Certamen de Cortometrajes de Crevillent (6)


21 Feb 2025
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

01 Mai 2025
Letzter Termin


07 Jun 2025

06 Jun 2025
07 Jun 2025


Carrer Llavador,  03330, Crevillent, Alicante, Spain

Festival Beschreibung
Valencian Community Short films.
Kurzfilmfestival 20'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Kontinentales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Januar 2024
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  20'<
 Jede Sprache
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Certamen de Cortometrajes de Crevillent
Photo of Certamen de Cortometrajes de Crevillent

Photo of Certamen de Cortometrajes de Crevillent
Photo of Certamen de Cortometrajes de Crevillent


Festival Start: 06 Juni 2025      Festival Ende: 07 Juni 2025

The Crevillent Short Film Festival, organized by the Creadores de Crevillent Association and the Hon. City Council of Crevillent, announces the guidelines for competing for the awards of its fifth edition, to be held on June 6 and 7, 2025.

The aim of the competition is to promote short films. Culture is considered a source of wealth, and in this sense, fostering local cultural offerings also contributes to the economic and local development of our municipality. In this fifth edition, the goal is also to continue encouraging the creation of short films within the local category, showcasing the municipality's culture and further enriching the cultural scene.

Geldpreise: 1,800€

The Jury will grant the following awards:

Vila de Crevillent Award for Best Short Film (fiction or animation, free theme): €1,000 and trophy.

Audience Award for Best Short Film (fiction or animation, free theme): €300 and trophy. If the Audience Award coincides with the Jury’s choice, the audience prize will go to the second most-voted film.

Best Crevillent Short Film Award for the best fiction, documentary, or animation short related to Crevillent: €300 and trophy.

ACC Award for the Most Creative Short Film: €200 and certificate.


The call will exclusively accept short films from the Valencian Community. To verify this condition, one of the following requirements must be met:

The director of the short film was born in the Valencian Community or resided there during the production of the short film.

The producer of the short film was born in the Valencian Community or resided there during the production of the short film.

The screenwriter of the short film was born in the Valencian Community or resided there during the production of the short film.

The production company of the short film belongs to the Valencian Community.

The works may be fiction or animation and of free theme.

All producers or filmmakers who own the rights to the works they present may participate.

The organization of the Festival may request documentation proving the residence or place of birth of these individuals, as well as documents proving that the production company is registered in the Valencian Community.

The works must be produced and premiered after January 1, 2024. The organization of the Festival may request proof of the premiere dates and locations to verify that the film meets this requirement.

The maximum duration of the short films shall not exceed 20 minutes.

Each participant may submit as many works as they wish. Each work submitted for competition must be sent on a separate medium and with its own registration form.


The competitive call will exclusively accept short films related to Crevillent. To verify this condition, one of the following requirements must be met:

The director of the short film was born in Crevillent or resided in the town during the production of the short film.

The producer of the short film was born in Crevillent or resided in the town during the production of the short film.

The screenwriter of the short film was born in Crevillent or resided in the town during the production of the short film.

The production company of the short film is from Crevillent.

The short film entirely reflects some aspect related to Crevillent or addresses a local theme.

The short film was filmed in Crevillent.

The main character is played by an actor/actress from Crevillent.

The works may be fiction, documentary, or animation and of free theme.

All producers or filmmakers who own the rights to the works they present may participate.

The organization of the Festival may request documentation proving the residence or place of birth of these individuals, as well as documents proving that the production company is registered in Crevillent.

The works must be produced and premiered after January 1, 2024. The organization of the Festival may request proof of the premiere dates and locations to verify that the film meets this requirement.

The maximum duration of the short films shall not exceed 20 minutes.

Each participant may submit as many works as they wish. Each work submitted for competition must be sent on a separate medium and with its own registration form.


The registration deadline is May 1, 2025.

Any film registered within the deadline established in these rules will be recorded as a participant on the Selection Committee’s evaluation sheet.

