Cine East (0)

Крайние сроки

25 фев 2016
Позвоните для записей

15 май 2016
Фестиваль закрыт

30 июл 2016
дата извещения

29 июл 2016
30 июл 2016


Luckenwalderstrasse 3,  10963, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 35'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  35'<
 Любой язык
 Любой язык
Поделиться в социальных сетях


Фестиваль начинается: 29 Июль 2016      Фестиваль заканчивается: 30 Июль 2016

CineEast – Short Film Festival Berlin is a platform for filmmakers from Eastern Europe and the Middle East. From the 29th – 30th July 2016, we will dive into their world presenting short films that will make us ponder, laugh and discover. Be it fiction or experimental, the festival will showcase films from regions currently garnering most attention for migration. It is our mission to give voice to the particular and provide our audience with intriguing, diverse and creative films.

The festival is founded on the belief in film as a medium able to provide empathy. Through the well known language of film we can access what other peoples lives, minds or ideas look like. Be it an enigmatic visual language or a fragment of everyday life.

Submission guidelines:

- Filmmakers must be from Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

- The short films must not exceed a length of 35 minutes.

- All films must be uploaded electronically via link. If not possible, please contact the festival for further information on

- Filmmakers of selected films will be asked to send a link for download to the festival for the purpose of screening.

- Non-English language produced films must have English subtitles.

- Selected filmmakers agree to participate in the publicity for the Festival (including promotional/website material).



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