Espiello, Festival Internacional de Documental Etnográfico de Sobrarbe (22)

Espiello, International Ethnographic Film Fest of Sobrarbe


02 Sep 2024
Call for entries

15 Oct 2024
Festival closed

14 Feb 2025
Notification date

28 Mar 2025
06 Apr 2025


Avda. ordesa nº 79,  22340, Boltaña, Huesca, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival >5'
Feature film festival 90'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2019
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >5'
 Feature Films  90'<
English Spanish
Spanish English
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Photo of Espiello, Festival Internacional de Documental Etnográfico de Sobrarbe
Photo of Espiello, Festival Internacional de Documental Etnográfico de Sobrarbe

Photo of Espiello, Festival Internacional de Documental Etnográfico de Sobrarbe
Photo of Espiello, Festival Internacional de Documental Etnográfico de Sobrarbe


Festival start: 28 March 2025      Festival end: 06 April 2025

ESPIELLO, INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ETHNOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTARY is organized by the Service of Culture of the Comarca de Sobrarbe (an institution that it groups to 19 town halls) along with a wide participation of neighbors of the zone who form the Permanent Commission of the festival. It is celebrated during March and April in Boltaña, a small population of the Pyrenees of Huesca (Spain).

Espiello is the only festival with this specialization in the country. It has an international competition of ethnographic documentary and some different sections out of competition and other activities whith topics related to the documentary and the visual anthropology.

Cash Prizes: 7,100€

• ESPIELLO prize, of two thousand four hundred euros (2.400 €) and trophy for the best documentary.

• ESPIELLO CHOBEN prize of one thousand euros (1.000 €) and trophy for the best documentary made by an under 36-year-old. (It will have to credit the age)

• ESPIELLO PIRINEOS prize of one thousand euros (1.000 €) and trophy for the best documentary on a mountain theme.

• ESPIELLO RECHIRA prize of one thousand euros (1.000 €) trophy for the best research project.

• ESPIELLO ARAGÓN TV prize of nine hundred euros (900€) and two passes delivered by the Aragonese Radio and Television Corporation.

• ESPIELLO BOLTAÑA prize of eight hundred euros (800€) and trophy for the documentary best voted by the audience, delivered by Municipality of Boltaña.

• "Guillermo Zúñiga" ASECIC prize (trophy) delivered by the Spanish Association for Scientific Cinema and Image.

The Comarca of Sobrarbe is organising the XXII International Ethnographic Film Fest of Sobrarbe to be held face-to-face in Boltaña (Huesca, Spain) from March 28 to April 6 2025 and the cycle Espiello baixo as estrelas during the month of August in several municipalities of Sobrarbe (selection of festival content in outdoor cinema format).


1- We understand the ethnographic documentary, in a wide and interdisciplinary sense, as the documentary productions whose prime aim is to display aspects relating to living and understanding life within a culture.

2- Any of these productions made after 1th January 2019, and lasting from more than 5 minutes and less than 90 minutes, may enter the festival. Works presented in previous festivals, or those made by people involved in the organisation, are not admitted; neither are those promoting tourism or publicity.

3- Each producer/director may present up to three documentaries.

4- Films will be submitted in their original language. Whenever the original version is not in Spanish, they must be subtitled in Spanish or, as an exception, in english


5- The call for entry is open since 2th September till 15th October 2024

6- Submission shall be done online through the platform FESTHOME, all mandatory fields must be filled and upload the video file with embedded subtitles and with download option. Those participants with a problematic online submission due to geographical locations and conflicts in their countries, may apply to participate in the film contest through the following email address:


7-The Festival Management will constitute a pre-selection Jury made up of students, professionals and experts in anthropology and/or audiovisuals, members of the Festival's Permanent Commission and residents of Sobrarbe. This Jury will view and evaluate the works received, being responsible for deciding the Official Section, based on criteria of technical, aesthetic and scientific quality.

