Urban environment;
• Agriculture and environment;
• Health and environment;
• Quality of life;
• City environment;
• Habitat;
• Struggle against poverty;
• Tradition and modernity;
• North/South and East/West relations;
• Emigration and integration;
• Evolution of the planet etc.


• Documentary, essay, TV Travel Reportage , TV Travel Show/Program about:
• Nature and tourism ( trips in the wild, cycling, fishing, riding etc.)
• Adventure tourism and extreme sports (climbing and free climbing, paragliding, rafting, speleoalpinism , etc.);
• Sports tourism (golf, tennis, motoring etc.);
• Cultural-artistic, sports etc. events tourism ;
• River and sea cruises;
• Hotels, resorts;
• Spas;
• Agri-tourism;
• Cultural, historic, religious tourism etc.;
• Expeditions, trips;
• Customs and traditions, folklore;
• Transportation for tourism (airlines, maritime companies, transfers, car rental, etc);
• Gastronomy;
• Other tourism related themes.
• NOT ACCEPTED: the tourism advertising spot

Art.10. Can subscribe or participate with films at the festival the following :

• Advertising/communication agencies;
• Non-governmental organizations;
• Governmental organizations for tourism, county/regional, municipal centers for touristic, accredited foreign touristic information offices in Romania, students’ creation and production studios;
• Public and private televisions, Romanian and foreign;
• Film producers and distributors;
• Tourism superior schools, tourism faculties or tourism sections;
• Promotional and registration of films agencies at international festivals;
• Private hotels, airline, maritime companies natural parks, directly or through advertising and/or communication agencies;
• Natural persons, holders of the right of independent producers.

Art.11. For the registration of the films to the contest there must be respected the following rules:

• Each film will use a subscription file.
• The subscription file can be downloaded from the festival’s website
• Each participant will be able to subscribe 5 (five) films/ category.
• The subscription files will be sent via e-mail on the address written on the festival’s website.
• On this year’s edition there are no taxes for participation to be paid.
• Besides the information found in the subscription file, there have to be sent through the e-mail the following promotional materials of the registered film: possible selections or awards received by the film at other festivals, an photography from the film, the script for the post-processing of the film, the director’s photo, his filmography. This information is necessary for the editing of the catalogue.

• The official versions of the texts/commentaries/dialogues are in Romanian and in English. Those which have text/commentary/dialogue in English will be dubbed/subtitled in Romanian.

• There will be accepted only the movies produced in the period of time 2013 – 2015.

• The organizational committee has the right to decide over certain movies which are registered that do not respect the Festival’s theme and the technical details.

Art.12. The duration of the registered movies in the contest will be:

• the art films section : 10 – 90 minutes ;
• the environmental film section : 10 – 60 minutes ;
• the touristic documentary film : 10 – 60 minutes .

Art.13. A committee made of specialists will select the films for the contest. The committee has the right to reject a film which does not respect the festival’s standards, due to bad technical characteristics or to weak artistic quality.

Art.14. The selected movies for the contest will be viewed by an international jury made of specialists in tourism, art, ecology and cinematography.

Art.15. To set and name the winners, the jury will operate with the following evaluation criteria:
• Visual quality ( photography, montage);
• Sound quality( music, sound, language);
• Emotional impact;
• The value of the information;
• Artistic concept and creativity;
• innovation;
• objectivity

Art.16. The score given, according to each criterion will oscillate between minimum 1 and maximum 10 points, so: weak=1-2; normal=3-4; good=5-6; very good=7-8; excellent=9-10. So there will be a final mark of minimum 7 points and a maximum mark of 70 points.

Art.17. The jury will award the following prizes:

• Golden Eagle trophy for the best film in the contest;
• The prize for the best art film;
• The prize for the best ecology movie;
• The prize for the best tourism movie;
• Mentions and special mentions;
• MDV Film prize, worth 5.000 Euros consisting of services for image post-processing, sound, for the best Romanian film.

Art.18. The organizational Committe of the festival has the right to introduce other prizes besides those provided at article 17.

Art.19. Outside the jury, the organizational Committee can honor with special prizes and diplomas personalities and organizational which were remarked through the contribution brought to the promotion and support of the festival.

Art.20. The nominated films for prizes will be announced via e-mail until 15.08.2015.

Art.21. The foreign participants whose films will be nominated for award will benefit of free transport, accommodation and boarding during the period of the Festival. The Romanian participants will benefit of the same rights with the exception of transport.

Art.22. The winners will be announced during the award ceremony which will take
place on 27.09.2015.

Art.23. The registered films in the competition remain in the archive Document.Art. The organizers will have the right to use the selected films in the contest, awarded or non-awarded in promotional activities, including TV. .

Art.24. The winners are compelled to mention the prize awarding during each promo-advertising occasion.

Art.25. The uncollected awards will not be sent via mail. They can be collected by accredited persons, director/produces/distributor.



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