Slemani International Film Festival ()


01 Mai 2019
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

01 Jul 2019
Festival geschlossen

10 Sep 2019

01 Okt 2019
07 Okt 2019


Salm,  00964, Slemani, Asia, Iraq

Festival Beschreibung
Spielfilmfestival >60'

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Spielfilme  >60'
 Jede Sprache
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Slemani International Film Festival
Photo of Slemani International Film Festival
Photo of Slemani International Film Festival
Photo of Slemani International Film Festival


Festival Start: 01 Oktober 2019      Festival Ende: 07 Oktober 2019

The Festival consists of several sections, which accepts films shot in any format.

The International Cinema Section presents a series of feature and short films from all over the world.

International Competition

* Best International Feature Film

* Best Director

* Best screenplay

* Best Cinematography

* Jury Award

* Audience Award

* Best International short Film

* Jury Award

* Audience Award

National Competition

* Best National Feature Film

* Best Director

* Best screenplay

* Audience Award

* Best National short Film

* Jury Award

* Audience Award

World Cinema

The International Cinema Section presents a series of feature and short films from all over the world.

. Feature Films: narrative features from around the world with a
minimum length of 60 minutes.

. Short Films: the short film with a maximum length of 25 minutes .

Kurdish Cinema

The Kurdish Cinema Section presents a series of Kurdish films; Feature, Documentaries and short films, made in a Kurdistan Region, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria.

. Feature Films: narrative features from Kurdistan Region, Iraq, Iran, Turkey,
Syria with a minimum length of 60 minutes.

. Documentaries: documentary films from Kurdistan Region, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria with a duration of between 15 and 60 minutes.

. Short Films: the short film with a maximum length of 25 minutes.



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