Festival de Cortometrajes Cine Chicú ()



05 Nov 2024
Call for entries

25 Nov 2024
Festival closed

26 Nov 2024
Notification date

06 Dec 2024
11 Dec 2024


KM 1.5 VIA TENJO LA PUNTA COSTADO IZQUIERDO,  250201, Tenjo, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Festival description
Short film festival >3' 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >3' 30'<
 Any language
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Photo of Festival de Cortometrajes  Cine Chicú
Photo of Festival de Cortometrajes  Cine Chicú
Photo of Festival de Cortometrajes  Cine Chicú
Photo of Festival de Cortometrajes  Cine Chicú


Festival start: 06 December 2024      Festival end: 11 December 2024

“Cine Chicu Short Film Festival”, organized annually by the “Instituto de Cultura y Turismo de Tenjo - IMCTT”, is an event dedicated to the exhibition of short audiovisual films that allows the public to approach and enjoy the creativity and diversity of cinematographic language, while providing scenarios for meeting, reflection and training around the audiovisual.

The fifth edition of the festival will take place between December 6 to 11, 2024 in an itinerant manner in Tenjo - Cundinamarca under the slogan “A crossing for the protection of life”, focusing - without being exclusive- on works related to the environment and ecology, which promote, in a creative way, the respect and care of ecosystems.

Audiovisual works will be received about free themes and genres between 3 and 30 minutes long, produced from 2022 onwards that have not been awarded in Cundinamarca, Colombia.

More information at: https://tenjoculturayturismo.gov.co/festival-de-cortometrajes-conectando-la-sabana/

Cash Prizes: 2,708€

En 2024, el festival otorgará los siguientes premios en metálico:

* Mejor Cortometraje Internacional: $3.500.000 COP

* Mejor Cortometraje Nacional, $3.500.000 COP

* Mejor Cortometraje Tenjano, $4.000.000 COP

* Mejor Cortometraje Juvenil Nacional: $2.000.000 COP

El jurado del 5to FESTIVAL DE CORTOMETRAJES CINE CHICÚ, UNA TRAVESÍA POR LA PROTECCIÓN DE LA VIDA 2024” podrá otorgar certificaciones a todos los cortometrajes diferentes a los ganadores de cada categoría reconociendo aspectos específicos.

The Municipal Institute of Culture and Tourism of Tenjo - IMCTT invites audiovisual directors and producers to participate in the 5th TENJO CINE CHICÚ SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, “A JOURNEY FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE 2024”. The festival is a public event regulated by Resolution 071 de 2024 whose full text can be found at the following link: https://tenjoculturayturismo.gov.co/wp-content/uploads/Resolucion-N%C2%B0-75-Apertura-de-convocatoria.pdf.

It is recommended to read the full resolution before applying.


* International Short Film: audiovisual short film works of any genre, with a minimum duration of 3 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes, created by directors over 18 years of age, foreigners.

* National Short Film: audiovisual short film works of any genre, with a minimum duration of 3 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes, created by directors over 18 years of age of Colombian nationality.

* Tenjano Short Film: audiovisual short film works of any genre, with a minimum duration of 3 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes, created by directors over 18 years of age residing in the municipality of Tenjo – Cundinamarca.

* Youth Short Film: audiovisual short film works of any genre, with a minimum duration of 3 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes, created by directors between the ages of 13 and 17 of Colombian nationality.


* Audiovisual short film of a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes in length.

* Short film works of any of the following cinematographic genres: fiction, documentary, experimental and animation.

* Productions made after the first (01) of January 2022.

* Completed short film works with a minimum resolution of Full HD 1920 x 1080 (with free registration format).

* Short films spoken or subtitled in Spanish.

* The short films can have any theme and, due to the focus of the 5th edition of the Festival, the approach to the general focus of the call for entries A JOURNEY FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE, related to environmental themes that promote respect, recognition, conservation and care of ecosystems, will be positively evaluated.

NOTE: The following will not be considered in the selection: commercial audiovisuals for brands, institutional videos, and television news reports.

The following may participate in this call:

* Natural persons, producers and directors of Colombian and foreign nationality, according to the specifications of each category (article four of chapter one)

* Legal persons, production companies and/or Non-Profit Entities that have the rights to promote and circulate the participating short films.

* PARAGRAPH ONE: Contractors, administrators and/or trainers of the Municipal Institute of Culture and Tourism of Tenjo may participate in the promotion and circulation of short films, but they will not be beneficiaries of any incentive or recognition.


* Opening of the call: November 3.
* Virtual socialization of the call: November 8.
* Closing of the call: November 25.
* Correction of documents: November 26.
* Publication of selected short films: November 28.
* Reception of screening copies: November 29 to December 2.
* Exhibition of short films: December 6 to 11.
* Award ceremony and publication of winning short films: December 11



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