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15 окт 24
Port Said Film Festival
22 авг 2024
Позвоните для записей
15 окт 2024
Фестиваль закрыт
10 ноя 2024
дата извещения
18 янв 2025
22 янв 2025
Фестиваль начинается: 18 Январь 2025 Фестиваль заканчивается: 22 Январь 2025
ندعوك للمشاركة في أول دورة لمهرجان بورسعيد السينمائي، إحتفال بالسينما في واحدة من أشهر المدن الساحلية في مصر، مدينة بورسعيد الباسلة. ويهدف المهرجان إلى وضع بورسعيد على خريطة مهرجانات الأفلام العالمية، ويقدم لصناع الأفلام منصة مميزة لعرض فنهم حيث يلتقي البحر المتوسط بقناة السويس.
أهم ما يميزنا:
- عروض حصرية لأفلام محلية وعالمية
- فرص للتواصل مع المحترفين في مجال السينما
- ورش عمل ودروس يقدمها محترفون
- حلقات نقاش حول مستقبل السينما المصرية والعالمية
انضموا إلينا في ديسمبر في تجربة لا تُنسى تجمع بين الفن والثقافة وسحر البحر والقنال.
قدموا فيلمكم الآن وكونوا جزءًا من هذا الحدث الثقافي المميز!
We invite you to be a part of the first round of the Port Said Film Festival - a celebration of cinema in one of Egypt's most renowned coastal cities, the valiant city of Port Said. The festival aims to put Port Said on the global map of film festivals, providing filmmakers with a distinguished platform to showcase their art where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Suez Canal.
What sets us apart:
• Exclusive screenings of local and international films
• Opportunities to connect with film industry professionals
• Workshops and masterclasses led by seasoned experts
• Discussion panels on the future of Egyptian and global cinema
Join us in December for an unforgettable experience that blends art, culture, and the enchanting allure of the sea and canal.
Submit your film now and be a part of this distinguished cultural event!
• لكل من مسابقات الأفلام القصيرة وأفلام التحريك وأفلام الطلبة:
- جائزتي الفنار الذهبي والفضي لأفضل فيلمين في مسابقة الفيلم الروائي الطويل المستقل.
- جائزة أفضل فيلم ويتسلمها منتج/منتجين أو مخرج/مخرجين الفيلم.
- جائزة أفضل مخرج.
- جائزة أفضل سيناريو (للأفلام الروائية فقط).
- جائزأفضل ممثل (للأفلام الروائية فقط).
- جائزة أفضل ممثلة (للأفلام الروائية فقط).
- ثلاث شهادات تقدير لأفضل ثلاثة أفلام في ملتقى محمود ياسين لأفلام أبناء بورسعيد ويتسلمها مخرج/مخرجين الفيلم.
- جائزة لجنة التحكيم (تنويه) ويتسلمها منتج/منتجين أو مخرج/مخرجين الفيلم.
• لجنة تحكيم كل مسابقة تقوم بتحديد الفائزين بناءً على معايير فنية محددة مسبقًا.
• قد يتم منح جوائز أو إشارات خاصة حسب تقدير المهرجان.
• مهرجان بورسعيد السينمائي يرحب بديوان عام المحافظة والمؤسسات والشركات والجمعيات أو أي جهة ذات قيمة إجتماعية أو ثقافية أو فنية، أن تمنح جائزة بإسمها بالمهرجان، سواء جوائز مالية أو لوجيستية، وذلك دعماً للدور المجتمعي لكل الشخصيات الاعتبارية بمصر. مع حق المهرجان في قبول أو رفض الجائزة، في حالة عدم توافقها مع رؤية وأهداف المهرجان.
• يُكرِم المهرجان فنان/فنانة من بورسعيد ذو قيمة فنية وثقافية.
• يُكرِم المهرجان عدد 2 فنان/فنانة محلياً أو إقليمياً ذو قيمة فنية وثقافية.
