X Premio Fausto Rossano ()

10th Fausto Rossano Award for the Right to Health


06 May 2024
Call for entries

01 Sep 2024
Festival closed

01 Nov 2024
Notification date

29 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024


-,  -, Napoli, Napoli, Italy

Festival description
Right to health
Short film festival >1' 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 20'<
English Italian
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Photo of X Premio Fausto Rossano
Photo of X Premio Fausto Rossano

Photo of X Premio Fausto Rossano
Photo of X Premio Fausto Rossano


Festival start: 29 November 2024      Festival end: 30 November 2024

We accept only films about the right to health and subtitled in Italian or English

The Fausto Rossano Award Association promotes the eighth edition of the “Premio Fausto Rossano” that will take place at the end of October 2024, in Naples, Italy. The award commemorates the life and work of Jungian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Fausto Rossano, who died in 2012.

It is the purpose of the award to combat the stigma and prejudices that surround the many forms of psychic suffering and the importance of the individual person in the concrete context of his or her life by stimulating social awareness through the language of cinematography and dialogue with authors, professionals and experts of the field.

Winners will receive a sculpture created specifically for this event.

Art. 2 – Objectives and sections of the competitions

This call for entries is directed to authors of audiovisual works (fiction, documentary, animation, etc.) dealing with one of the many aspects of psychological suffering and/or mental health, with special focus on the right to health understood as “ complete physical, psychological and social well-being”.

The films accepted for the competition, both feature length and short, should emphasize the Mediterranean area and may be of national or international production.

The cinematography competition for the 10th “Premio Fausto Rossano" is divided into four sections:

A) “SHORT FILMS” open to films lasting less than 20 minutes, without distinction between fiction, animation and documentary, using special forms and language in dealing with issues relating to a person’s right to health as an individual and as a member of the community, according to the themes outlined above.

B) “LABS” open to films and short films lasting less than 20 minutes results of a laboratory experience in mental health centers, cultural and social associations, etc.

C) “STUDENT” open to films and short films lasting less than 20 minutes results of a film school or university project.

D) "FOCUS CAMPANIA" open to films and short films lasting less than 20 minutes filmed in Campania or directed by a Campanian director.

The committee will select audiovisual works with the intent of
• enhancing and promoting artistic works of social and ethical merit;
• disseminating information and stimulating discussion on the right to health;
• creating and consolidating a network of exchange and partnership with operators of the sector interested in promoting a continuous dialogue and in monitoring national and international conditions of mental health
• establishing an archive of audiovisual works and eye witness accounts and reports to be used for medical and social research and by students who wish to study and/or analyze the topic.

Art. 3 –Registration

Registration for the competition is free. Mailing expenses are chargeable to the addressees/participants. All candidates must specifically accept the regulations of the competition and must compile, sign and send the attached registration card to info@premiofaustorossano.it. (the card is also available on www.premiofaustorossano.it). The completed registration card is to be accompanied by the items listed below using a server for bulky files (such as www.wetransfer.com; www.myairbridge.com, etc.):

a) video in digital format in Italian or with Italian subtitles;
b) a trailer of the work (optional and lasting no more than 2 minutes), complete technical card, synopsis, director’s notes and appropriate informative documentation; curriculum and film history of the author; a photo of the author in jpg format or high resolution png;
c) written acceptance of the regulations of the competition announcement, signed by the author
d) written and signed certification by the author confirming compliance with all copyright formalities;
e) Secure mail, e-mail and telephone contacts of the author and/or candidate.

Candidates may also register for the Award using the online platform Festhome (the link may be found at www.premiofaustorossano.it). In this case registration requires the contribution of 5 euro.

Art. 4 – Terms and conditions of the competition and selection process

Candidates must submit their works, delivered and/or mailed (confirmed by postal stamp), NO LATER THAN 1 SEPTEMBER 2024. All works must have been produced starting from 1 JANUARY 2022 and must deal with aspects relating to the topics indicated at Art. 2 “Objectives and sections of the competition”.

Documentaries and short films will be reviewed and selected by a committee of experts designated by the associations and organisations participating in the Festival. The works selected for the “Premio Fausto Rossano" will be scheduled and shown, with appropriate publicity and promotion, following prior notification to the authors. Authors may send more than one work but only one selection will be considered for the competition.

Works produced or sponsored by commercial undertakings intended to publicize said undertakings will not be accepted.

Results of the selection will be notified to the candidates by mail and published on site www.premiofaustorossano.it. If no work meets the minimum requirements for acceptance the organization reserves the right to cancel from the festival program the section on the competition.

Art. 5 –Results of the competition and awards

The works selected for participation in the 10th edition of the “Premio Fausto Rossano" will be assessed by a Jury composed of directors, journalists, cinema experts and personalities of the world of culture. The names of Jury members will be made public by various channels of communication (press, internet, radio…). The Jury will award the “Premio Fausto Rossano” for each of the seven sections.

In order to foster the debate on the right to health, in cooperation with the principal Universities and Secondary Schools of Naples, organizers will publicize the event among professors and students to allow the subject of the competition to become a subject of further study and analysis.

Art. 6 – Clauses

Upon registration the authors and producers implicitly authorize the use and distribution of 90 seconds of their work to promote the Award. Admission to the festival implies granting the rights of reproduction of photography or excerpts of the film, at no cost, for a maximum of 3 minutes, to promote the festival with the press, television, web sites.
Copies sent for consideration will not be returned and will remain with the associations promoting the event to be used for educational and promotional purposes (as permitted by law and subject to the opinion of the authors/producers/distributors).

By registering with the “Premio Fausto Rossano” award, every author, producer or distributor will be considered responsible for the content of the works sent and will state that he/she has fulfilled all copyrights requirements toward third parties and will grant specific authorization for their use.

By registering with the “Premio Fausto Rossano” award, each author authorizes the screening of his work completely free of charge for the screening(s) scheduled at the "Premio Fausto Rossano".
The undersigned will be liable for the veracity of the data contained and that, in the case of selection, will be used to promote and publicize the Award (catalogue, internet sites, press releases, etc.).

The present regulations form an integral part of the registration and must be signed.

In the event of any disputes or controversies the Court of Naples shall have jurisdiction

Personal data will be treated in accordance with the requirements of Law 675 dated 31/12/1996 and subsequent amendments and supplements.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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