Do Ut Des Film Festival ()


02 Dec 2021
Call for entries

10 Apr 2022
Festival closed

06 May 2022
Notification date

08 Jun 2022
08 Jun 2022


-,  -, Firenze, Firenze, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival >2' 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2019
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >2' 30'<
 Any language
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Photo of Do Ut Des Film Festival
Photo of Do Ut Des Film Festival
Photo of Do Ut Des Film Festival
Photo of Do Ut Des Film Festival


Festival start: 08 June 2022      Festival end: 08 June 2022

What is Do Ut Des Film Festival? Who is it for? Why this name?

Let's go in order...

First of all, Do Ut Des Film Festival is a fantastic container of short cinema; we are open to short films from all over the world (as long as they are produced starting from January 2019), whose finalists - selected by us in collaboration with Sentiero Film Factory - this year will become part of two "special categories" within the SFF 2022 (here for submit:

- MUSIC IN SHORT (video clips, experimental videos in which the images interact directly with the music are allowed)

- REMIX CULTURE_BALTIC'S WAY (includes films dedicated to the cultural exchange between Italy and the Rest of the World; this year the focus will be on Baltic Countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania)

Do Ut Des Film Festival is not just a nice word pun, but it wants to overturn the negative stereotype linked to the Latin phrase "do ut des": an expression often used to indicate the ancient - how not very edifying - practice of "exchange’s vote" within politics and institutions in general ... Is it a provocation? Maybe yes, but the only thing we are interested in trading here are your visionary talent and our ability to highlight and reward it as it deserves and then - why not – mixing different cultures and styles, because cinema is beautiful also because it is varied. Furthermore, since we are in Tuscany, we could not fail to pay homage to one of the characters who made the history of music for being the inventor of the tetragrammaton (at the root of the current stave), namely Guido d'Arezzo; who was the first in the year 1025 to line up all the notes of the musical scale starting from the UT latin sound (what we now know as C).

In short, Do Ut Des Film Festival is all this and more! We hope you will want to discover it with us by attending us in this new exciting adventure, exchanging good cinema and showing your many and fascinating visions of the world. We are waiting for you!

Cash Prizes: 300€


● “DUDFF Award” for Best Experimental Music Video (trophy and 300€ artistic contribution).
● Best Music Video (trophy) in collaboration with "SeeYouSound Festival".


● Best Baltic Short Movie (free participation to the next SENTIERO FILM REC, artistic residency in Florence)

- Short films produced starting from January 2019 that do not exceed thirty minutes can participate.

- Adult authors of any nationality can participate in the Competition.

- The Competition has two categories in total:

• MUSIC IN SHORT: videoclip; experimental videos in which images interact directly with music.
• REMIX CULTURE_BALTIC'S WAY: films dedicated to the cultural exchange between Italy and the Rest of the World; this year the Competition is reserved exclusively for movies produced in the Baltic Area or directed by Baltic Filmmakers from Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania.

- NON-Italian short films participating in the selection must be subtitled in Italian and/or - if this is not possible - in english.

- Up to three works for each author are admitted to the selection.

- Submission to the Competition requires a different fee for each entry deadlines of each entered work.

- The works received in the first phase will be selected to enter the final phase of the Competition at the sole discretion of the Festival Artistic Direction Committee.

- The notification for the request of the selected material for the screenings of the final phase of the Festival will be made in due time before the awards Ceremony by e-mail.

- As regards the second phase, the winners will be established by a jury of professionals from the Entertainment and Culture industry and announced during the awards Ceremony of the Festival. The jury's decision is final.

- Participants authorize the use of part of their works, up to 50 seconds or 10% of the overall duration of the film, for the purpose of advertising and promotional dissemination of the Festival by “900 Film” and "Sentiero Film Factory".

- The organization assumes that the participants have the full right to exhibit and promote the works and material presented and declines any responsibility for the violation of these rules.

- If your film will be SELECTED, the organization will request as follows; all must reach the Festival no later than May 1, 2022:

● Festhome entry form properly filled (under penalty of exclusion from the competition).
● Fill the credits related to Director, Producer, Screenwriter, DOP, Costume Designer, Set Designer, Editor, Composer and Sound Designer on Festhome.
● Screener link - VIMEO is recommended - available on Festhome.

Late deadline - April 10, 2022

awards Ceremony - May 25, 2022 in Florence. In the event of an extension of the restrictions due to the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the ceremony will be broadcast online in live streaming.

Participants authorize "900 Film" and "Sentiero Film Factory" (SFF) to use their name and address for all purposes related to the event, according to the law in force (n. 2016/679 - GDPR). The short films and other materials sent will NOT be returned, they will remain in possession of "900 Film" and SFF as part of the Festival archive.

Registration for the Competition and participation in the Festival imply full acceptance of these Regulations and for any exception not covered by these Regulations “900 Film” and SFF reserve the right to make definitive decisions.

For any other information you can write to the following address:

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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