Taratsa International Film Festival (0)

Крайние сроки

19 мар 2018
Позвоните для записей

20 июн 2018
Фестиваль закрыт

31 июл 2018
дата извещения

22 авг 2018
26 авг 2018


2, Straitsa str. 14th km Thessaloniki-Nea Moudania, Thermi ,  57001, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 30'<

Требования фестиваля
 Любой Жанр
 Любая тема
 Имеет плату за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2016
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  30'<
 Любой язык
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Taratsa International Film Festival
Photo of Taratsa International Film Festival
Photo of Taratsa International Film Festival
Photo of Taratsa International Film Festival


Фестиваль начинается: 22 Август 2018      Фестиваль заканчивается: 26 Август 2018

Taratsa is an independent international short film festival based in Thessaloniki, Greece. It began in August 2014, integrated in the framework of “Thessaloniki European Youth Capital”. Its purpose is to create a framework for the promotion of independent short films from Greece and all over the world -by bringing the audience closer to the production and establishing a place and time for the substantial interaction and artistic expression between the creators- as well as to present films that are considered benchmarks in the history of cinema.

The 5th Taratsa IFF is composed of the following sections:
a. Wide Lens
The International Competition Section. Short fictional films by new creators from all around the world. Competing for the following awards:

Best International Film
Best Director
Best Screenplay
Best Cinematography
Best Editing

The Best International Film and Audience awards include a cash prize.

b. Student Angle
The Student Competition Section. Short fictional films, made by film students from all around the world. Competing for Best Student Film Award, given by a special jury.

c. Greek Scene
The Greek Competition Section. Short fictional films, produced in Greece or/and by Greek filmmakers. Competing for Best Greek Film and a separate Audience Award.

d. Parallel Screenings Section
Out of Competition section. Feature films, short fictional, experimental, documentary or animated films from around the world.

5th Taratsa IFF
Rules and participation regulations

1. Introduction
Taratsa International Film Festival is an independent international short film festival based in Thessaloniki, Greece, organised by the cultural non-profit civil partnership 360 Degrees. For 2018, Taratsa IFF will take place in Thessaloniki, from 22 to 26 August 2018.

2. Festival Section
The 5th Taratsa IFF is composed of the following sections:
a. Wide Lens
The International Competition Section. Short fictional films by new creators from all around the world. Competing for the following awards:
Best International Film
Best Director
Best Screenplay
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
The Best International Film and Audience awards include a cash prize.
b. Student Angle
The Student Competition Section. Short fictional films, made by film students from all around the world. Competing for Best Student Film Award, given by a special jury.

c. Greek Scene
The Greek Competition Section. Short fictional films, produced in Greece or/and by Greek filmmakers. Competing for Best Greek Film and a separate Audience Award.

d. Parallel Screenings Section
Out of Competition section. Feature films, short fictional, experimental, documentary or animated films from around the world.

3. Entry Conditions
a. Production of selected films must have been completed within the years 2016-2018.
b. The film must not exceed 30 minutes in duration.
c. For all the competition sections: The films must not be documentary, experimental, promotional (e.g. tourism), educational, scientific or animation.
d. Unfinished versions of films will not be considered.

4. Submission of films for preselection
a. Films can be submitted to one or more of the sections mentioned above.
b. Along with the official Taratsa IFF application, the submission must contain:
- The film (maximum 1920*1080 or 1280*720 resolution, in MOV, AVI, MP4 format, with embedded English Subtitles) or (preferably) a password protected streaming link of the film
- Two film screenshots in either one of the a.m. formats
- A summary in English of the plot (no more than 150 words)
- A picture of the film’s creator in 300dpi resolution
- Trailer of the submitted film (optional)
- Links associated with the film - site, Facebook or IMDB page (optional)
c. The submission and participation of a film in the Festival imply acceptance of the Rules and participation regulations. In any unforeseen eventuality, the decision of the Festival Directorship is final.
d. If a film was submitted and considered for previous editions of the Taratsa IFF, it may be resubmitted, if all applicable eligibility requirements are met at the time of entry for Taratsa IFF 2018 (see above).
e. Since the application and the film are submitted, it is not possible to withdraw it.
f. Submitters or creators may submit more than one film. Each film submission must be with all the required documentation.
g. The Festival reserves the right to disqualify-without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from the Applicant-any Project that is or may become the subject of any Third Party Claims.
5. Closing date and submission fee
a. The submission and the upload of the film must be completed no later than May 31st, 2018. Incomplete or misleading entry forms or documentation will not be considered.
b. Once a film has been submitted its submission fee is not refundable.
6. Selected Films
a. All films must be presented in their original language and, where this language is other than Greek, the file of the film should have embedded English subtitles or should be accompanied by an .srt file with English subtitles. Subtitling expenses are to be met by the Participant.
b. It is mandatory to provide the Festival with all the required documentation.
c. Any submitted film that fails to meet the technical requirement will not be considered.
d. After selected, the submitter of the film will be asked to provide the Festival with a protected streaming link of the film with embedded English subtitles (1920*1080 or 1280*720 resolution).
e. Along with notification, the submitter will receive a Τaratsa IFF Laurel.
f. Regardless of its selection outcome, all submitters will be notified of their film’s status via email by early June 2017, as long as each contact information is up to date.
g. Films selected to participate in the Taratsa IFF 2018 program will be considered as the most appropriate by Festival programmers in their sole discretion.
h. Selected films will be possibly additionally screened (screenings at the Festival’s or partner events), after the Organising Committee of the Festival has decided so and notified the submitter.
i. Due to the large volume of the submissions, the programmers are not expected to offer their individual critiques.

7. Festival responsibilities
a. The process of selecting and awarding of the submitted films will be conducted by an independent, qualified and objective jury.
b. The screening order of the selected films and the general program are determined by the Festival’s Organising Committee and will be announced online at least one week before the Festival.
c. The screening conditions of the selected films are up to the Festival’s Organising Committee to decide and execute.
d. For promotion of the entire selection and of each selected film, the Festival’s Organising Committee is allowed to use any photo or digital film clip (up to 3' in duration) online or through printed publications.
e. Publication writings are entirely at the discretion of the Festival.
f. The Festival accepts no liability in the event that its publications reproduce inaccuracies found in submitted material.
8. Official prizes and juries
a. The Taratsa IFF 2018 Juries will be invited by the Artistic Director and the President of the Festival. Persons directly associated with the production or exploitation of a film in competition may not serve as judges.
b. The Festival's Juries are composed of personalities from the world of cinema and culture. In specific, the Wide Lens Jury will consist of 5 (five) members and the Student Angle of 3 (three) members.
c. The Festival's Juries will award the prizes for their respective section. They will be announced during the Festival’s closing ceremony, on August 26th, 2018.
d. A number of Wide Lens and Student Angle awards will receive a cash price. In specific, the Best International Film, both Audience Awards and Best Student Film. The precise amount of each award will be announced by the end of May 2018.
9. Prizewinners
a. The Organizing Committee of the Festival will notify the submitters of the prizewinning films right after the juries’ decision and before their public announcement.
b. Prizewinners will receive their prizes by February 28th 2019.
c. Prizewinning films will be additionally screened during the Festival’s or partner events.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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