Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L’Alfàs del Pi ()

Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L`ALFÀS DEL PI

Крайние сроки

19 фев 2024
Позвоните для записей

12 май 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

16 июн 2024
дата извещения

05 июл 2024
14 июл 2024


Casa de Cultura - Plaça de la Cultura,  03580 , L’Alfàs del Pi , Alicante, Spain

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 30'<

GOYA Qualifier festival logo Отборочный фестиваль
Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Национальный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2023
 Страны производители: Требуется
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  30'<
 Любой язык
Catalan Spanish
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L’Alfàs del Pi
Photo of Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L’Alfàs del Pi

Photo of Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L’Alfàs del Pi
Photo of Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L’Alfàs del Pi


Фестиваль начинается: 05 Июль 2024      Фестиваль заканчивается: 14 Июль 2024


Денежные призы: 8,000€


There will be 4 unique awards with monetary prizes on behalf of the Film Festival:

1st Prize “FARO DE PLATA” award and €4.000
2nd Prize, commemorative plaque and

3rd Prize, commemorative plaque and

Award for the best Valencian short film1, commemorative plaque and

Aside from these prizes, the jury will also hand out commemorative plaques, without monetary prizes, to the following technical and artistic categories:
Best Director Best Script Best Actor Best Actress
Best Photography

Prizes are subject to Spanish IRPF fiscal retention accordingly by law. The sum of the prizes will be shared equally by the producer and the film maker of the winning film. For payment of the prize, documentation required by the festival´s organization must be in their possession before the 12th July 2024. If this premise is not met, the festival will not be responsible for
paying the prize.

The prize, in collaboration with C.I.M.A., will consist of a statuette and €500 handed out by the association “HUELLAS DE MUJER”, to the best short film directed by a woman, as part of the festival´s official section.


Participation in the competition is open to Spanish film producers and filmmakers, and or with an office in Spain.
Fictional films made during the years 2023 and 2024 can be presented for competition, films with a running time that does not exceed 30 minutes and that have not been presented in previous editions of the event. Documentary and animated films will not be accepted.
Films presented will remain with the festival for their incorporation into the festival´s archive. Films not selected will become part of the audio visual archive of the festival and may be used in events parallel to the festival after notifying the producer.

The producers of the selected short films authorize the use of a fragment of their works (with a maximum of 3 minutes) as promotional material in any media, including internet.

Each film maker can present a maximum of 2 short films. A Committee with be selected by representatives of the l´Alfàs del Pi Film Festival that will be responsible of selecting those films that will compete in the official category of the competition from among all the short films presented.


Selected short films for competition will appear in the Film Festival´s catalogue and will be screened in public during the days that the event is held. The locations and dates of their screening will be announced in the festival´s official programme. The jury´s decision is final.
Films in a non-Spanish language must be subtitled in Spanish for the jury´s consideration and can also be sent with other options concerning the display of other official languages.
Any additional information or clarification will be provided by email, telephone, in written form or by calling the festival.
All participants fully accept the present rules as well as the resolution of any problem that may
occur that is not contemplated in these by rules by the festival´s organization.Registration will be carried out by sending the short film online through any of the valid platforms of the festival, filling in all the required fields.
Participants of the festival will be responsible for expenses resulting from this platform.
Available platforms for the presenting of films will be:


Aside from the short film in digital format, the following must be uploaded to the platform´s server: the short film´s poster, 2 frames of the same film and one photograph of its director. When registering the film, information will be provided that will feature as the registration form, therefore participants that send in their films online will not have to send anything else by post or email. Any doubt will be answered to through any of the mailing addresses featured on each platform:

FESTHOME: help@festhome.com
MOVIBETA: info@movibeta.com

Maximum duration of the presented short films will not exceed the running time of 30 minutes under any circumstance.


The deadline for presenting short films to the competition´s official category will be at 11.59 pm on the 12th May 2024.

Films selected for competition will be announced on the festival´s website www.festivaldelalfas.es as early as 16th June 2024 and through social networks managed by the festival.
Previously, confirmation will be sent by email to each selected participant.
Once the short film is selected, the poster and 2 frames from the film must be sent online as soon as possible for their inclusion in the festival´s official guidebook.
Selected films must also be sent in a digital format (DCP and in mov. or mp4. file) with a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 – 1080p- before the deadline of 23th of June 2024 through a file transfer platform or physically to the following address:

Plaça de la Cultura 1 03580 L’Alfàs del Pi (Alicante)


THE L´ALFÀS DEL PI FILM FESTIVAL has been chosen by Spain´s Academia de las Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de España to preselect candidates for the Goya Awards in the category of Best National Fiction Short Film.

The winning short film can compete in the festival´s edition. They must also fulfil the requirements that are featured on the Academia´s competition rules for the XXXIX edition of the Goya Awards, in the category of Best Fiction Short Film.

The official jury that will decide the awards among the selected short films will be composed of professional people from the field of film making. The jury´s verdict will be final.


There will be 4 unique awards with monetary prizes on behalf of the Film Festival:

1st Prize “FARO DE PLATA” award and €4.000
2nd Prize, commemorative plaque and

3rd Prize, commemorative plaque and

Award for the best Valencian short film1, commemorative plaque and

Aside from these prizes, the jury will also hand out commemorative plaques, without monetary prizes, to the following technical and artistic categories:
Best Director Best Script Best Actor Best Actress
Best Photography

Prizes are subject to Spanish IRPF fiscal retention accordingly by law. The sum of the prizes will be shared equally by the producer and the film maker of the winning film. For payment of the prize, documentation required by the festival´s organization must be in their possession before the 12th July 2024. If this premise is not met, the festival will not be responsible for
paying the prize.

The prize, in collaboration with C.I.M.A., will consist of a statuette and €500 handed out by the association “HUELLAS DE MUJER”, to the best short film directed by a woman, as part of the festival´s official section.
ADDRESS: Casa de Cultura – Plaça de la Cultura 1 03580 L’Alfàs del Pi (ALICANTE) TELEPHONES: 96 588 94 23 / 96 588 94 24
WEBSITE: www.festivaldelalfas.es
EMAIL: info@festivaldelalfas.es

1 Valencian short films will be those whose producers and directors come from the Valencian community



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