- Lisbon International Mobile Film Festival (0)

Крайние сроки

13 фев 2018
Позвоните для записей

31 май 2018
Фестиваль закрыт

09 окт 2018
дата извещения

09 ноя 2018
11 ноя 2018


Rua Gervasio Lobato 32-2º,  1350-152 Lisboa, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Описание фестиваля
Mobile Films
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов
Фестиваль художественных фильмов 100'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Онлайн расположение и Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы 
 Полнометражные фильмы  100'<
 Любой язык
 Любой язык
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of - Lisbon International Mobile Film Festival
Photo of - Lisbon International Mobile Film Festival
Photo of - Lisbon International Mobile Film Festival


Фестиваль начинается: 09 Ноябрь 2018      Фестиваль заканчивается: 11 Ноябрь 2018 - Lisbon International Mobile Film Festival
festival of movies produced and directed with mobile devices, of both national and international coverage with an annual periodicity. It aims to celebrate the democratization of cinema, made possible thanks to new technologies and to encourage the production of movies using a mobile device (“smartphone, tablet, DSLR, action cameras”).

Денежные призы: 6,000€

Smartfest Grand Prize
Best fiction -
Best documentary -
Best photography -
Best editing -
Best actor / actress
Public - Lisbon International Mobile Film Festival
festival of movies produced and directed with mobile devices, of both national and international coverage with an annual periodicity. It aims to celebrate the democratization of cinema, made possible thanks to new technologies and to encourage the production of movies using a mobile device (“smartphone, tablet, DSLR, action cameras”).

2.Competition - The competition is composed of films never before publicly presented in Portugal. They compete in films of fiction, animation, documentaries, music videos or experimental works that have their first public presentation in Portugal at this festival, produced after 1st January 2016.

3. Jury - The Competition Jury will consist of renowned personalities, of which at least one will be Portuguese and will award the following prizes: Smartfest Grand Prize, Best fiction, Best documentary, Best photography, Best editing and Best actor / actress.

4. Prizes - a) The prizes of consist of a trophy and a monetary value and / or technical services, with the exception of the Prize of the Public, which includes a trophy. All prizes are awarded to the filmmaker (s).
b) The Prize of the Public is scrutinized by the public of 2018, online and in person.

5. Registration - a) There are no limits of registrations per person and / or entity.
b) 70% of the film must be filmed with a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, DSLR, action cameras) in order to compete.
All other production equipment, external microphone, lenses, lights, tripod, cranes, trolleys, etc., they are allowed.
There is no conditionality in editing hardware and software.
c) Registration will be made online at https://festhome/Smartfestco or, until May 31, 2018.
d) The formats accepted for viewing are: online viewing link.
e) If the film is selected, send the following elements to, Lisbon International Mobile Film Festival,
- Immediately after communication of the selection and within a maximum period of three (3) days: list of dialogues, photos of the film and the director, technical and artistic datasheets, authorization of exhibition.

6. Duration - Competition: from 00:60 seconds (1 minute) to 100 minutes, including credits.

7. Subtitle - All selected films will have to send to the festival copies subtitled in English and the list of dialogues to follow the subtitling in Portuguese.

8. Selection - a) The official selection will be announced to all candidates by June 6, 2018. After the communication of the selection and until their passage in the festival, the selected films can not have any other public exhibition in Portuguese territory.
b) Unsuccessful applications will receive a communication by 6 June 2018.

9. Acceptance - Participation in the festival presupposes knowledge and acceptance of the entire content of this regulation.



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