The organization assumes that the individuals or groups registering the works hold the exhibition rights of the works, as well as authorization to receive the prize in the case of collective authorship. In any case, the organization is exempt from any responsibility that may arise from violating this rules.

Films requiring subtitles must include them in either Spanish or Valencian, provided the original language is not one of the official languages of the Valencian Community.

Please do not register a film unless its participation can be confirmed. If a registered work is removed from a platform, it must be reported to the email coordinacion@certamencortoscrevillent.es before the registration deadline so that selectors can also remove it from their evaluation sheets.


A Selection Committee, composed of professionals from the audiovisual and cultural sector related to the Festival, will select the participating works based on artistic quality. Their decisions will be final.

The Selection Committee will consist of the Festival Director and three individuals linked to the cultural and cinematographic sector.

The authors of the selected works must send the completed registration form and usage authorization to coordinacion@certamencortoscrevillent.es.

The decisions will be announced from May 14, 2025, on the Festival’s website www.certamencortoscrevillent.es. Selected authors will be informed before the official festival schedule is released.

Selected participants must confirm their participation by replying to the Festival’s email and providing download links for the following materials:

A digital copy of the film with the following specs:
Max size: 3GB
File format: MP4 or MOV
Compression: H264
Resolution: FullHD
Audio: 48kHz, Stereo
The official poster of the work
A link to a published trailer suitable for embedding
The organization will determine the screening order for the selected works:

June 6 for the Local Section
June 7 for the Official Section
The Festival reserves the right to change the screening schedule if necessary.

Audiovisual works with significant technical deficiencies will be disqualified.

JURY AND awards

The Jury, appointed by the organization and composed of professionals from the audiovisual and cultural fields, will decide the winners for both the Official and Local Sections. Their decisions will be final.

The awards for both sections will be announced on Saturday, June 7, after the screenings of the Official Section and the winning short film from the Local Section. awards will be handed out on the indicated days, either to the winners or to representatives authorized to collect them.

All decisions will remain confidential until the official award ceremony during the screenings. Only the winner(s) of the Official Section’s first prize will be notified beforehand to allow them to attend the award ceremony.

awards may be declared void if the Jury deems it appropriate. The organization and sponsors reserve the right to withdraw a prize if inappropriate behavior is displayed.

The Jury will grant the following awards:

Vila de Crevillent Award for Best Short Film (fiction or animation, free theme): €1,000 and trophy.
Audience Award for Best Short Film (fiction or animation, free theme): €300 and trophy. If the Audience Award coincides with the Jury’s choice, the audience prize will go to the second most-voted film.
Best Crevillent Short Film Award for the best fiction, documentary, or animation short related to Crevillent: €300 and trophy.
ACC Award for the Most Creative Short Film: €200 and certificate.
Award payments will be made via bank transfer to the person or production company listed on the registration form.

On June 7, before the screenings, a voting method will be provided to attendees to select their favorite short film. While a musical performance takes place after the screenings, audience votes will be counted.


Participation in this Festival implies the transfer of the exhibition rights of the submitted images within the scope of the Festival. These may be archived by the organization if deemed appropriate and mutually agreed upon with the rights holders.

It also includes the authorization for trailers to be distributed on the Festival's website and other selected media.

The person submitting the work declares that it is their own original creation and is free from third-party claims.

Regardless of how the author, director, or distributor uses or markets the awarded work, the organization may reproduce the winning works for archiving or the production of a special DVD/Blu-ray edition featuring works from future Festival editions, with prior authorization from the author, director, and distributor.

If applicable, the work’s registration with SGAE or a similar entity must be certified. If registered, the author waives any rights collection for the public screening during the Festival.

The registration form includes a "usage authorization" section, which must be marked for all submitted works. Additional sections should only be completed by films that receive awards.


Participation in the 6th Crevillent Short Film Festival implies acceptance of all the rules outlined here, as well as the organization’s authority to resolve any unforeseen issues not covered in these guidelines.



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