- For each of the Short Film, Animation Film, and Student Film competitions:
- Golden and Silver Lighthouse awards for the best two films in the Independent Feature Film competition.
- Best Film Award, received by the film's producer(s) or director(s).
- Best Director Award.
- Best Screenplay Award (for narrative films only).
- Best Actor Award (for narrative films only).
- Best Actress Award (for narrative films only).
- Three certificates of appreciation for the best three films in the Mahmoud Yassin Forum for Port Said Filmmakers, received by the film's director(s).
- Jury Award (Special Mention), received by the film's producer(s) or director(s).
- The jury committee for each competition determines the winners based on pre-set artistic criteria.
- Special awards or mentions may be granted at the festival's discretion.
- Port Said Film Festival welcomes the Governorate's General Office, institutions, companies, associations, or any entity of social, cultural, or artistic value to grant an award in its name at the festival, whether financial or logistical awards, in support of the social role of all legal entities in Egypt. The festival reserves the right to accept or reject the award if it does not align with the festival's vision and objectives.
- The festival honors an artist from Port Said with artistic and cultural value.
- The festival honors two local or regional artists with artistic and cultural value.
Article 1: Festival Identity and Objectives
Port Said Film Festival is an annual event held in Port Said Governorate, Arab Republic of Egypt. It aims to showcase outstanding films from Egypt and abroad, support independent cinema, promote film culture and talent in Port Said, support artists, and talented individuals, enhance global artistic and cultural exchange, provide a platform for filmmakers to connect and exchange ideas, promote tourism and the city of Port Said, and contribute to the development of the Egyptian film industry.
Article 2: Festival Organization
- The festival is organized by the "Port Said Association for Theatrical Arts and Culture," with the approval of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture (Higher Committee for Festivals), and in coordination with relevant authorities in Port Said and beyond. Film critic Ahmed Assar chairs the festival.
- The festival may employ specialized companies to organize festival shows and activities and may seek volunteers to assist in festival management operations.
Article 3: First Round Date
- The first round of the festival will be held from December 1 to December 5, 2024.
- The festival may create an appendix to its first round, consisting of shows and activities inside and outside Egypt, extending until the festival's second round. This will include screenings of films from the first round and various film activities.
- The festival appendix is considered complementary and an integral part of the festival.
Article 4: Festival Sections and Competitions
- Independent Feature Film Competition
- Short Narrative Film Competition
- Short Documentary Film Competition
- Animation Film Competition
- Student Film Competition
- Out of Competitions Films
- Mahmoud Yassin Forum for Port Said Filmmakers
- The festival management reserves the right to add or remove any sections and competitions in future rounds.
Article 5: Film Eligibility
- Competitions of Short films/Animation films/Student films: Duration should not exceed 30 minutes, including credits.
- Student films: The producer(s) or director(s) must be students in an educational institution up to the university level, as of the festival start date on December 1, 2024.
- Independent Feature Film Competition: Duration should be at least 60 minutes, including credits, and must be self-produced, produced by a start-up company, or a joint production between them.
- Films shot on mobile phones or any type of camera are allowed.
- Film submissions to the competitions must be from 2022 or later.
- Films must not have been shown on television, any internet network, online platform, or commercial or non-commercial screening until the end of the festival on December 5, 2024.
Article 6: Film Submission
- Films should be submitted in their original language. If not in Arabic, an English subtitle file (SRT, SUB, or TXT) must be included with the film file.
- Submit the film link and password (if any), logline, film poster in different sizes, behind-the-scenes photos, director's photo and biography, film summary, and all required information in the film submission form or website.
- The submitter confirms the accuracy of all information and their right to submit the film. The festival is not responsible for any disputes related to the film with third parties.
- The deadline for film submission is October 15, 2024.
- Applicants will receive an email on October 31, 2024, with the result of the film's acceptance or rejection.
- Films can be submitted through the Google form on the official festival website or through filmfreeway.com/portsaidiff.
