Festival Internacional De Cine De Granada - Premios Lorca (6)

International Festival of Granada - PREMIOS LORCA


26 Jan 2025
Call for entries

15 Sep 2025
Final deadline


23 Oct 2025
Notification date

21 Nov 2025
29 Nov 2025


Calle Gran Capitán, 25,  18002, Granada, Granada, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<
Feature film festival >60'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Feature Films  >60'
Spanish English
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Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Granada - Premios Lorca
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Granada - Premios Lorca

Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Granada - Premios Lorca
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Granada - Premios Lorca


Festival start: 21 November 2025      Festival end: 29 November 2025

Any individual or legal entity, whether participating individually or collectively, may take part without age restrictions. Submissions can include any audiovisual production in 4K, 2K, Full HD, HDV, or HD formats. Productions that have been previously screened or featured in other showcases and festivals are eligible. Submissions must have been completed during the current year or the previous year.

All works recorded in digital format will be accepted for all sections that form part of the official selection.

● LORCA Award for the best FEATURE FILM of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best OPERA PRIMA of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best ACTOR / FEATURE FILM of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best ACTRESS / FEATURE FILM of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best SUPPORTING ACTOR / FEATURE FILM of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best SUPPORTING ACTRESS / FEATURE FILM of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best DOCUMENTARY of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best DIRECTION of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best SCRIPT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best PHOTOGRAPHY of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best B.S.O. of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best ANIMATION of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best INTERNATIONAL SHORT SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best NATIONAL SHORT SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best ANDALUSIAN SHORT SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best GRANADINE SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best SOCIAL SHORT SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best SHORT COMEDY of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best ACTOR / SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best SUPPORTING ACTOR / SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best ACTRESS / SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000

● LORCA Award for the best SUPPORTING ACTRESS / SHORT of the festival endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos.Moreno valued at €3,000


The Organizing Committee of the Granada International Film Festival announces the competition for the VI edition and establishes the rules that will govern it.


1. The VI edition of the Granada International Film Festival - LORCA awards (Granada) will take place from November 21 to 29, 2025. It is an international festival, which aims to promote a specific space for the discovery, screening and dissemination of unreleased feature films and short films.

2. Any person or legal entity can participate, individually or collectively, without age limit, and can do so with any audiovisual production in 4K, 2K, Full HD, HDV, or HD format. The productions presented may have been previously screened or exhibited at other shows and festivals.

3. Each director, producer and/or filmmaker can register as many works as they wish. These can be made in any language, but must be delivered subtitled in Castilian Spanish.

4. The festival's theme is open and aimed at a general public; however, the theme and genre of the productions are free. Quality and originality will be prioritized as the main objectives.

5. The registration process is as follows:
The submission of feature films, short films and documentaries through online submission platforms to festivals will be done exclusively through the following platforms: festhome.com.

6. Registration to the festival has a fee of 15 euros for the short film categories, 90 euros for the feature film category and 60 euros for the documentary category. The deadline for registration and receipt of productions ends on September 30.

7. The Organizing Committee will make a pre-selection of the works presented, especially assessing the aspects highlighted in point 4 of these RULES. This decision will be communicated through the festival's official website and social networks with the list of selected works.

8. Works of an advertising or touristic nature will not be admitted, nor those that use non-original material in more than 10% of the total work. Works that do not have the necessary technical quality for correct display will not be accepted either.

9. The OFFICIAL SELECTION will be made public on the Festival website from October 2025 and on the festival's social networks. The works of the submitted works may remain in the possession of the organization, which reserves the right to use them as promotional material for the Festival.

10. The authors must ensure that the content of their work does not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties, and will exonerate the Organizing Committee from any legal liability.

11. The selected productions will be publicly screened during the days of the Festival, understanding that their authors or producers authorize said screening. In no case will the payment of screening fees be contemplated. Images from the short films and feature films may be used to promote the Festival regardless of the year. 12. A jury appointed by the Organising Committee and made up of a minimum of four people will decide the prizes, which are:

• LORCA Prize in 22 categories of the Festival, endowed with a statuette of Lorca made in bronze by Hnos. Moreno, valued at €3,000 each.

The trophies will be presented in November during the closing gala of the Festival.

13. The Jury will have the power to declare the prize or prizes it considers appropriate void, as well as to award a special trophy to highlight technical and/or artistic aspects of any of the works in competition. Its decisions will be final.

14. The production companies accept that, in the event of obtaining any of the prizes awarded, they will include a written reference to the awarding of the prize at the beginning of each and every copy of the film that they distribute for exhibition in theatres and/or audiovisual competitions, as well as in all printed information and promotional material.

This reference will consist of a text with the type of award received, invariably accompanied by the image of the list of winners provided by the Organizing Committee. The expense will not be borne by the Festival.

15. The closing ceremony and the awards ceremony will take place in November 2025.

16. It is an essential condition to receive the awards to attend the closing gala of the Granada International Film Festival (Granada). In the event that the interested party cannot attend, a representative may attend on their behalf and a video of thanks must be sent.

17. Any issue that arises during the Festival and is not contemplated in these RULES will be decided by the Organizing Committee. Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these RULES.

18. All information can be found on the Festival website: http://www.festivaldecinegranada.com.

19. The registration fee for the FEATURE FILM category is 90 euros, for the SHORT FILM category 15 euros and for the DOCUMENTARY category 60 euros.


Once the selection has been made, the producer of the work must send the following information:

• Digital photograph of the cover of the selected work in high quality in JPG format.

• Information material about the film.

• Biography, filmography and digital photograph of the director.

• Copy or download link of the selected work in DCP format
Failure to send this information within seven days of your request will result in the short film being removed from the exhibition.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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