8-The representatives of the selected works will be informed before February 14, 2025via email (This date may be extended according to the needs of the organization) and will have to send in the course of seven days the copy for projection preferably in DCP or another HD digital format, clearly stating the title, format, type of screen and type of sound and all the information needed for the catalogue (presskit, 3 frames, biofilmography, director's photograph and poster) and english subtitles, if it had them. The organization may exclude the work if this requirement is not met. Once the reference has been included in the catalogue, the film cannot be unilaterally withdrawn from the competition.

9- The organization will bear the expenses of accommodations and meals for one person per selected documentary from dinner on Friday, April 4 to lunch on Sunday, April 6, 2025. Whenever there is budget availability, a travel bag with money will be included in cash of up to 100 € for trips from Spain and up to 250 € from abroad

10-Documentaries selected for the competition section will take part of the file of the festival and the private consultation with investigation or educational ends is authorized.

11- The festival will not pay any amount to the authors or persons in charge for the works selected by the exhibition of the films.

12- Espiello Festival can create parallel sections with the non-selected material when it is considered interesting to screen during the festival, by mutual agreement with the corresponding directors or producers.

13- The festival will be able to screen the documentaries selected for the contest section in possible venues simultaneously to the festival during the days of the festival and in the cycle Espiello baixo as estrelas.


14- The following prizes will be awarded under item 2024.334022625 of the Comarca de Sobrarbe budget:

• ESPIELLO prize, of two thousand four hundred euros (2.400 €) and trophy for the best documentary.
• ESPIELLO CHOBEN prize of one thousand euros (1.000 €) and trophy for the best documentary made by an under 36-year-old. (It will have to credit the age)
• ESPIELLO PIRINEOS prize of one thousand euros (1.000 €) and trophy for the best documentary on a mountain theme.
• ESPIELLO RECHIRA prize of one thousand euros (1.000 €) trophy for the best research project.
• ESPIELLO ARAGÓN TV prize of nine hundred euros (900€) and two passes delivered by the Aragonese Radio and Television Corporation.

• ESPIELLO BOLTAÑA prize of eight hundred euros (800€) and trophy for the documentary best voted by the audience, delivered by Municipality of Boltaña.

• "Guillermo Zúñiga" ASECIC prize (trophy) delivered by the Spanish Association for Scientific Cinema and Image.

15- The jury will be international and consists of 5 prominent figures from the field of cinema, audiovisuals, anthropology and cultures designated by the organisation, with a quorum of 3 required. The jury reserves the right to grant prizes as it deems fit, as well as to declare a prize void. None of the prizes can be awarded jointly. Two prizes are not awarded to one person, unless the audience prize one and the AragónTV one.

16- In the festival, the organisation will grant several honorary prizes and the ESPIELLO AGORA X L'ARAGONËS award for the best audiovisual in Aragon held in 2024 which has its own call. The organization reserves the right to incorporate new prizes.


17- For the festival promotion, Espiello organization reserves the right to exhibit an extract not longer than three minutes of the selected films in the public media.

18- After the festival, Espiello may use selected productions in the festival for cultural and environmental programs, provided that the entry is free, informing the directors or producers or distributors of the place and date. Films not selected would be used for cultural and educational purposes only in municipalities depending on the Comarca de Sobrarbe.

19- The person responsible for entering the film in the festival must be authorized to lend a copy of the film by the production company and will accept the festival rules, as well as being responsible for the authorship and originality of each film presented, exempting the organization from all responsibility for the content of the same

20- By entering a film, you accept the conditions of these rules, which will be interpreted and applied by the organisation.

21-The festival may be held with a mixed formula, face-to-face and online.

22-The organization may modify the dates for justified reasons, informing the participants of the new dates.

23-The regulatory framework in which this regulation is inscribed prohibits discrimination based on sex. In this context, variable nouns or agreed commons should be interpreted in an inclusive sense of women and men, when it comes to terms of masculine grammatical gender referring to people or groups of people not specifically identified.

23- This regulation is published in english and Spanish. In case of doubt, shall be settled by the Spanish version



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