Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival ()


09 Feb 2021
Call for entries

31 Mar 2021
Early deadline

17 Jul 2021
Standard deadline

07 Aug 2021
Late deadline

07 Aug 2021
Festival closed

16 Aug 2021
Notification date

29 Sep 2021
02 Oct 2021


1029 S. 7th street,  19147, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 39'<
Feature film festival >39' 200'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 39'<
 Feature Films  >39' 200'<
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival
Photo of Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival
Photo of Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival
Photo of Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival


Festival start: 29 September 2021      Festival end: 02 October 2021

Philly's #1 alternative film festival.

The Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival (PUFF) selects 95% of its micro and short films. We have featured 30+ films in each of our 5 years, and work hard to showcase as many independent filmmakers as possible. More than just a "horror" film festival, each year PUFF includes an eclectic mix of features and shorts, including sci-fi, action, documentary, bizzare, drama and more.

PUFF was founded as an alternative festival to bring new and undiscovered films to cinema fans in Philadelphia. The festival has previously featured such notable films as Tragedy Girls, Witch in the Window, Happy Face, Antrum, and Karate Kill. We tout an excellent success rate for our selections, with 95% of our feature films from the first few years of the festival receiving independent distribution.

PUFF works to connect upstart filmmakers with distribution outlets by working with local independent film distributors, and to offer a place for filmmakers to gain exposure and network with as many industry professionals as possible. Filmmakers are welcomed to participate in our digital screening library to spread awareness about their projects.

All accepted films are screened at the 2223 Theater ( on our theatrical sized screen. The theater is located in the trendy neighborhood of Fishtown, known for its popular restaurants, bars and art scene. (Venue may change due to current state and city COVID restrictions).

Festival Director Alex Gardner offers a long history of film festival and horror journalism experience, working with other film festivals in the past such as Another Hole in the Head, Buffalo Dreams and the Bay Area’s SiliCon.

PUFF's aim is to grow into a multimedia experience where people can enjoy our great city while experiencing the best in new cinema.

Win the famous PUFF tiara for Best Feature and Best Short, plus awards and prizes for Best Local Film. Judged by a panel of industry professionals. Additional prizes to be announced.

BEST FEATURE (audience): PUFF Tiara (more prizes to be announced)
BEST SHORT (jury): PUFF Tiara (more prizes to be announced)

An authorized representative of the project being submitted must agree via digital signature that the film being submitted does not break any laws, and that all necessary licenses, royalties, release forms have been obtained. By submitting to the Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival (PUFF) you are granting the PUFF the right to screen any submitted Films twice during the scheduled Festival dates. You are also granting the Festival permission to use footage, stills and/or titles, and information from or relating to the Film for promotional purposes.

Films already available on home video will not be eligible for competition, but are still invited to submit to be screened out of competition.

New films that have recently had a festival screening in the city of Philadelphia will not be eligible.

Films that have premiered before 2021 are not eligible.

If your film is accepted you must capable of providing us with both a physical and digital copy. Filmmakers are responsible for all shipping costs. Physical media submitted to the Festival will not be returned. There is a $15 service fee for any films PUFF has to burn to physical media. Payments can be made through PayPal or Venmo.

Suggested film specs:

1920x1080 or 1280x720
16:9 Aspect Ratio
Audio Sample 48 kHz
Video Bit Rate, at least 5000 kbps
.mp4 container
Apple ProRes 422 or codec of similar quality

Accepted films will also need to provide images, one-sheet and downloadable links or files for all available trailers. Trailers will be uploaded to the official Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival YouTube page.

Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival reserves the right to change any rules or scheduling. All accepted entries will be notified of any changes.

Please make sure all physical copies mailed to the Festival are titled, and include running time plus contact information. Please also provide a brief synopsis of your film, genre and if you're a local or student entry when submitting.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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