
Festival start: 09 March 2025      Festival end: 16 March 2025

The Festival de Cinema de Terror de Sabadell, celebrates the Sixth Edition of our Fiction Short Film Competition.

They have space for all the short films of Terror, Gore, Thriller, Fantastic, Science-Fiction, Dark Humor or Freak, in all their meanings and variants.

Cash Prizes: 500€

1st Official Jury Prize - 250€ and diploma

2nd Official Jury Prize - 100€ and diploma

Audience's Choice Award - Diploma

Cineclub’s Special Prize - 150€ and diploma



1.1 Participation is open on an international scope.
1.2 Any person who, at the time of presenting their work, is of legal age, or is duly authorized by their father/mother/legal guardian, can participate. In these cases, it is necessary for participants to send a written and scanned authorization stating their name, surname and ID (DNI or equivalent) as well as their father/mother/ legal guardian's - signed by them - to
1.3 Only one work per author will be accepted into competition.
1.4 The works presented must be fictional short films of one or more of the following genres: HORROR, GORE, THRILLER, FANTASY, SCIENCE- FICTION, DARK HUMOR or FREAK, including all of their possible definitions and subvariants. Any works presented that do not pertain to any of these genres will be automatically disqualified.
1.5 The duration of any participant film must be over 1 minute 30 seconds, and under 20 minutes (credits and title cards included).
1.6 Works must be presented in their original language. If said language differs from Spanish or Catalan, they must be subtitled in either one of these languages (Spanish or Catalan).
1.7 Productions without the tecnical warranties or provisions necessary to offer their correct projection (this includes a lack or poor quality of required subtitles), may be rejected or disqualified.
1.8 Short films produced before January 1st 2021 won't be admitted.
1.9 Short films projected in past editions of the Festival de Cinema de Terror de Sabadell won't be admitted.
1.10 The following incompatibilities impede participation in this competition in these cases:
· People directly tied or related by blood or affinity (family members until 2nd degree) to any organization member cannot participate.
· People directly tied or related by blood or affinity (family members until the 2nd degree) to any member of the jury cannot participate.

2.1 The competition officially begins on July 13th, 2024.
2.2 The inscriptions of the short films are done via the platform FESTHOME.
2.3 Participants can submit their short films until midnight, December 31st, 2024. After this limit date, no works will be admitted into the competition. No exceptions.
2.4 Participants must submit a copy of their short film in digital format (.mp4), in 1920x1080p or 1280x720p, and with video encoded in H264 or H265 and audio encoded in AAC.
2.5 The following documents will be required of all participants:
a) Poster and three stills or representative photographs of the short film in digital format (.jpg or .png) with an approximate size of 10x15 cm.
b) Photo of the director.
c) Curriculum (CV) of the director and scriptwriter
If these documents aren't included during the inscription process via FESTHOME, they must be sent to the festival's e-mail address before the limit date:
2.6 The festival will not be held accountable and will not respond for any postal, shipping, carrier (etc.) expenses or costs of any kind that may relate to the transportation, shipping, mailing (etc.) of the works that participate in the competition.
2.7 The Festival de Cinema de Terror de Sabadell organitzation members and its jury are the ones tasked with the selecting the works that will participate in the contest between all the submissios recieved via FESTHOME.
2.8 This selection of short films will be notified to each of their authors (or whomever is specified as a contact), also informing of the date on which they can make the selection public, which will not be before the Festival announces it.
2.9 The selected films will also be announced through the festival's own channels of communication. The Festival has priority for promoting the selected short films.
2.10 The selected films will be able to make their selection public from the date indicated by the Festival. In case of not respecting the date, and announcing the selection before this date indicated by the Festival, they will be automatically disqualified.
2.11 The selected films must provide the Festival with the short films with subtitles (if these are necessary), in the format indicated by the Festival and within a certain period. In the case of not complying with these conditions, except for duly communicated causes of force majeure, they will be automatically disqualified.
2.12 The short films selected will not be able to leave the Festival under any circumstances, once selected.

3.1 The jury will be composed of individuals with strong ties to cinema and other cultural industries and/or with a background, experience and insight in cinematography and other creative industries.
3.2 The members of the jury and the dates when each finalist will be projected will be publicized with sufficient notice before the festival's celebration through the festival's own channels of communication.
3.3 The selected short films will be projected during the celebration of the Festival de Cinema de Terror de Sabadell in one or more of the following sessions (these are guidelines- inclusion in other sessions may be considered): Monday Shorts, Wednesday Shorts, Friday Marathon, Saturday Marathon.
3.4 Among all the works projected, the following awards will be given:
a) 1st Official Jury Prize (awarded with 250€ and diploma)
b) 2nd Official Jury Prize (awarded with 100€ and diploma)
c) Audience's Choice Award (awarded with diploma)
d) Cineclub’s Special Prize (awarded with 150€ and diploma)
3.5 The jury's decision is unappealable. All prizes must be awarded- none can be declared as unclaimed. The jury reserves the right to award honorable mentions to participants (awarded with diploma).
3.6 All short films with catalan productions that participate in this competition are automatically eligible for the 'TAC Award', given by the Federació d’Entitats Cinèfiles Terror Arreu de Catalunya (TAC).

4.1 Participating in this contest implies all parties' complete acceptance of all of these conditions and regulations. If this were not the case in reality, all implicated participants would be disqualified.
4.2 Any eventualities will be resolved by the Festival de Cinema de Terror de Sabadell's organization members, according to their criteria.
4.3 The festival's organization reserves the right to modify these conditions after having previously notified all interested parties.
4.4 The authors of the works NOT selected for the contest, will not be informed, nor will contact be maintained, except to resolve any doubt that may arise, or in the exception contemplated in point 4.6.
4.5 Every work submitted will be incorporated into the Festival de Cinema de Terror de Sabadell's video-library. The festival's organization reserves the rights to use this submitted material (totally or partially) to promote the festival or for other, cultural and educational purposes, always nonprofit.
4.6 The festival reserves the right to project any of the works submitted (wether they end up being selected as finalists or not) at least one time throughout the duration of the year 2025 in any special projections/ acts/ activities (etc.) that the festival organizes - outside of the timeframe of the week the festival is held, but as a part of the year-round programming in celebration of this year's edition. If and whenever this situation occurs, the authors will be informed with sufficient notice.
4.7 In case of any doubts, do not hesitate in contacting the Short Film Competition e-mail address: