EDITA Certamen Social Audiovisual ()

EDITA Social Film Festival


01 Mar 2024
Call for entries

26 May 2024
Festival closed

25 Sep 2024
Notification date

01 Oct 2024
31 Dec 2024


Alhóndiga,  18001, Granada, Granada, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 15'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 June 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  15'<
 Any language
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Photo of EDITA  Certamen Social Audiovisual
Photo of EDITA  Certamen Social Audiovisual

Photo of EDITA  Certamen Social Audiovisual
Photo of EDITA  Certamen Social Audiovisual


Festival start: 01 October 2024      Festival end: 31 December 2024

EDITA is a festival of short films for social transformation that aims, through audiovisual creation, to increase critical capacity, involve citizens in the promotion of rights and make viewers feel called and challenged to action for social change.

With this event, ASAD wants to get to know and disseminate new social imaginaries, look from other perspectives and approach non-hegemonic proposals that are committed to gender equality, cultural diversity and climate action.

This event is committed to cultural promotion and the diversity of artistic expressions while raising awareness and mobilisation on social issues and the 2030 Agenda in the communities. It is constituted as an itinerant edition seeking social participation in rural areas.

The contest “EDITA 2024” is included in the proyect #RuralizArte por los ODS: Fortaleciendo el compromiso del mundo rural con la Agenda 2023 a través de procesos culturales participativos of Asociación Solidaria Andaluza de Desarrollo (ASAD) funded by la Diputación de Granada

Cash Prizes: 600€

The prizes of X Social Audiovisual Contest EDITA are:

•Jury Prize X Certamen Social Audiovisual EDITA 2024 to the best short film, with an amount of 400 euros in audiovisual material of the winner's choice, and a diploma of recognition.

Audience Special Mention Award for the best fiction, documentary or experimental short film, with an amount of 200 euros in audiovisual material of the winner's choice, and a diploma of recognition.

The competition is aimed at individuals and/or groups who have made a short fiction, documentary, animation and/or experimental film on gender, cultural diversity and environmental sustainability from a positive approach that makes visible the dignity and the capacity for social transformation of people. In short, we are looking for works that promote and reflect stories or messages in favour of social change for a fairer, more equitable and sustainable world for all people.

Specific objectives:

To raise awareness and promote the 2030 Agenda, particularly on SDGs 5, 10 and 13, encouraging critical reflection and awareness through the audiovisual medium.

To promote the narratives and creations generated in the rural environment of the population of Granada.
Consolidate cooperative relations between public institutions, women's associations and institutes in Granada.


The participants could be collectives and authors whose works have been created after 1 de June 2022.

The short films must address social justice through the following themes: gender equality, cultural diversity and action in the face of the climate crisis from a positive approach that makes people's dignity and capacity for social transformation visible.

The works submitted must have a maximum duration of 15 minutes.

Subtitles in Spanish must be provided in the case of works that are not in Spanish.

The works must be submitted to the competition, after having read these terms and conditions, by filling in the following online form: https://forms.gle/TPh8ivR5Qv44kfE97

The works must be sent via an online link (with or without password) in HD quality. Any format and video platform from which the finalist works can be downloaded for their exhibition at the Festival will be accepted.

In case of including copyrighted music, the explicit authorisation or licence for the use of the music must be accredited.

5th point of the Código de conducta de las ONG de Desarrollo: https://coordinadoraongd.org/wp- content/uploads/2016/01/Codigo_Conducta.pdf

All creations with violent, sexist, racist or any content that violates fundamental rights will be rejected.


.International short film competition general section


• Works may be submitted between 00:00 on 1 March 2024 and 24:00 on 27 May 2024 (deadline for receipt).

The jury will select the finalists in both sections, which will be screened at the X Festival EDITA. The celebration is planned to take place in person in itinerant screening days in at least 3 municipalities of Granada and one day in the Filmoteca de Andalucía in the city of Granada. From this selection, the jury will choose the winning short film. The audience, by means of voting, will award the public prize.

The jury's prize will be communicated to the authors 10 days before the festival. The audience award will be announced immediately after the last day of the festival through an official announcement. The decision will also be published on the festival website, www.edita.asad.es and on the ASAD website, www.asad.es, as well as on their respective social networks.

The prizes will be declared void if, in the Jury's opinion, the works sent to the competition do not present a minimum of quality.

The selected short films must submit the following materials no later than 30 July 2024 s 00:00 h (GMT+2) :

Biofilmogram of direction and production (max 10 lines)
Technical and artistic specifications
Synopsis in english (max. 3 lines)
Director and production photo in good resolution
Poster of the short film
3 promotional photographs of the short film in good resolution
3 stills of the short film
Trailer (optional)
Making off (optional)


The Jury will be made up of at least four professionals from the audiovisual sector, cooperation and education for development linked to ASAD, local collaborators of the project (such as teachers, municipal technicians, political representatives and other relevant people from the associative, social, educational and cultural fabric) from rural municipalities in the province of Granada. Their decisions will be final.


La participación implica la aceptación de las bases:
The authors or collectives will be responsible if there’s any claim concerning intellectual property rights or image rights raised by people that appear in the videos.

By the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Organic Law 3/2018, participants give their consent for the treatment of their personal data in relation to the process of the contest.

Participation in this call entails the transfer of the exhibition and reproduction rights of the works submitted as well as the consent to incorporate the selected works into the archive of the ONGD ASAD for their use in different non-profit exhibitions and shows within the framework of its cooperation and education for development work.

Your data will not be passed on to third parties, except for legally permitted transfers, and will be kept for the legally established period. At any time you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation, suppression, portability and opposition to the processing of your data by sending a letter to the following address: C/ Alhóndiga, nº6 2-B, 18001 (Granada); or to the e-mail address asad@asad.es

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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