in Kaufbeuren, Kempten und Immenstadt ()


13 Feb 2021
Call for entries

31 Mar 2021
Festival closed

20 Oct 2021
Notification date

19 Sep 2021
03 Oct 2021


Marktstraße 6,  87660, Irsee, Bavaria, Germany

Festival description
Short film festival 40'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2019
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  40'<
 Any language
English German
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Photo of in Kaufbeuren, Kempten und Immenstadt
Photo of in Kaufbeuren, Kempten und Immenstadt
Photo of in Kaufbeuren, Kempten und Immenstadt
Photo of in Kaufbeuren, Kempten und Immenstadt


Festival start: 19 September 2021      Festival end: 03 October 2021

Feature and documentary film, animation, video art and experimental film

The filmzeitkaufbeuren is an open author's film festival that is deliberately not limited to any particular genre, topic or format. Fiction and documentary films, cartoons and animated films, art and experimental films with a maximum length of 40 minutes are presented.

Established in 2008, the Allgäu Authors' Film Festival has established itself in Germany and beyond as a small, fine film festival with a top-class jury.

With contributions at a consistently high level, sometimes soberly intellectual, sometimes serious and serious, sometimes funny, provocative or weird, but always touching and profound, the team would like to stimulate the dialogue on socio-political influence through the medium of film.

Cash Prizes: 3,750€

Der Veranstalter kann folgende Preise vergeben: Hauptpreis (1500 €) und Innovationspreis der Jury (1000 €) für den deutschsprachigen Wettbewerb sowie der Demokratiepreis über 750 €, jeweils bei persönlicher Entgegennahme des Filmemachers oder einer Vertretung nach Absprache. Folgende weitere Preise über jeweils 500 € als Sofortzahlung bei Anwesenheit oder per Überweisung: Preis Internationaler Film, Dokumentarfilmpreis und Publikumspreis des Festivals. Die Entscheidun-gen der Juroren sind bindend und nicht anfechtbar.

Conditions of participation for the 14th festival edition

1. The organizer only accepts films from the production years 2019, 20 and 21 with a maximum length of 40 minutes.

2. The deadline for submission is March 31, 2021 at midnight. After consultation with the organizer, there is the possibility of extending the deadline for films in production. The judges' decision is final.

3. The processing fee for each film submitted is 5 euros, to be paid via PayPal. Submissions will only be considered if the fee has been paid.

4. Part of the fees will be paid out in the form of additional prize money. The organizer reserves the right to decide which of the prices will be increased.

5. A selection committee appointed by the organizer will decide on the admission of the films and videos to the festival. The order of the presentation and, if applicable, the choice of the venue is subject to the irrevocable decision of the organizer. Films that do not meet the technical requirements or that are discriminatory or inhuman are irrevocably excluded.

6. The submitter must ensure that the film has Austrian rights.

7. The supplied film stills and the film trailer can be used on the homepage, the social media channels of the filmzeitkaufbeuren as well as in the context of public relations.

8. The filmmakers present at the festival are offered the opportunity to present their film or video installations themselves at the public screening.

9. Commercial use of the contributions is excluded. Copyrights remain with the authors. The author bears sole responsibility for any copyright infringement of the films submitted. The submitter is responsible for the content of the film.

10. The organizer reserves the right to use films for public relations work free of charge in full length or excerpts for screenings, but only with the aim of presenting the festival or to present a timed show or for other activities, that are related to the festival.

11. The organizer ensures that the contributions are presented on technically perfect equipment. However, the organizer is not liable for poor film quality.

12. The Program for the Festival is set in the summer. The selected participants will be informed by the end of July and asked to submit their film in screening quality by mid-August.

13. Technical details: Frame rate: 24, 25 or 30 FPS | Resolution: 720p (1280x720, square pixels (1,0)) or 1080p (1920x1080, square pixels (1,0)) | Format MP4 or MOV (Apple ProRes and DCP are not accepted!)
Preferred format: Codec Video - h264 (.mp4), Codec Audio Stereo AAC
Attention: only versions without subtitles will be accepted for German-language articles.

14. Entrants whose films did not make it into the competition will be informed as soon as possible by mid-August. If there are delays due to the holiday season, we ask for your understanding in advance.

15. The shortlist selected by the jury for the main prize and the innovation prize will be fixed by mid-September. The filmmakers will be notified and asked that the director, producer, lead actor or a representative be present on the festival Saturday and Sunday.

16. The organizer can award the following prizes: main prize (1500 €) and innovation prize of the jury (1000 €) for the German-language competition as well as the democracy prize of 750 €, each with personal acceptance by the filmmaker after a meeting. The following additional prizes of € 500 each as immediate payment when present or by bank transfer: International Film Prize, Documentary Film Prize and Festival Audience Prize. The judges' decisions are binding and cannot be challenged.

17. In the case of an award with prizes and commendations, the sending of a video message is requested, which u. can be published on social media channels and the homepage.

18. The festival will take place from October 5th to 11th, 2020. The event is public.
Venues: Stadttheater Kaufbeuren, Rosental 6-8 and Corona Kinoplex, Daniel-Kohler-Straße 1 in 87600 Kaufbeuren

19. Filmmakers can be granted a limited travel allowance for participation in the festival. A decision is made according to the order in which the applications are received and taking into account the route of arrival. In principle, however, there is no entitlement to a grant. Application to Birgit Kern-Harasymiw,

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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