Festival de Cine Rural y Montaña de Cervera de Pisuerga ()

Крайние сроки

25 дек 2023
Позвоните для записей

01 апр 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

01 май 2024
дата извещения

14 май 2024
19 май 2024


Plaza Modesto Lafuente 1,  34840, Cervera de Pisuerga, Palencia, Spain

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 59'<

Требования фестиваля
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Национальный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2023
 Страны производители: Требуется
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  59'<
 Любой язык
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Festival de Cine Rural y Montaña de Cervera de Pisuerga
Photo of Festival de Cine Rural y Montaña de Cervera de Pisuerga
Photo of Festival de Cine Rural y Montaña de Cervera de Pisuerga
Photo of Festival de Cine Rural y Montaña de Cervera de Pisuerga


Фестиваль начинается: 14 Май 2024      Фестиваль заканчивается: 19 Май 2024

Second edition of the Rural and Mountain Festival of Cervera de Pisuerga.

This festival was born out of the need to give visibility to rural and mountain works. To value the natural environment from a rural, ethnographic, sporting and heritage value point of view.

Best Rural and Mountain Short Film Award.

Award for the Best Rural and Mountain Short Film of Castilla y León.

Award for the Best Rural and Mountain Director.

Best Rural and Mountain Director Award.

Award for the Best Short Film shot in the Palencia Mountains.

Rules of the II Rural and Mountain Film Festival, Cervera de Pisuerga 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th May 2024

1. Purpose
The Town Council of Cervera de Pisuerga together with Evenmedia Producciones announce the II Festival de Cine Rural y Montaña de Cervera de Pisuerga. Its aim is to promote short films with rural, ethnographic, ecological, mountain, adventure and nature themes under artistic criteria based on the script and filmmaking.

2. General Conditions
The Festival is open to fiction, documentary and animation short films, the theme being the rural world (its social, cultural, sporting and anthropological aspects), the mountains, mountain sports, heritage and nature. Those of a tourist or advertising nature are excluded.

Each author may submit as many short films as he/she wishes. The registration fee of the Festival will be free of charge (independent of the cost of the Festhome platform service) during this year, so only the cost of the platform will be charged.

Participation is open to all Spanish short films produced and made from January 1st, 2023 until the final date for entries.

Films must be submitted in their original language.

Films whose original version is not in Spanish or english must be submitted with Spanish subtitles.

The maximum length shall not exceed 59 minutes.

A plural and qualified team of jurors will be in charge of selecting the short films that will be part of the competition. The result of this selection will be communicated to the contact person indicated in the entry form.

3. Entries
All short films entered must comply with the following rules:

The deadline for entries is 23:59 hours on 1 April 2024.

Entries must be made online through the "Festhome" platform at www.festhome.com, filling in all the compulsory sections. The participant will assume the costs derived from this platform.

On this platform, an account will be created and the video file will be uploaded with embedded english subtitles, in the case of works whose original version is not Spanish or english.

Those participants who, due to their geographical location and conflicts in the country, have problems with online registration may apply to participate in the short film competition by sending an email to the following address: cerveraescine@gmail.com

4. Selected short films, shipment and screening prints

The Selection Committee, made up of professionals from the world of audiovisual arts and the organisation, will be in charge of selecting the works for the different sections of the festival.
If a work is selected, the organisation will contact the representative to request all the necessary material.

The screening copy of the selected works will be sent within the period and in the form requested by the organisation. In any case, the sending will be on-line before 27 April 2024.

Technical requirements:
subtitles must be clean.
The corresponding dialogue subtitles must be attached in SRT file format, in Spanish
*.mp4 / *.mepg 4 H264 - Full HD resolution (1920×1080)
*.mp4 / Apple ProRess 442 - Full HD resolution (1920×1080)

Those selected should send to the following address: cerveraescine@gmail.com (if the material has not been previously uploaded to Festhome) Press Kit consisting of:
Poster and/or Three representative stills or photographs of the short film and a photograph of the director. The preferred format will be a digital file, 300 dpi, JPEG or Tiff with an approximate size of 10×15 cm,
Biofilmography of the director in a maximum of 600 characters.
Trailer (Link or File)

And complete the registration form that will be sent within the requested deadline.

Participants authorise the Festival organisers to use fragments of the selected works for broadcasting in any media in order to promote the Festival. Likewise, the Festival may use photographs of the short films and the directors in the press and other media, as well as for the preparation of the Festival catalogue.

The selected works will be screened in competition on the Festival's scheduled dates (from 14th to 19th May 2024) in Cervera de Pisuerga, Palencia, to be watched and assessed by the members of the assigned jury.

The selected short films will become part of the archive of the Festival de Cine Rural y Montaña de. Cervera de Pisuerga and private consultation is authorised for educational or research purposes.
Any work that does not offer the necessary technical guarantees for a good public screening may be rejected.

Participation in the Festival implies the authorisation to broadcast fragments of the works presented on Spanish television channels and on the Internet.

Copies of the selected works may be used in limited screenings for the selection committee and in the Festival's list of winners' exhibitions organised by the Festival, always for cultural and non-profit-making purposes, with prior notification to the producers of the use made of them.

5. Jury
A qualified jury will decide the awarding of prizes and trophies among all the short films selected for the official section. Their decision will be final.

6. awards
Best Rural and Mountain Short Film Award.
Award for the Best Rural and Mountain Short Film of Castilla y León.

The works eligible for the Castilla y Leon Award are those that meet any of the following criteria:

- Work directed or produced by a person born in Castilla y León.
- The production company is based in Castilla y León.

Award for the Best Rural and Mountain Director.
Best Rural and Mountain Director Award.
Award for the Best Short Film shot in the Palencia Mountains.
- Work shot in a substantial part or in its entirety in the Palencia Mountains.
In the inscription it will be necessary to point out that the short film and to prove this condition if the organization requires it.

None of the prizes outlined in the Competitions can be awarded ex-æquo, nor can they be left deserted.
The short films that have been awarded prizes must include the Festival's award in their credits in subsequent public screenings and in any medium.

7. Final considerations
Participants will be responsible for not infringing the rights of third parties linked to the production of the film entered.

Registration implies acceptance of these rules, as well as the decisions of the organisation, the selection committee and the juries. Any question not foreseen in these rules will be resolved by the festival organisers.

The organisers reserve the right, exceptionally, to admit works that do not meet some of the above criteria.

The organisation undertakes to ensure that the personal data belonging to the participants' data file will be treated in accordance with article 12 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD).



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