Festival Internacional de Cine Arte para Niñas y Niños (0)

International Children´s ArtFilm-Festival in Colombia

Крайние сроки

28 окт 2016
Позвоните для записей

15 ноя 2016
Фестиваль закрыт

30 ноя 2016
дата извещения

04 дек 2016
10 дек 2016


Calle 26C No. 4A – 22, Apt.202,  -, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia

Описание фестиваля
For Children
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Требования фестиваля
 Любая тема
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы 
Поделиться в социальных сетях


Фестиваль начинается: 04 Декабрь 2016      Фестиваль заканчивается: 10 Декабрь 2016

The Kaleidoscope Dreams Foundation invites national and international filmmakers to participate with their short films (animation, documentary, fiction stories, audiovisual in mixed media, music videos, audiovisual stories or poems) in the 9th International Film Festival of Arts for children .

Stories that benefit to children, to talk about children and their life experiences, their families and their relationship with the environment, animals and plants are sought. Everything from peace prospects who call the healthy development of each member of our human community and a harmonious and sustainable relationship for the future. Audiovisual that respond to questions where their dreams are shared and bring happiness to the hearts of our viewers: children and youth between 4 and 17 years, their friends and families.

The eighth version of the festival will be held from 4th to 10th December 2016 at the National Museum of Colombia and other spaces Culture of Bogota. This year, under the theme ANIMAL FRIEND, festival it becomes a celebration of life, will come to the inhabitants of Bogota, fueled by the dream of planting the joy of those who enjoy film and union of those who share with children of all races, ages, social conditions and capabilities.

Fundación Caleidoscopio de Sueños invites international filmmakers to participate with their short films.

We are looking for stories that benefit children, related withchildren and peace, their families and their relationship with the environment. Productions that answer their questions, where dreams can be shared and that bring happiness to the hearts of our audience: children and young people between 4 and 17 years, their friends and families.

This year the theme is "The magic of light".

Sending the list of dialogues in Spanish is requested, when this is not the language.



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