Фестиваль начинается: 17 Июль 2015
Фестиваль заканчивается: 26 Июль 2015
The Giffoni Film Festival (GFF) was born in 1971 from a Claudio Gubitosi idea: i.e. promoting and developing cinema for young people elevating it from the marginal position it had back in those days, and leading it where it belongs , e.g. a high quality genre capable of “penetrating” the market. Festival for children and young adults (from 3 years up). Six competitive sections (Elements +3 - +6 - +10; Generator +13 - +16 - +18), international juries composed of approximately 450 youngsters per section. Feature films and short films. Every year various international talent and stars take part in the festival to meet the jurors and discuss with them about cinema.
-For the Elements competitive sections the Jury is to be composed of children (600 circa per section) who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film and to the best short film;
-For the Generator +13 and +16 competitive sections the International Jury is to be composed of teenagers from all over the world (500 circa per section) who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film;
-For the Generator +18 section the Jury is to be composed of teachers, university students and cinephiles who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film and to the best short film;
-GEX DOC – a Jury composed of the general audience will award the Gryphon Award to the best documentary.
45th edition 17th-26th July 2015
The Giffoni Film Festival is organised by the independent Association: “Ente Autonomo Giffoni Experience”, a non-profit Association that was constituted in 1973. It is supported by the Campania Regional Government, the Italian Ministry for Arts and Culture, the Salerno Provincial Administration and the Municipality of Giffoni Valle Piana. Other associations, organisations, institutions and private sponsors also support the Festival.
The 45th edition of the Giffoni Film Festival will take place
under the Patronage of the Italian Head of State.
For over 45 years the Festival has acted as a sounding board for cinema production destined for children and young people. It represents the ideal place for vivacious confrontation between filmmakers, producers and distributors and also provides a bridge between the sector’s production universe and its target audience. The Festival also aims to promote the knowledge and circulation of products of high artistic value, capable of contributing to the formation and cultural growth of a mature critical conscience in young people.
1.1 Elements +3 – competitive section for short animation movies for children from 3 to 5 years of age.
1.2 Elements +6 – competitive section of feature length films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 6 to 9 years of age.
1.3 Elements +10 – competitive section of feature length films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 10 to 12 years of age.
1.4 Generator +13 – competitive section of feature length films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 13 to 15 years of age.
1.5 Generator +16 – competitive section of feature length films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 16 to 18 years of age.
1.6 Generator +18 – competitive section of feature films and short films (fiction and animation) about children and youth but aimed to an adult audience.
1.7 GEX Doc – competitive section of documentaries about infanthood and coming of age.
1.8 Previews – Feature films out of competition for youth and families.
1.9 Parental Control – non competitive sections for feature length films released in the Italian territory during the 2014/15 season.
Short films must not run for more than 30' while feature length films must run for at least 60'.
Preferred formats are as follows: DCP, HDCAM (not SR), Blu-ray, DigiBeta.
File H264HD or Apple Pro-res format only for short films.
2.1 For the Elements competitive sections the Jury is to be composed of children (600 circa per section) who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film and to the best short film;
2.2 For the Generator +13 and +16 competitive sections the International Jury is to be composed of teenagers from all over the world (500 circa per section) who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film;
2.3 For the Generator +18 section the Jury is to be composed of teachers, university students and cinephiles who will award the Gryphon to the best feature film and to the best short film;
2.4 GEX DOC – a Jury composed of the general audience will award the Gryphon Award to the best documentary.
• The Juries’ decisions are unquestionable.
3.1 Terms and conditions for the admission to the selection. Only films produced after October 2013 will be considered for selection and priority will be given to previously unedited films. ONLY FOR FEATURE LENGTH FILMS: THE FILM PFRESENTATION AT ANY OTHER ITALIAN FILM FESTIVAL OR ITS THEATRICAL OR BROADCASTING ON TELEVISION IN ITALY WILL EXCLUDE IT FROM PARTICIPATING IN THE GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL.
The deadline of DVDs, files or links submission to be included in the pre-selection is the 5th of June 2015.
All DVDs for the feature length films should be sent to the following address:
Via Aldo Moro 4
84095 Giffoni Valle Piana
THE SHORTS must be registered on one of the platform of www.giffonifilmfestival.it (Eventival, FestHome, FilmFreeway, FilmFestivalLife, ecc.). The following step is to upload the films and provide all the required data by June 5 2015 . For any further information please contact a.grimaldi@giffoniff.it
Materials for inclusion in the pre-selection must be sent at the expense of the participants. The DVDs of the Feature Length Films will be returned only if a specific request is made by the sender. Our Association will keep a copy of each film, which will then be kept in our Cine Library and used exclusively for cultural and educational reasons.
3.2 Selection terms. The selection will take place under the unquestionable judgment of the Festival’s Artistic Management who will communicate the results exclusively to the production and distribution companies of the films selected, no later than the 19th of June 2015.
3.3 Materials. On receiving official notification of the film’s inclusion in competition, absolute priority must be given to the dispatch of the following materials:
• DVD or File of the entire film with English Subtitles
These DVD/file shall be used for Italian subtitling if necessary, therefore screeners with watermarks are ok.