- Sales agents and distributors from Egypt and abroad can submit their films by contacting info@portsaidiff.org.
Article 7: Film Selection
- The festival's film selection committee reviews submissions and selects films for each section or competition.
- The selection process is based on artistic value, originality, relevance to the festival's nature, and the technical quality of the film's image and sound.
- The festival has the right to reject any film without giving reasons.
Article 8: Jury Committees
- Each competition has its jury committee.
- Each jury committee consists of three members.
- Jury members are not restricted by gender or nationality.
- The festival has the sole right to select jury members, ensuring they are not related to the films participating in the festival, applying the principle of "conflict of interest."
Article 9: Awards
- For each of the Short Film, Animation Film, and Student Film competitions:
- Golden and Silver Lighthouse awards for the best two films in the Independent Feature Film competition.
- Best Film Award, received by the film's producer(s) or director(s).
- Best Director Award.
- Best Screenplay Award (for narrative films only).
- Best Actor Award (for narrative films only).
- Best Actress Award (for narrative films only).
- Three certificates of appreciation for the best three films in the Mahmoud Yassin Forum for Port Said Filmmakers, received by the film's director(s).
- Jury Award (Special Mention), received by the film's producer(s) or director(s).
- The jury committee for each competition determines the winners based on pre-set artistic criteria.
- Special awards or mentions may be granted at the festival's discretion.
- Port Said Film Festival welcomes the Governorate's General Office, institutions, companies, associations, or any entity of social, cultural, or artistic value to grant an award in its name at the festival, whether financial or logistical awards, in support of the social role of all legal entities in Egypt. The festival reserves the right to accept or reject the award if it does not align with the festival's vision and objectives.
Article 10: Film Screening Conditions
- Films cannot be withdrawn from the festival after acceptance.
- No film will be screened without approval from the Egyptian Central Administration for Artistic Works Censorship, obtained by the festival management.
- The festival commits to determining the age rating for each film according to the instructions of the Egyptian Central Administration for Artistic Works Censorship.
- Maximum of 15 screenings per film during the first edition of the festival and its appendix.
- The festival has the right to keep the film for its archive and not screen it except according to the rules and conditions mentioned in the festival regulations.
- The festival may use excerpts (up to 3 minutes) for promotional purposes.
Article 11: Festival Participation
- Filmmakers of participating films are encouraged but not required to attend the festival.
- Filmmakers may be invited to attend the festival and participate in festival activities.
- Filmmakers retain full intellectual property rights to their films.
Article 12: Festival Activities
- The festival organizes film screenings and various artistic and cultural activities, both indoors in different Port Said halls and theaters and outdoors in squares and on beaches.
- Seminars may be held after screenings with filmmakers to discuss the work and engage in interactive dialogue with the audience.
- Lectures on film appreciation by film criticism professors.
- Workshops on film-making skills.
- Tourism tours in Port Said and Port Fuad to introduce the city's history.
Article 13: Honors
- The festival honors an artist from Port Said with artistic and cultural value.
- The festival honors two local or regional artists with artistic and cultural value.
Article 14: Guest of Honor
- In each edition, the festival is honored to select a country or regional territory as the festival's guest of honor, inviting them to showcase their cinematic and cultural arts in Port Said.
Article 15: Legal Policy
- Submitting films and participating in the festival implies the submitter's agreement to and compliance with the festival's rules and conditions, and confirmation of the accuracy of all submitted information.
- The festival is not responsible in any way for any damages or losses of any kind that may be incurred by the film submitter or any of its makers or stars as a result of submitting or screening the film at the festival.
- Port Said Film Festival reserves the right to change the terms and rules without prior notice.
- Any conflicts that arise - God forbid - regarding the festival or participating films will be resolved through negotiation
- If not resolved, any conflicts - God forbid - are subject to Egyptian law and the courts of Port Said Governorate.
Article 16: Partnerships and Sponsorship
- The festival welcomes cooperation and sponsorship offers from various entities and local companies.
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