Крайний срок подачи заявок
31 авг 25
01 мар 2025
Позвоните для записей
15 июн 2025
Стандартный конечный срок
11 авг 2025
Поздний крайний срок
31 авг 2025
Окончательный срок
01 окт 2025
дата извещения
13 ноя 2025
16 ноя 2025
Фестиваль начинается: 13 Ноябрь 2025 Фестиваль заканчивается: 16 Ноябрь 2025
Festival of fantasy and horror genre shorts, open to all types of filmmakers, whether professionals or amateurs. The festival will be held in the town of Roses (Spain), from November 13 to 16, 2025. We accept short films of the Fantastic, Horror, Animation, Gore, Freak and Trash genres.
La GEEK SHOCK CINEMA, on Sunday the 17th we will hold a marathon of short films, we are looking for underground, festival, comedy, gore and fantastic short films, fake trailers, so that the public can have fun, and shout at the screen, These short films that are selected WILL NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, participation will be free, but we repeat, THEY WILL NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, it will only be screened in said marathon, with a maximum of 15 minutes.
Денежные призы: 300€
It is awarded to the best short film of the Festival
* 300 euros, Trophy
It is awarded to the best genre short Fantastic
It is awarded to the best genre short Horror
It is awarded to the best Animation short
It is awarded to the best short themed Freak
It is awarded to the most violent, gory, unpleasant and shocking short film.
It is awarded to the best short amateur
* We accept short films of fantastic genre, horror, freak no more than 20 minutes.
* The shorts presented must have been made between 2023 and 2024.
* The works can be shot in any format but they can only be presented in MP4 through the official platforms that work with the festival.
* The opening of the deadline for receiving the works will be from March 01 to August 31, 2025.
* The works that are not in Spanish or Catalan, will have to be subtitled in those languages. Subtitling material must be provided no later than one month before the start of the festival, otherwise the works may be rejected and replaced.
* Each short film will have to be accompanied by: -Title, -duration, -A year, -Sinopsis, -Country and shooting location, -language, -Director, -Actors, -Producer, -Cartel and frame, -Email, -Phone , -Address
* The festival is open to all types of filmmakers, whether professionals or amateurs.
* The works will be examined by the Bai de Fest team to participate in the Festival, if any immoral conduct is observed, they will not be admitted to the contest.
* The shorts will be divided into different categories and choose different prizes:
-Best Short of the Festival (Iris de Oro) Prize of 300 euros, Trophy
-Best Great Short Fantastic (Green Iris) Trophy.
-Best Horror short (Red Iris) Trophy.
-Best Animation Short (Eyemation) Trophy.
-Best Short freak (Almanegra) Trophy.
-Award for the most violent, unpleasant and shocking short film (Black Iris) Trophy.
-Best Short amateur (Little Big Eye) Diploma
-Public Award. Trophy.
-Honorific mention. Diploma.
*The Trophies will be delivered on the day of the awards ceremony, if they cannot be collected that same at the festival, only the trophy will be mailed, the cash prize and the BaiDeFest lots are not sent by mail. If in a month there is no news of the winner, the trophy will not be sent.
* The selected works will be those that opt for the prizes of the contest and will be exhibited in our festival. This selection will be notified by email.
*The works that participate in the Geek Shock Cinema Marathon DO NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, IT IS ONLY SCREENING.
* The works can be sent by the festhome platform and will have a registration fee between € 1 and € 2 for each short film, (depending on the shipping season).
And those who participate in the Geek Shock Cinema marathon will be free, since it is only Screening.
* The Catalan production short films selected for the contest at the BaiDeFest Festival that belong to the genres of horror or fantasy will choose, the following year, the 'Premis TAC' the best Catalan short films of the genre awarded by the Federation of Cinematographic Entities Cinèfiles Terror Arreu de Catalunya.
* The organization of the reserves the possibility of making projections in other festivals, or samples with which collaborations are established. In these cases it will be informed that they are works presented in the BaiDeFest Short Film Festival.
* Those responsible for the works, which include the participation of third parties, must have the corresponding authorizations for their exhibition. The festival declines all responsibility regarding the rights of image of the works.
* The decision of the jury is unappealable.
* The official selection and the finalists will be published on the web and on our social networks two weeks before the start of the festival.
* All the short films received will be included in the festival's video library, the organization reserves the right to partially or totally use the material presented for the purpose of promoting the festival and the Federació d'Entitats Cinèfiles Terror Arreu de Catalunya, always without spirit profit.
* The registration of the work implies that these bases are accepted, failure to comply with said requirements will leave the short film out of competition.
Крайний срок подачи заявок
31 авг 25
Крайний срок подачи заявок
31 авг 25
Крайний срок подачи заявок
31 авг 25
Крайний срок подачи заявок
31 авг 25
Крайний срок подачи заявок
31 авг 25
La GEEK SHOCK CINEMA II, on Sunday the 16th we will hold a marathon of short films, we are looking for underground, festival, comedy, gore and fantastic short films, fake trailers, so that the public can have fun, and shout at the screen, These short films that are selected WILL NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, participation will be free, but we repeat, THEY WILL NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, it will only be screened in said marathon.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.