• Entry form (to be completed online on the platforms provided on our website)
• Biography, filmography and photograph of the Director (by e-mail)
• Director’s notes on the film and production notes (by e-mail)
• Complete list of dialogues in English and/or a list of subtitles (by e-mail)
• Slides or photographs from the film (by e-mail or ftp)
• Posters, Brochures, Flyers
• Trailer (only for feature films) in video format no longer than 2 minutes (also by ftp)
DVDs, brochures, posters and flyers should be sent exclusively via courier, separately from the print, to the following address:
Via Aldo Moro 4
84095 Giffoni Valle Piana (SA)
Salerno - Italy
Note: In order to promote the film in competition, it is essential that the production company give their authorisation for a maximum of 2’ (max. 30” for short films) of scenes taken from the film to be broadcast on National and International television.
3.4 Shipments. Any copies (both feature films and short films) for the official screening must be sent exclusively via courier service to the same address (see above) and the prints must arrive in the Festival’s office no later than the 10th July 2015.
• All shipments from NON-EU MEMBER STATES must be accompanied by a pro-forma invoice indicating for customs purposes only, a value of no more than $10USD for feature films and $5USD for short films and indicate clearly in writing the following “NO COMMERCIAL VALUE, FOR CULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY”. At the same time the sender must ensure that an e-mail containing the title of the film, the number of packages, the date and coordinates of the shipment (AWB number) is received in the Office of the Festival’s Artistic Secretary.
• All the films in competition will be screened in original language with the addition of electronic subtitles (with the exception of the Elements +3 and Elements +6 sections, for which a voice-over system will be adopted).
• The prints must be subtitled in English if they come from non-Anglophone countries.
• The official copy must be identical to the DVD copy submitted for pre-selection.
• In the case of DCPs please consider the time needed to carry out tests and upload it. The copy must arrive within July 10. In the case of encrypted DCPs, a valid KDM must be sent for the following time frame: July 13 – July 26 2015.
• Any file for the official screenings can be sent to g.brancaccio@giffoniff.it (feature films) or a.grimaldi@giffoniff.it (short films) by July 10.
• The GFF foresees no cost for admission to the pre-selection.
• Shipment costs for films in pre-selection are to be covered by the participants
• All shipment expenses for the films selected for competition, as well as those incurred for their return to their country of origin, will be covered by the GFF. In case the copy of the films is shipped from/to another Festival, we shall cover the cost of only one track.
• Travel Insurance. The expedition of the prints to and from Giffoni is to be covered by participants. The Festival takes care of insurance for the period of the goods’ stay in Giffoni. The insurance value will not be higher than the cost of re-printing a copy according to the going rate in Italy.
• Producers and distributors of the winning films are kindly asked to hand a copy of the title either on 35mm or Digital format to the Festival, in order to keep it at the Festival Archive. The copy will not be used for any commercial purposes.
5.1 TRAVELLING EXPENSES. The Giffoni Film Festival will cover the cost of economy class flight tickets exclusively for the Directors of the feature films in competition.
• Hospitality (B/B and dinners) is foreseen for the Directors and for a representative of the production/distribution company of each feature film in all the competitive sections (the hospitality goes from the day before the screening to the day after the Award Ceremony).
• Hospitality (B/B and dinners) for a maximum of 3 nights is foreseen for the Directors of the short films in all the competitive sections.
N.B. The Production and Distribution Companies of the films selected are invited to support the participation of their films at the GFF by sustaining the attendance of the leading actors from their films to whom we will be happy to offer accommodation to (B/B and dinners).
• Entrance into one of the GFF’s competitive sections entails unconditional acceptance of the Festival’s regulations. It is strictly the producers, distributors or any other subjects’ responsibility to guarantee that they are authorized to submit the films at GFF.
• This list of regulations has been drawn up in both the Italian and English languages. If problems of interpretation should arise the version in Italian will prevail.
• The management of the GFF is allowed to take decisions that are not foreseen in the above regulations and to change the regulations in special cases.
• The Court of Salerno is regarded as the competent authority for all eventual controversy.
Giffoni, November 2014
Generator +13
Художественные фильмы >60'
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 июн 15
competitive section of feature length films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 13 to 15 years of age.
Generator +16
Художественные фильмы >60'
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 июн 15
competitive section of feature length films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 16 to 18 years of age
Generator +18
Короткие и художественные фильмы
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 июн 15
competitive section of feature films and short films (fiction and animation) about children and youth but aimed to an adult audience.
Художественные фильмы >60'
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 июн 15
competitive section of documentaries (feature length films) about infanthood and coming of age
Elements +3
Короткие фильмы 30'<
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 июн 15
competitive section of short animation movies for children from 3 to 5 years of age
Elements +6
Короткие и художественные фильмы
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 июн 15
competitive section of feature length films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 6 to 9 years of age
Elements +10
Короткие и художественные фильмы
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 июн 15
competitive section of feature length films and short films (fiction and animation) for audiences from 10 to 12 years of age
Откройте для себя отличные фильмы и фестивали всего в один клик мышки